Acute medicine
Acute Medicine specialises in adult patients who present in hospital as emergencies with a wide range of medical conditions and diagnoses. Acute Medicine doctors will assess, diagnose and treat adult patients with urgent medical needs.
The Medical Assessment Unit (MAU) is comprised of wards EAU3 and EAU4 where the Acute team will assess and treat patients. The MAU consists of 30 chairs on EAU3 and 26 trolleys on EAU4. A medical team will be present 24/7 with a medical consultant resident between the hours of 08:00 and 22:00 as well as being available on-call outside of these hours.
Patients may be referred to MAU from multiple pathways including being streamed from the Emergency Department, by specialty consultants, the GP Liaison (GPL) and other outpatient clinical areas.
After the medical assessment is complete, patients will either be discharged or if a decision is taken for a patient to be admitted they will wait in the MAU until a suitable bed allocation is found.
Find out more about EAU3 and EAU4 on our website.
Medical Short Stay Unit
Ward EAU5 is Acute’s Medical Short Stay Unit made up of 26 beds. Patients who have been assessed in the MAU or ED department presenting with symptoms that require a short stay (less than 72hrs) will be admitted as quickly as possible to ward EAU5. Every patient admitted to the ward will be seen by an Acute consultant and have a clear medical plan. Once discharged, a copy of the discharge summary will be provided to the patient’s GP.
Find out more about EAU5 on our website.
Clinic 5 SDEC (Ambulatory Care)
Clinic 5 SDEC is part of the Same Day Emergency Care facility and supports the Emergency Department. Ambulatory Care pathways allow patients to be seen in one place helping to prevent unnecessary hospital admissions. Some patients may be asked to return for further investigations or treatments the next day.
General Medicine
General Medicine specialises in looking after adult patients who require treatment for a variety of acute and long-term medical conditions. General Medicine doctors will diagnose and manage conditions until patients are well enough to be discharged.
Ward G2
G2 is a 13 bedded ward which specialises in General Medicine.
Find out more about Ward G2 on our website.
Ward G3
G3 is a 27 bedded ward which specialises in General Medicine for patients with general medical conditions and complex health needs.
Find out more about Ward G3 on our website.
Ward T2
T2 is a 19 bedded medically fit for discharge unit. Patients are transferred to T2 once identified as medically fit for discharge and are awaiting further discharge plans prior to going home.