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Paediatric Surgery (My Planned Care)

The department of Paediatric Surgery and Urology offers specialist treatment for infants, children and adolescents who may require an operation for a general surgical or urological condition. It provides services for children's general surgery, paediatric urology, gastrointestinal, thoracic, oncological and neonatal surgery. Our team of consultant surgeons, junior doctors and specialist nurses investigate and treat children with simple and complex general surgery and urological disorders. We see over 3000 children a year in specialist clinics, and carry out over 1700 operations a year on children from very premature infants to young people up to 16 years of age.

We offer a number of joint multi-disciplinary clinics, with other colleagues including paediatric gastroenterologists, paediatric respiratory physicians, paediatric endocrinologists, nephrologists, dieticians and speech therapists, to see and treat patients with complex gastrointestinal, respiratory, renal and genital.

Guidance for patients

Paediatric Surgery & Urology treats a wide variety of conditions, both general and specialist. This also includes conditions which need treating as an Emergency. Your child may be referred to us by their GP, or local Hospital or local community team.

As we treat a large amount of conditions, we have put together a portfolio of Patient Information Leaflets covering a variety of conditions. Further leaflets continue to be uploaded regularly. These include information on the various procedures we perform at the Trust, and information on what you and your child can do whilst waiting.

If you have any difficulty finding the relevant leaflet, please do not hesitate to contact our Nurse Specialist team on 01223 586973 with any questions you may have.

What should I do if my health is deteriorating?

We recognise that your Child’s condition may change whilst waiting for an appointment or procedure. If your query is about your child’s operation or a change in their condition please call the nurse specialist team on 01223 586973 who will be able to advise and liaise with the relevant clinician if required.

It can sometimes be challenging to spot a deteriorating sick child. We would therefore advise that if you have any concerns and it is urgent, please dial 111 to request for urgent help.

Contact Us

Clinic appointments: Clinic 6 01223 216410.

Inpatient booking team: 01223 348188 or 01223 256276.

Test or Investigation: Please call the nurse specialist team on 01223 586973.

Tests and investigations are performed in many different departments across the hospital so, where necessary, our nurse specialist team will sign post you to the correct department.

General enquiries to Secretarial team on 01223 348162 (general surgery) or 01223 216390 (urology).

Reviewed: 28 June 2023