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Bianca - Rotational Occupational Therapist

Meet Bianca who joined CUH during the Covid lockdowns and read about her journey to becoming a AHP at CUH.

Tell us a bit about your CUH journey – when did you join, what positions have you held here?

I joined mid-pandemic, I actually interviewed for CUH the first week of lockdown!

I joined as a rotational band 5 and 6 months later I applied for the band 6 role. I have worked in the surgery and oncology, orthopedic and hand therapy teams. I also do bank shifts for EIT and stroke.

Bianca AHP day 2022
My special moment – After 10 months of therapy, my high spectrum ASD patient who never interacted with anyone or anything, finally put down his strings (shown next to him) and sat by me to play with the blocks for 10minutes straight. This is the most interaction his family or I had seen from this 6 year old in his whole life and it stays one of my proudest and happiest moments.

I did more research and learned about the scope of OT in relation to hand therapy, spinal rehab and neuro rehab and I was hooked!

I initially found occupation therapy (OT) when I was still in school struggling with what I should study in university. I attending a family party and spent the evening looking after two young children and the next morning, expressed my observations about the interactions between the autistic child and the young girl who was her friend.

A family friend mentioned OT but I wasn’t interested in working with children and remedial skills – but I did more research and learned about the scope of OT in relation to hand therapy, spinal rehab and neuro rehab and I was hooked!

What do you enjoy most about your role?

My favourite thing is when I help a patient figure out how to do something again – that moment of realisation when they look at me because ‘they did it’.

It’s always so rewarding to be able to help a patient regain their independence or ability to engage in their daily activities.

What advice would you give to someone who is starting their AHP career journey?

It’s often a thankless job – find your reason for why you do it. Whether it is in the small accomplishments, the small conversations, the small wins or the short but meaningful interactions. Treasure those moments!