1. Patient story
The Chief Nurse presented two patient stories about the experiences of inpatients being treated at Addenbrooke’s Hospital prior to, and during, the Covid-19 outbreak.
2. Chair's report
The Chair paid tribute to all Trust staff for their skill and expertise, their extraordinary care and compassion, and their mutual support to each other over the past few weeks. The wider Management Executive, senior leaders and health and care partners were also thanked for their leadership and stewardship during this very challenging period.
3. Finance report
The Chief Finance Officer presented the finance report and noted that the Trust had achieved its 2019/20 financial plan. The Board agreed that it was important for the Trust to be able to continue to demonstrate efficient use of resources despite the significant challenges of the pandemic.
4. Nurse safe staffing
The Chief Nurse presented the latest nurse safe staffing report which focused on critical care nursing. The Board was updated on the steps taken by the Trust to maintain staffing resilience and ensure continued high quality of care for patients. In discussion the Board acknowledged the importance of effective communication and engagement in maintaining the trust of staff.
5. Chief Executive's report: Covid-19 update
The Chief Executive updated the Board on the current position and response of the Trust in relation to the Covid-19 pandemic. The Board received assurance that the Trust was working with partners to achieve the objectives of maximising survivorship among both Covid and non-Covid patients and protecting the safety of staff. The Board discussed the impact on patients of activity which had 2 been postponed during this period and the Trust’s plans to reconfigure the hospitals and re-commence services as quickly as possible while maintaining patient and staff safety. The Board also noted ongoing work to review the Trust’s strategy for the next 18-24 month period to reflect the impact of the pandemic.
6. Board Assurance Framework and Corporate Risk Register
The Director of Corporate Affairs presented a report on the Trust’s risk management arrangements during the pandemic including a review of the Trust’s risk appetite statement. It was noted that the usual process of monthly review of the Corporate Risk Register and the Board Assurance Framework had been suspended temporarily in March 2020, but that a lighter touch review arrangement remained in place alongside a focus on risks associated with management of the pandemic. The Board also noted that the Board Assurance Framework would be reviewed following the review of the Trust’s strategy.
7. Learning from deaths - quarterly report
The Board received the quarterly learning from deaths report and noted that the mortality data for the Trust remained stable. Assurance was provided that the Trust was closely monitoring the impact of Covid-19 on mortality.
8. Written questions from the public
The Board received and noted four questions which had been received from members of the public ahead of the meeting of the Board of Directors. The Board noted the questions and answers which are attached at Appendix 1.