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You Made A Difference team award - March 2024

The March You Made a Difference team award goes to a team who go the extra mile to help patients and colleagues – our portering services team.

YMAD March 2024 Team winners - Portering Services

Portering services at CUH is made up of 115 members of staff and consists of four rotary teams and two day portering teams. Between them the teams cover six separate shift patterns and support areas as varied as the vascular access unit, endoscopy, various wards, the emergency department and the Rosie.

The portering services team is responsible for transporting patients, specimens, medical equipment and medical gases all across the CUH site. They also respond to security incidents, crash calls and fire alarms, as well as a number of other special duties such as delivering to-take-out medicines.

The team are proud of their high staff retention rates. They have a number of staff with more than 30 years of service and are even celebrating the 49th Long Service milestone of one colleague this year!

The team always go the extra mile to complete transfers and show great commitment to CUH.

The team’s professionalism and dedication is reflected in the winning nomination from a colleague, which highlighted the important role they played during the recent opening of ward U2.

The opening of the ward was reliant on a number of patients being moved and transferred between wards – the portering services team played a pivotal role in these ward moves, working beyond their usual shift patterns to ensure the moves were completed safely.