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Cardiology: Cardiac Rehabilitation Service (My Planned Care)

The cardiac rehabilitation programme is made up of a multi-disciplinary team who provide support for patients and their families throughout their experience of heart disease.

The cardiac rehab team aims to help patients approach the future with confidence, and aims to provide the information, support and advice that patients need to make lifestyle changes and improve risk factors.

The programme focuses on the long-term nature of cardiovascular disease, helping you to come to terms with it and make lifestyle changes to improve long term risk.

We aim to see all patients after a cardiac event such as coronary bypass surgery, coronary angioplasty or heart valve surgery.

Cardiac rehab is delivered by a team of healthcare professionals in a variety of settings, ranging from completing home exercise programmes, group classes at a local leisure centres and community centres or Addenbrooke’s hospital.

Guidance for patients

How you can support yourself while you wait

There are things you can do whilst you wait for your procedure to make you sure you are as healthy and strong as you can be. This will increase your chances of a better recovery. In the time leading up to your procedure, be sure to take good care of yourself by taking a few smart steps. This can help you avoid complications. Follow these simple tips to ensure the best possible outcome and prepare for a successful recovery.

Take your medication

You will be advised to continue with your normal medications, but you may be advised to stop some medications before your procedure, your clinician or pre-operative nurse will provide you with this information.

Improve your health

  • Stick to healthy foods - Your body needs good nutrition to fight infection and heal following your procedure.
  • Avoid dehydration - drink at least six-eight glasses of fluid per day, preferably water.


Alcohol can have many effects on your body but importantly it can reduce your body’s ability to heal. Make sure you are drinking within the recommended limits or lower to improve your ability to heal after your procedure.

What should I do if my health is deteriorating?

If you feel that there is a change in your condition, please contact your Clinical Team, via switchboard 01223 245 151

Urgent health advice

For urgent health advice about physical or mental health, when it’s not an emergency, please call 111 from any landline or mobile phone. The NHS 111 service is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You can also visit the NHS website (opens in a new tab).

Life threatening emergencies

For something life threatening – severe bleeding, breathing difficulties or chest pains – please dial 999.

Contact us

Please contact the Cardiac Rehab team via switchboard 01223 245151

For more information and resources, please visit the Cardiac Rehabilitation Service.

Further information is also available on the British Heart Foundation website (opens in a new tab).

Reviewed: 26 June 2023