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Trainee surgeon scoops coveted award

An Addenbrooke’s doctor who is in the final stages of training to become a vascular surgeon has been given a prestigious award for her research.

Dr Ellie Atkins
Dr Ellie Atkins is also a keen long distance runner

Dr Ellie Atkins, who works with the vascular surgery and interventional radiology teams as a British Society of Endovascular Therapy Fellow, has been awarded Hunterian lectureship from the Royal College of Surgeons of England (RCSE).

It is in recognition of her work on pathways for patients with chronic limb-threatening ischaemia (CLTI). CLTI is the end stage of peripheral arterial disease meaning tissues in the legs are not getting the blood carrying the oxygen they need.

She will give her lecture at the Annual Scientific Meeting of the Vascular Society of Great Britain and Ireland in Hull in November.

The Hunterian Lectureship is one of the most prestigious awards conferred by the RCSE, honouring individuals who have made outstanding contributions to surgical research and practice.

Named after John Hunter, the pioneering surgeon and anatomist, the lectureship provides a platform for recipients to present their research to peers and inspire the surgical community

Dr Ellie Atkins
Dr Ellie Atkins

Ellie, a keen long-distance runner who has previously run five marathons in five months, including the London Marathon, for The Circulation Foundation, said:

I feel very honoured to have been awarded a lectureship and the privilege of sharing my work with so many experts.

I am also grateful to the British Society of Endovascular Therapy for a six-month fellowship providing me with an opportunity to acquire more complex endovascular skills at Addenbrooke’s, and gain further experience in endovascular procedures.

Dr Ellie Atkins

For more information on the Lectureships visit Lectureships — Royal College of Surgeons (opens in a new tab)