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Abdominal aortic aneurysm screening

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The NHS Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Screening Programme (AAA screening) aims to reduce deaths from ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms through early detection, appropriate monitoring and treatment.

How to get a scan

Men in their 65th year are automatically invited for an ultrasound scan.

What is an abdominal aortic aneurysm?

The aorta is the main blood vessel that supplies blood to your body. It runs from your heart down through your chest and abdomen. In some people, as they get older, the wall of the aorta in the abdomen can become weak. It can then start to expand and form an abdominal aortic aneurysm. The condition is most common in men aged 65 and over.

Are they serious?

Large aneurysms are rare but can be very serious. As the wall of the aorta stretches it becomes weaker and can burst, causing internal bleeding. Around 85 out of 100 people die when an aneurysm bursts. An aorta which is only slightly larger than normal is not dangerous. However it is still important to know about it so that we can check if the aneurysm is getting bigger. If you have an aneurysm you will not usually notice any symptoms. This means you cannot tell if you have one, will not feel any pain and will not probably notice anything different. We offer screening so we can find aneurysms early and monitor or treat them. This greatly reduces the chances of the aneurysm causing serious problems.

How common is the condition?

Around 1 in 92 men who are screened have an abdominal aortic aneurysm.

Who is at risk?

Men are 6 times more likely to have a AAA than women, which is why women are not offered screening. The chance of having an aneurysm increases with age. Your chance of having a AAA can also increase if:

  • you are or have ever been a smoker
  • you have high blood pressure
  • your brother, sister or parent has, or has had, an abdominal aortic aneurysm

However, any trans woman will have the same risk as a man and should consider accessing screening. Individuals registered with a GP as male are automatically invited for an ultrasound scan. Trans women registered with a GP as female can request a scan by contacting us directly on the contact details below.

What to do if you haven't received an invite

If you, or a family member or friend, are male and over the age of 65 and have not yet been screened you can refer yourself into the screening programme by contacting our office 01223 256909.

  1. We will take your name and address and send out a self-referral pack which includes an explanation leaflet and a form to fill out.
  2. Complete form and send it back to:
    Cambridge University Hospitals - Addenbrooke's Hospital
    Box 288,
    ATC Level 5,
    Hills Road,
    Cambridge CB2 0QQ
  3. We will send you an appointment by letter within eight weeks of receiving your completed form.

The screening programme is based at Addenbrooke’s Hospital within the Addenbrooke’s Treatment Centre on Level 5, however scans across the Cambridgeshire, Peterborough and West Suffolk region in selected GP surgeries, community hospitals and health centres.

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