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Richard Butler - assistant audit co-ordinator, safety and quality support

This year Richard is celebrating 20 years at CUH.

It’s been a real privilege to work at CUH and play a small part in the functioning of our hospitals. For me, the biggest change has been how much larger the campus has become since I started.

Richard Butler

I have been working in the Trust since March 2000 – three and a half years in medical records and 17 and half in the clinical audit department. It has been a real privilege to work here and play a small part in the functioning of our hospitals. For me the biggest change has been how much bigger the campus has become since I started – the ATC, CRUK, Royal Papworth and many more buildings have gone up. Next to where I work, the Deakin Centre and car park 1 have both gone up on an old car park that housed admin buildings.

The last 15 months have been very challenging for everyone and working on my own in the office has had its up and down moments, but despite the difficulties, the great spirit of the Addenbrooke’s “family” has continued, and the wonderful teamwork, compassion and kindness has meant that this period hasn’t been quite as tough as it could have been. I was redeployed to the postal team for a few months in 2020, and had a great experience with a professional, exemplary team.

Richard Butler standing outside with a white t-shirt with text on, reading 'Walk All Over Cancer'
Richard Butler - assistant audit co-ordinator, safety and quality support

I’ve made so many close friends from all areas of hospital life and I’m truly grateful to CUH for being able to meet so many wonderful people over the years.

Richard Butler

CUH has also played an invaluable role in my life away from my computer. I have loved leading group walks for staff, running several CUH-based sporting groups, raising funds, being involved in promotional campaigns for CRUK and having many fun nights with friends at the Frank Lee Centre.

The biggest thing I can take away from my time here is the amount of close friends I’ve made from all areas of hospital life. For me, friends and family are the most important things in my life and I am truly grateful to CUH for being able to meet so many wonderful people.

Thank you for everything, it has been a real privilege.

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Thank staff at CUH
Ward C7 team with Roland Sinker holding their YMAD award