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Robotic surgery

Home in a day after robotic cancer surgery

A surgical robot at Addenbrooke’s is helping to cure patients with prostate cancer, enabling them to go home less than 24 hours after surgery.

29 Jul 2022, 9 a.m.
Rachael Bates

Mission to eliminate hepatitis C

A team led by Addenbrooke's is on track to eliminate the deadly virus hepatitis C from the east of England by 2025, with targets now reached in Wisbech in Cambridgeshire and Grays in Essex.

28 Jul 2022, midnight
Crown smiling for camera. with cornbraids in her hair and wearing a brown jacket

Crown's story: How are you?

Crown was diagnosed with a rare physical disorder aged 12 and says being treated for the impact on her mental health has been really important.

27 Jul 2022, 1 p.m.
Aerial view visualisation of how the Babraham Park and Ride site will look when the solar panels have been installed over the parking bays

Building begins for new solar energy

Construction work has begun on a state-of-the-art solar panel project which will supply renewable energy to Addenbrooke's and the Rosie Hospitals.

27 Jul 2022, noon
Colin (participant)

Kintsugi People

A new exhibition at the Addenbrooke's Gallery from 22 July – 9 October 2022.

22 Jul 2022, 9 a.m.
The Addenbrooke's main reception entrance

Our services during the heatwave

The Met Office has issued a Red Heat-Health Alert for the east of England region, with extremely hot temperatures anticipated in local areas from the weekend and early next week.

15 Jul 2022, 6 p.m.
Jay Miles

Celebrating International Non-Binary Day

Jay Miles, a trainee clinical bioinformatician, talks about life as a non-binary person.

14 Jul 2022, 12:47 p.m.
Addenbrooke's chimney illuminated pink for organ donor day. Pic by Martin Bond

Donors and hospital lead fight to save lives

New figures show there were 41 patients who donated their organs after death at Addenbrooke’s last year - the third highest at any UK hospital and saving or improving the lives of those in desperate need of a transplant.

13 Jul 2022, 12:09 p.m.
Rachel Gilbert

Rachel's story: Genomics helped me understand my cancer

Rachel Gilbert was diagnosed with gastrointestinal stromal tumours (GIST) aged 15 and says whole genome sequencing has provided vital answers for her and her family.

13 Jul 2022, 9 a.m. From: East Genomics
A purple panel with 11 owls drawn on it, with the words Let's Talk Co-production

Let's talk Co-production!

The voices of children, young people, parents and carers are at the core of everything we do at the Cambridge Children's Hospital project. Afterall, this is their hospital. We can't get it right without them.

5 Jul 2022, 11 a.m.
Ruth Greene with the bus

Hospital’s green bus service is just the ticket!

Cambridge University Hospitals (CUH) has launched an environmentally friendly patient courtesy bus service, thanks to a team effort by its charity, Addenbrooke’s Charitable Trust (ACT), and a well-known patient governor.

1 Jul 2022, 2:26 p.m.
12 members of Clinic 21 team stood outside, wearing uniform, with one holding the You Made a Difference certificate

You Made a Difference team award - June 2022

June's You Made a Difference team award goes to a remarkably supportive and knowledgeable team - the staff of clinic 21.

1 Jul 2022, 9:15 a.m.

You Made a Difference - August 2022

Our winners of You Made a Difference for August 2022 are a healthcare assistant and a senior sister.

30 Jun 2022, 9 a.m.
Louise has long grey hair and is stood outside at the phlebotomy drive-through. She is wearing a high-vis jacket and red gloves. She is smiling and holding her you made a difference certificate

You Made a Difference - July 2022

Our winners of You Made a Difference for July 2022 are a phlebotomist and a Gynaecology sister.

30 Jun 2022, 9 a.m.
Emma has short dark brown hair with a fringe. She is wearing tortoiseshell rimmed glasses. She is wearing a pale blue and white striped uniform with a burgundy belt. She has a tattoo on the inside of her right forearm. She is holding her certificate.

You Made a Difference - June 2022

Our winners of You Made a Difference for June 2022 are a healthcare assistant and a deputy operations manager.

30 Jun 2022, 9 a.m.
The Press Pack team stand by the county day marquee with their thumbs up and big smiles

What a day for Cambridge Children's Press Pack!

Since last summer, Cambridge Children's Press Pack have become an integral part of our communications team and, indeed, our project. Cambridgeshire County Day was no different. We invited the five young people to join us in raising awareness of the East of England's first dedicated children's hospital. This is seventeen-year-old Sarah's account of a very 'momentous day', with a stage appearance, media interviews, and a Royal visit!

29 Jun 2022, 5:47 p.m.
Illustration of brain inside a head on a blue and white background

Cambridge study shapes advice on brain surgery

A body dedicated improving outcomes for victims of traumatic brain injury has updated guidelines for clinicians following latest findings from a Cambridge-led trial.

28 Jun 2022, 9:19 a.m.
Emma has long, straight, dark hair and brown eyes. She is wearing a red dress and is sitting outside in front of some trees

You Made a Difference - May 2022

One winner of You Made a Difference for May 2022 is an employee relations manager

28 Jun 2022, 8:07 a.m.
Hologram patient

World first in hologram patients

Medical students at Addenbrooke’s are the first in the world to experience a new way of learning, using the latest in mixed reality holographic patients

27 Jun 2022, 4 p.m.
The Duchess of Cambridge and Alisha, member of the CCH Press Pack

Teenagers tell Duke and Duchess about Cambridge Children’s Hospital

Young people involved in planning the new Cambridge Children’s Hospital (CCH) were delighted to meet The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge last week.

27 Jun 2022, 2:53 p.m.