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Annual Public Meeting - 18 September 2019


The Trust's Annual Public Meeting (APM) will be held on Wednesday 18 September 2019 at 17:45. Hexagon Room, Frank Lee Centre. Registration, information stands and light refreshments from 17.15.

The APM will receive the annual report and accounts of the Trust and include presentations on the work of our hospitals. There will be an opportunity to ask questions.

Time Item Agenda item Presenter
Time 17.45 Item 1 Agenda item Welcome and introduction
Presentation of the Annual Report andAccounts 2018/19
Presenter Dr Mike More, Chair
Time 17.55 Item 2 Agenda item Lead Governor’s report Presenter Julia Loudon, Lead Governor
Time 18.05 Item 3 Agenda item Chief Executive’s report Presenter Roland Sinker, Chief Executive
Time 18.25 Item 4 Agenda item Questions Presenter Dr Mike More, Chair
Time 18.45 Item 5 Agenda item Our hospitals’ digital evolution Presenter Dr Afzal Chaudhry,
Chief Clinical Information Officer
Time 19.05 Item 6 Agenda item Panel discussion – digital health
Followed by Q&A session on digital health
Presenter Facilitated by Dr Ewen Cameron,
Director of Improvement andTransformation
Time 19.40 Item 7 Agenda item Concluding remarks Presenter Dr Mike More, Chair
Time 19.45 Item 8 Agenda item End of meeting Presenter

Request Public Meeting papers

Copies of the Public Meeting meeting papers are available on request. Email for a copy (include the name and date of the meeting).

Public Meetings Archive

Annual Board Governors