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Our NHS 75 photography competition

Congratulations to CUH staff, Carmen Carrera-Bravo from Media Studio and Mihaela Wopato, one of our maternity support workers, who have been shortlisted in the national 'Our NHS 75' photo competition, in partnership with Fujifilm.

Carmen Carrera Bravo - photography competition Our NHS at 75
Carmen's shortlisted photo

Carmen Carrera-Bravo has been shortlisted in the innovation category.

Mihaela Wopat - shortlisted for Our NHS at 75 photography competition
Mihaela's photo

Mihaela Wopat has been shortlisted in the partners category.

The competition was launched by NHS England, in partnership with Fujifilm, to celebrate 75 years of the NHS.

It is for staff and volunteers to tell their unique NHS stories within five categories – to show what inspires and moves them, and to share the extraordinary diversity of their talents.

Mihaela Wopat - shortlisted for Our NHS at 75 photography competition Carmen Carrera-Bravo - photography competition Our NHS at 75
Mihaela Wopat - shortlisted for Our NHS at 75 photography competition
Mihaela Wopat
Carmen Carrera-Bravo - photography competition Our NHS at 75
Carmen Carrera-Bravo

Competition categories

Our People

From the nurses, doctors and other clinicians who care for us in our time of need, to the porters and cleaners who keep our hospitals moving our people are the driving force behind the NHS.

This category recognises the individuals and teams that make up who we are.

Our Innovations

Since 1948, the NHS has innovated and adapted to meet the needs of each successive generation, putting patients at the heart of everything it does.

This category celebrates innovation across the NHS in all its forms – from cutting edge treatments to pioneering ways of delivering care.

Our Environment

The NHS has more patients sleep in our beds each night than there are hotel rooms in London. The way our buildings are designed and used provides opportunities to support better patient care and staff wellbeing.

This category explores NHS grounds and buildings – indoors and out – and how individuals, teams and communities are working together to integrate sustainability into what we do.

Our Care

Kindness and compassion are at the heart of how we deliver care in the NHS.

This category will capture that core value – whether that is the care we provde our patients, or to each other as colleagues.

Our Partners

Every day the NHS is witness to extraordinary teamwork – a coming together of NHS staff alongside hundreds of thousands of volunteers, partners, charities and beyond.

This category is to celebrate the crucial role those partnerships play in helping us deliver the best possible care for patients.

And the winner is ...

Entries will be judged by a star-studded panel including This Morning’s resident GP Dr Ellie, award winning journalist Victoria Macdonald, eminent photographer Lewis Khan, Dr Habib Naqvi MBE, Fujifilm’s Theo Georghiades and Chief Nursing Officer for England, Dame Ruth May.

The winner of each category will be announced at a special event on Tuesday 4th July.