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My CUH Story - Trish Marchant

Trish is head of engineering services at CUH. The team is part of our capital, estates and facilities management team who play a critical role across our hospitals.

Trish Marchant at a desk with sound equipment behind her

Hi, I'm Trish. I'm the head of engineering services at CUH.

I lead a team of specialist engineers that look after all mechanical and electrical services throughout the Trust – everything from drains to the ventilation systems on the roof, the piped medical gas to the nurse call systems, the lifts to the basics of power supply and water.

What do you enjoy most about your role?

I love that all my team and colleagues are committed to providing the best possible experience for patients, visitors and staff.

Tell us a bit about your CUH journey

I joined CUH in March 2015, as senior electrical engineer, and started in my current role in 2018.

In engineering services, we aim to be unnoticed, not because we're shy but because that means the CUH family are able to get on with the business as usual, delivering care to our patients.

What does a usual day look like?

Start with a quick catch up with the engineers to check that all is in hand, if there are any urgent issues which need to be resolved, and a look ahead for the day. After that, there is the round of email checking, bronze call for capital, estates and facilities management, compliance reviews, engineering project support, and ensuring that engineering infrastructure services are running smoothly.

I am an authorised person for the Trust for management of ventilation and electrical systems. We have authorised persons for all of the engineering services to ensure specialist knowledge to keep them up to standard, and to ensure that any works on the systems are carried out safely and in a managed way.

How do you feel your role benefits our patients?

In engineering services, we aim to be unnoticed, not because we're shy but because that means the CUH family are able to get on with the business as usual, delivering care to our patients.

How are you involved in other CUH activities outside of the department?

I am proud to be a volunteer at CUH, and I'm a DJ on Radio Addenbrooke’s (6-7 pm on a Tuesday evening- have a listen in if you can!) All the best tunes played and requests taken!