I find it extremely rewarding to be able to make a difference (even if only small) to someone’s experience, especially given a cancer diagnosis is always life-changing for patients and those around them.

The role of the lung cancer clinical nurse specialist is to provide expert support to lung cancer patients and their families throughout their journey - from the point of suspected diagnosis, through the diagnostic process towards the different types of treatments (apart from surgery, which is undertaken at Royal Papworth Hospital) and/or supportive care.
I am very passionate about oncology nursing, and I have worked in this area throughout most of my career. I find it extremely rewarding to be able to make a difference (even if only small) to someone’s experience, especially given a cancer diagnosis is always life-changing for patients and those around them.
I see us as problem solvers and often a lot of “detective work” is required to fulfil our role.
Unlike other Oncology CNS’s, the lung cancer nurses are involved in the whole cancer pathway and we work alongside Respiratory Medicine to diagnose lung cancer as early as possible.
A significant part of our job and responsibilities is not visible to patients, families and other healthcare professionals (even within Oncology). I see us as problem solvers and often a lot of “detective work” is required to fulfil our role.
I am Portuguese, and moved from Lisbon to the UK in 2014 looking for an opportunity to develop my career – I am very pleased with this decision and consider Cambridge to be my home.