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You Made a Difference - August to September 2020

A kind and approachable staff nurse who is a gifted baker; an enthusiastic play team nursery nurse who always goes above and beyond for her patients and their families; a staff bank health care assistant who boosts morale and supports junior staff; and a passionate and dedicated health care assistant who lights up the room, are the winners of August to September’s You Made a Difference awards.

Jomar is stood on a ward wearing his uniform and a surgical mask
Jomar Maxion – staff nurse, oncology

Jomar Maxion has been a staff nurse on Ward D9 since May 2019.

Jomar is an incredibly competent, skilled nurse and an absolute delight to work with. He is very kind to his colleagues and indeed everyone he meets.

As well as being knowledgeable and an excellent nurse, he has been kind and approachable and helped the junior doctors to settle in at the Nuffield. He is extremely generous and bakes for his colleagues on an almost daily basis - he is a very gifted baker, and his treats are very much appreciated by the doctors and nurses here!

Jomar is shortly due to move on to a band 6 secondment role as a lung CNS support nurse, and we wish him all the very best.

Victoria is wearing her Play Team Nursery Nurse polo shirt and is stood near some children's toys
Victoria Riddleston – nursery nurse, ward C3

Vicky Riddleston is a play team nursery nurse based on ward C3, a role she started in 2018.

She is responsible for delivering play to support the development of the babies and children on ward C3.

Vicky is incredible at her job as a nursery nurse, always going above and beyond for her patients and their families. She was so adored by a family of a baby who sadly passed away last year that she was specially mentioned by name in the baby's eulogy at the funeral as having brightened their lives and having made a huge difference to their hospital stay.

Through play, children are able to develop and cope with being in hospital. Everything she does is done with a smile and she is always enthusiastic and demonstrates her passion for play and care for children every day.

Helen is wearing her uniform and a surgical mask and is wheeling some portable equipment across the ward
Helen Smith – healthcare assistant, staff bank

Helen Smith has been registered with the staff bank since February 2000 and, although she is bank only now, she has also undertaken permanent posts with the Trust during this time.

Helen is a flexible worker who is willing to work throughout the Trust - as an example, Helen has worked in 28 different areas during the last 12 months!

Helen had booked an early bank shift on ward J3 and was optimistic, polite, kind and realistic. She was hardworking, prioritising her own workload effectively and supporting junior staff in their roles, boosting morale and bringing energy and humour to the day also. I cannot thank her enough for the work she has done today.

Lily is sitting on an armchair, wearing her uniform and grinning, holding her You Made a Difference certificate
Lily Ziegler – healthcare assistant, ward C9

Lily always goes above and beyond to help her patients and colleagues, ensuring her own responsibilities are met while offering her help to others in need. Her passion and dedication empowers those around her to continue to provide kind, safe and excellent care.

Every day that Lily comes into work she lights up the room. She constantly strives to give the best care possible. She helps educate our patients on sexual health and feeling confident in their bodies and appearance. Every time I work with Lily she reminds me of why I wanted to be a nurse.

It has been a pleasure watching her grow and develop over the past year and she continues to inspire others to be the best we can, even when we are challenged during these ever changing times.