What is breast screening?
The NHS Breast Screening Programme aims to detect breast cancers at an early stage, when they are too small to see or feel. Breast screening involves an x-ray of the breasts called a mammogram.
About the national breast screening programme
The NHS Breast Screening Programme offers free screening every 3 years to all women in the UK between the ages of 50 and 70 years who are registered as female with a GP. Around one and a half million women are screened in the UK each year.
How will I be called for screening?
The NHS Breast Screening Programme is a rolling one which invites women from GP practices in turn. This means not every woman receives her invitation as soon as she is 50. It will be sometime between the ages of 50 and 53. If you are registered with a GP and the practice has your correct details, then you will automatically receive an open invitation to arrange your appointment with us. We have 2 mobile units that each year visit 5 locations throughout the county so you should find one not too far away.
When booking your appointment with our admin team please let us know if you would like to have your mobile number added to the system and to notify us of any changes to your contact details so that we have the most up to date information for you. When you are called for screening, a text message service will send you appointment reminders and any cancellation information.
What happens if I am under 50 or over 70?
Breast Screening commences at age 50. If you are under 50 or have a breast concern, please seek advice from your GP.
Over 70's are still eligible for breast screening free of charge on the NHS, as this age group are still at risk of breast cancer. The only difference is you are required to make your own appointment at 3 yearly intervals by contacting the Cambridge Breast Unit on 01223 217627.