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Board of directors' meeting - 08 July 2020

There will be a meeting of the CUH Board of Directors on Wednesday 08 July 2020 from 11:00. The meeting will be held via video conference.

If you wish to join the video conference to observe the meeting, please contact the Trust Secretariat by email ( by 15.00 on 07 July 2020 to obtain a meeting link.

The Board of Directors welcome written questions. The deadline for receipt of questions is 12:00 on Monday 06 July 2020. 

Questions should be submitted to 

Questions will be taken at the end of the agenda. The Trust Chair has the discretion to decline to accept or redirect questions to a more appropriate place. 

Papers to follow. 

Request Board of directors' meeting papers

Copies of the Board of directors' meeting papers are available on request. Email for a copy (include the name and date of the meeting).

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