A Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) supports patients with their care and wellbeing and this role is particularly important to patients with cancer. In the second annual National Cancer CNS Day, we are celebrating some of the CNS's working at CUH and hearing more about how their work has an impact with patients.

Amy Austin - Clinical Nurse Specialist - Gynae-oncology
Amy Austin shares how important the cervical smear screening programme is, how she tries to put patients at ease and the knowledgeable team she works with at CUH.

Nyarai Chinyama - Clinical Nurse Specialist - Upper gastro-intestinal (GI)
Nyarai Chinyama describes her hugely rewarding work as a CNS

Joanna Rowley - Lead Nurse - Cambridge Breast Unit
Joanna Rowley shares her journey on becoming the Lead Nurse of the Cambridge Breast Unit and an insight into her role

Tiago Verissimo - Clinical Nurse Specialist - Lung Cancer
Tiago explains why he loves working as a CNS

Luminita Keating - Clinical Nurse Specialist - CAR-T cell therapy
Luminita shares what it is like to be the CNS for the first use of CAR-T cell therapy in the region