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Waiting times update - July 2023

We are nationally required by NHS England to contact patients on our waiting list every 12 weeks to understand their current situation and future treatment preferences.

Although you may have responded to previous correspondence regarding this, you will be receiving this letter as your previous contact was more than 12 weeks ago.

Patients on our waiting list are being contacted via text message and postal letter as part of our work to reduce the delays caused by the pandemic. We are asking them to let us know their preference regarding their appointments or procedures. By reviewing our waiting list and gathering this information we can ensure we understand your most up-to-date medical needs, while we prioritise care for our most clinically urgent patients. The SMS text message will show in your messages as CUH.NHS.UK. In the message, patients will receive a unique 4-digit pin. We’ll ask you to enter the pin and your date of birth so that you can log in and complete a short survey. If you haven’t responded within 48 hrs you will receive a text reminder. Please be aware the link will only be valid for 4 days from when the initial text message was sent.

If we do not have a contact number for you or you do not respond to the online survey, a postal letter will be sent out to you.

In responding and completing this survey you will help us to reduce waiting times for our patients. We would like to assure you that:

  • Our communication will only ever ask questions relating to your care
  • We will never ask for bank details or make reference to money or payment
  • We will never ask you for your name or address
  • Our message will include a unique pin and we will ask you to input your date of birth only to log in
  • If you do not respond to the text message, we will write to you to complete a paper survey
  • A business reply envelope will be included to allow the return of the survey without any cost to you.