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Annual Public Meeting - 29 September 2021


Watch the full Annual Public Meeting here (opens in a new tab).

Our virtual Annual Public Meeting took place on Wednesday 29 September 2021. The meeting was hosted by Dr Mike More, Chair of the trust and focused on the work of the hospitals over the past year and our plans for the future, as well as an interactive Q&A session. Panel members included: Julia Loudon; Patient Governor and Lead Governor, Roland Sinker; Chief Executive and members of the Board of Directors.

The Annual Report and Accounts for 2020/21 was not presented as they needed to be formally received by Parliament.

The Annual Report and Accounts for 2020/21 was formally received by Parliament on 18 October 2021, and will be presented to the Council of Governors on 15 December 2021.

Request Public Meeting papers

Copies of the Public Meeting meeting papers are available on request. Email for a copy (include the name and date of the meeting).

Public Meetings Archive

Time Item Agenda item Presenter
Time 18:00 Item 1 Agenda item Welcome and
Chair’s introduction
Presenter Dr Mike More,
Time 18:10 Item 2 Agenda item Lead
Governor’s report
Presenter Julia Loudon,
Lead Governor
Time 18:20 Item 3 Agenda item Chief
Executive’s report
Presenter Roland
Sinker, Chief Executive
Time 18:40 Item 4 Agenda item Questions
from members of the public
Time 19:25 Item 5 Agenda item Concluding
Presenter Dr Mike More,
Time 19:30 Item 6 Agenda item End of

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