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Nearly £40M boost to biomedical research at CUH

The NIHR (National Institute of Health & Care Research) has awarded £39.8 million to Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (CUH) to support the next stage of the NIHR BioResource. The funding is for four years from 1 April 2025.

The NIHR BioResource is a national resource that brings scientists together with a network of over 300,000 volunteers who want to participate in medical research. With nearly 1.5 million samples and data collected, the BioResource aims to be fully representative of the UK population.

I find it interesting to participate and was welcomed by all. It takes just a few moments, costs me nothing and is an essential part of research making a real difference.

NIHR BioResource volunteer

The new funding will allow the BioResource to continue supporting research, and specifically to expand support for studies on mental health, improving health inequalities and young people’s health. This will include progress on the recently-launched Improving Black Health Outcomes (opens in a new tab) programme, created to encourage dedicated research into health conditions and experience of black communities in the UK.

As the NIHR BioResource has grown we’ve been able to focus our efforts on supporting research into key areas of need. Thanks to the NIHR we can continue to provide this valued national research resource, and will continue work to engage and support black communities, young people and address the deficiency in mental health research.

Dr Nathalie Kingston, Director, NIHR BioResource
A volunteer providing samples as part of joining the NIHR BioResource
The BioResource includes healthy volunteers and those with a range of illnesses. Participants have samples collected that can be analysed for research and they have the opportunities to participate in trials and other research activities. (Image credit: NIHR BioResource)

Cambridge is the national coordinating centre for the NIHR BioResource, which is hosted by CUH in partnership with the University of Cambridge.

The BioResource was created in Cambridge in 2008, with the aim of creating a diverse set of samples and participants that could volunteer to take part in scientific studies.

Since 2012, the NIHR has funded the BioResource to grow into a national asset with 18 sites across the UK. The BioResource has contributed to over 360 studies, and publication of over 460 scientific papers.

In the UK we’re uniquely equipped to bring together people, and their health and genetic data, to drive scientific discoveries that improve healthcare. The BioResource has become a key national asset, and this new funding from the NIHR will enable many more studies to work with an increasingly diverse range of people to find out more about human biology and health.

Professor John Bradley, NIHR BioResource Chief Investigator

Recent achievements

Read the announcement from NIHR (opens in a new tab)

Find out more about the BioResource and how you can join on the NIHR BioResource website.