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Sara - Interim Professional Lead Occupational Therapy

I really love my role especially when I am able to promote OT and the fantastic things we can do with patients.

What’s your role in our organisation?

Interim professional lead occupational therapy

Tell us a bit about your CUH journey – when did you join, what positions have you held here?

I was late joining the occupational therapy family and started my training part time at Northampton University over 4 years in my early 40’s. I had previously worked in NatWest Bank as a deputy manager in London.

The 4 years at university where difficult as I also worked 2 days per week plus had 3 children under 11 to look after.

I joined Peterborough hospital after I graduated and stayed there 18 months before I started with CUH as a band 6. My first position was in the neuro team which I enjoyed however moved after 3 months due to rotations.

As a band 6 I worked in orthopaedics, medicine and stroke before I was promoted to the band 7 team lead of the orthopaedics team. I loved orthopaedics as I enjoyed the fast pace, quick decision making and also the education side with the patients.

After 3 years I was lucky to secure the position as the clinical governance lead for the department which I also enjoyed. Being exposed to the wider workings of the Trust and NHS has been really interesting.

Another 3 years elapsed and I applied and was successful in securing the interim lead for the occupational therapy department in April 2020.

This role has been not only the hardest but also the most rewarding and I have tried hard to promote the role of occupational therapy both internally and externally as much as possible.

Covid gave the department the opportunities to try different things and ways of working.

What do you enjoy most about your role?

I really love my role especially when I am able to promote OT and the fantastic things we can do with patients. I enjoy enabling others to take leadership of projects as I find that those who are involved have a better understanding and knowledge of how to change things. I enjoy encouraging others to do things differently and learn from this.

What advice would you give to someone who is starting their AHP career journey?

Occupational therapy is a fantastic career and is one of the only careers that you can work across the whole lifespan of someone’s life. There is also so many opportunities where the skills of OT can be used which gives you an opportunity to work in lots of different work sectors.