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Trust welcomes new non-executive director

Cambridge University Hospitals (CUH) NHS Foundation Trust has appointed a new non-executive director.

Ali Layne-Smith is an experienced human resources (HR) director who has worked in demanding and complex organisations in the private and public sectors. She has held senior roles at GE Healthcare and Johnson & Johnson, and she was formerly director of people and organisational development at West Midlands Police and director of people and culture at London Ambulance Service NHS Trust.

Ali Layne-Smith head and shoulders
Ali Layne-Smith

Ali now works as an independent executive HR consultant, helping organisations create inclusive working environments and sustainable cultural change.

Ali is a trustee of Oasis Community Learning (OCL), which is one of the UK’s largest multi-academy school trusts where she chairs a newly formed People Committee. OCL’s focus is on transforming education for children, their families and their communities.

Ali is also co-opted to the People Committee at “Kick it Out”, a charity established in 1993 in response to widespread calls from clubs, players and fans to tackle racist attitudes within the game.

Mike More head and shoulders
Dr Mike More

CUH chair Dr Mike More said:

We are very fortunate to be joined by Ali who brings with her a wealth of experience and knowledge at a time when the NHS is facing some of its greatest challenges. We are very much looking forward to working with her.

Dr Mike More

Ali added:

I am excited at the prospect of working with the board, staff, patients and partners at such an important time for the NHS. CUH has an international reputation for excellence, and I am delighted to have the opportunity to help build on that.

Ali Layne-Smith

Ali was appointed to a three-year term of office by the CUH Council of Governors following a competitive recruitment process.