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Consultant Adrian is voted college president-elect

An emergency medicine consultant at Addenbrooke's hospital has been appointed as the next president of The Royal College of Emergency Medicine (RCEM).

Dr Adrian Boyle
Dr Adrian Boyle

Dr Adrian Boyle was elected after serving as vice president of The Royal College for Policy and previously chair of the Quality Committee for six years.

He will formally take up his post as president in October 2022 and take over from outgoing president, Dr Katherine Henderson.

The RCEM is an independent professional association of emergency physicians in the UK that sets standards of training and administers examinations for emergency medicine. The patron is The Princess Royal.

Dr Boyle will be the fourth president, but he will be the organisation’s seventh president since its inception as The College of Emergency Medicine, incorporated by Royal Charter in 2008.

He said:

I am honoured to have been elected by members and fellows of The Royal College of Emergency Medicine to be the next president. It is a privilege to follow in Dr Henderson’s footsteps, and I will bring the same passion and advocacy that Dr Henderson has brought over the past three years. I am determined to do what I can to keep patients safe and support emergency medicine staff. It will be a huge test with the ongoing pandemic and plans for recovery.

Dr Adrian Boyle

Dr Henderson said: "

It has been an honour to advocate for our members and the emergency medicine specialty in such trying times. The Royal College has grown substantially and is a leading voice in health, we are on the road to achieving great things. I look forward to seeing my successor, Dr Boyle, carry on the excellent work of The Royal College.

Dr Katherine Henderson

Other candidates in the election were Dr Ian Higginson, vice president of The Royal College and Emergency Medicine and consultant at University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust and Dr Martin McKechnie, former vice chair of Scotland and substantive consultant in Emergency Medicine in NHS Lothian.