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Macmillan Head and Neck Clinical Nurse Specialist Team

We are a team of four nurses who have specialist skills within ear, nose and throat, maxillo-facial, plastic surgery and oncology, which we use to support patients diagnosed with a cancer in the head and neck region.

Karen Atkinson, Ellen O’Malley, Dudu Ngwenya and Vikki Mayes

We meet these patients from diagnosis and support throughout their journey including surgical operations and oncological treatments including radiotherapy, chemotherapy and immunotherapy.

We have a background of surgical nursing with extensive training and experience in the areas that can cause complications in patients with a head and neck cancer such as breathing, swallowing, communication, bleeding, body image and psychological needs. Dudu has worked for many years within the oncology setting, including the oncology day unit and trials.

We enjoy feeling that we make a difference to these individuals and their families by trying to ensure they have a smooth and timely pathway during their cancer journey.

Our days can be very varied and at times unpredictable with emergency situations. We take an active role in triaging the suspected cancer referrals to the head and neck service, attendance and support at the weekly head and neck multi-discplinary team meeting (MDT) with the surgical, oncology, radiology and pathology clinicians and allied health professionals (AHPS).

We provide teaching to wards/teams within the hospital and to external teams. We support a range of clinics and run a CNS/SLT led laryngectomy clinic.

We enjoy being part of the CUH family and pride ourselves on being a part of a regional specialist treatment centre.

We would whole heartedly encourage cancer nurses who are wanting to develop into cancer specialist nurses. It is a job that can be so rewarding and fulfilling.