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Celebrating long service at CUH 2024

Congratulations to this years long service award winners including Tracey and Teresa, who both celebrated 40 years at Addenbrooke's and Carmela Arroyo who says that moving to the UK and joining CUH was the best decision she ever made.

Tracey McClelland 'then and now' photos
Tracey McClelland

Throughout May we celebrated our longest serving members of the CUH Family.

Tracey McClelland has worked at CUH for 40 years! She originally trained at Addenbrooke's in 1983, becoming a registered nurse in 1986.

Tracey shared her story with us.

“I worked as a staff nurse and junior sister in medicine and surgery, then becoming the senior sister of the medical assessment unit. From there I became a matron in medicine, also doing a six month secondment into an operational role.

"I then acted up into the divisional head of nursing role in medicine before moving to the same role, but substantively, in division B when the divisional structure changed.

"When the division’s associate director of operations went on a secondment I acted up into her role, then when she left I was appointed to the role substantively.

"During my time at CUH I’ve been lucky enough to be supported to complete my degree and then masters in Healthcare Management. I have also been able to volunteer in Botswana and the Philippines with Cambridge Global Health Partnerships (opens in a new tab) (CGHP), something that I feel has really enhanced my development."

Both my children were born at the Rosie, so CUH has played a huge part in my life both professionally and personally. I’m proud to work here.

The most notable thing that has changed in nursing is that "my nurse training was not a degree course, we were on the wards most of the time after six weeks in school. As third year student nurses we were left in change of wards overnight when the registered nurse went on their break! Wards were of course less acute but still very busy."

Carmela Arroyo 'then and now' photos

Carmela Arroyo trained as a nurse in the Philippines and was encouraged to apply for a job at CUH by her cousin who had already moved here. She took the huge step to brave life’s uncertainties and move to a new country and was hired by CUH in November 2003.

Carmela shared her story with us.

"I’m originally from a small province in the Philippines where I did my nurse training. I qualified as a nurse at the University of St. La Salle in the Philippines before moving to England.

"I started my CUH journey as a staff nurse in the gynae-oncology unit. I then transferred to the endoscopy unit in September 2008 and finally to the JVF ICU in April 2010 which is where I have been since."

Moving to the UK and joining CUH is the best decision I have ever made because of the fantastic team I am part of.

“It takes a community of ‘lovely people’ to strive hard to give our patients kind, safe and excellent care. We help each other grow professionally and personally.

"I love working at CUH because it is known to be one of the best teaching hospitals in the UK, even the world. It is well equipped with high-end technology and tools. I also love working for an organisation that promotes lifelong learning and encourages staff to grow their careers by providing courses and research. Staff are appreciated and recognised for their contributions to the hospital."

Fraz Mir in 2003 (left) and in 2023 (right)

Fraz Mir is a consultant physician in acute and general internal medicine, clinical pharmacology and therapeutics.

This year Fraz is celebrating 20 years’ service with CUH.

Fraz shared his story with us.

"I qualified as a doctor after completing my clinical studies at Guy’s and St Thomas’s Medical Schools in August 1999 – I remember watching the fireworks from St Thomas’ Hospital balcony overlooking the Thames at the dawn of the millennium. The ward staff even managed to wheel out a number of patients to watch too!

“ I spent my early years as a doctor living and working in and around London. Cambridge offered a slightly less intense and frenetic environment, with the added incentives of excellent academic opportunities and links with a world-class University."

I consider CUH as my home. I am fiercely proud of working here because I know how hard staff in general try and how so many go the extra mile to do their best for patients. It is truly humbling but also inspiring.

"It’s really important that as senior doctors we continue to invest our time in other health professionals. Although the way things are done has changed, at heart the apprenticeship model of learning clinical medicine remains the same and needs to be nurtured further."

Teresa Doyle 'then and now' photos

Teresa Doyle is an out of hours deputy operational matron working in the CUH Operations Centre.

Teresa has worked for the NHS for 44 years and this year she is celebrating 40 years of work at CUH.

“I began my career with the NHS back in 1979, 44 years ago! I started out at Brookfields Hospital in Cambridge. Then from 1980 -1981 I worked in theatres at the old Addenbrooke’s site in the centre of Cambridge, it was such a fabulous place and I loved working there.

I then moved back to my birth place of Manchester in 1981 and worked in the Manchester Royal Eye Hospital which is where I met my husband. From there, in 1983, we both moved to Cambridge which is when my time began again at Addenbrooke's."

I feel I have had a fabulous career and never thought I would be where I am today.

"The team of people I work with across the whole CUH, the variety it gives me and being in a privileged role, meaning I can visit anywhere in the Trust is what I love about my role and working here.

I have enjoyed every department, or role I have worked in, and looking after the patients has always been my top priority. CUH has given me opportunities to progress and develop throughout my career. I have met so many inspirational people and always strived hard to inspire others and encourage them. CUH is an excellent teaching hospital so much has happened and developed over the years."

You can read more from our 2024 Long Service Award winners here.