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Coronavirus (Covid-19)

Our priority is to keep our staff and patients safe.

Coronavirus remains a serious health risk. It’s important to stay cautious and help protect yourself and others. In England.

Patients with medical appointments should still attend, unless they have been informed otherwise by the hospital.  

Unless you have a medical appointment or need to attend the Emergency Department, please do not come to the hospital site. 

Non-urgent advice: Visiting restrictions remain in place at our hospitals

All patients will be asked on arrival at our hospitals whether they have any symptoms of Covid-19, including: a new persistent cough, fever of 37.8c and above, cold-like symptoms, sore throat or headache.

The team providing your care will advise you on any requirements for isolation before your appointment.

COVID-19 advice

Get NHS advice about COVID-19, including its symptoms, looking after yourself at home, how to avoid catching and spreading it, treatments, vaccinations and long-term effects.

Visit for COVID-19 guidance (opens in a new tab)

Attending an appointment on site

Non-urgent advice: Help us to protect our staff and patients!

If you can, please do a Lateral Flow Test on the day of your Outpatient appointment, prior to attending it.

If the test is positive and your appointment is critical, please contact the clinic before attending so that necessary arrangements can be put in place.  If your appointment is not critical, please avoid attending by contacting the call centre on 01223 806000 and asking to have the appointment converted into a telephone or video appointment, or delayed until your Covid status is negative again.

If you do not have access to tests and do not exhibit symptoms of Covid19 you may still attend. A test prior to your appointment is entirely voluntary though very helpful.

Thank you for your kind consideration.

Please attend appointments alone unless you require essential support. If so, only one other person will be permitted to join you in your appointment.

Please do not attend your appointment if you are symptomatic.

Also, please do not arrive earlier than 15 minutes before your appointment. 

Frequently asked questions

I finish self-isolation the day before my appointment, can I still attend?

Yes as long as you are free of the COVID-19 related symptoms. Please ensure you wear a mask at all times and practice good hand hygiene.

I have a cough/temperature but the lateral flow was negative, can still attend for my outpatient appointment?

We advise you attend only if you have a negative PCR result. Please ensure you wear a mask at all times and practice good hand hygiene.

Can I bring a relative with me?

Due to social distancing measures, where possible we advise that you visit alone.

I’m sensitive to hand gel, what should I do?

Hand washing with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds has been shown to be just as effective. Please make sure you wash hands as soon as you arrive at the hospital.

It’s my appointment today and I feel unwell, what should I do?

We are asking that you follow government advice and do not attend. Arrange for a PCR test and call your GP or NHS 111 if you need medical advice.

I’m worried about coming to the hospital, can my appointment be done by telephone or video?

Many of our appointments are now being offered virtually (phone or video) however if we have arranged an appointment at the hospital this means that the team looking after you would like to see you face-to-face.

I have a health condition that puts me at high risk if I develop COVID-19. Should I still come to my outpatient appointment?

Yes, if we have arranged an appointment at the hospital this means that the team looking after you would like to see you face-to-face.

You should wear a face covering while travelling and on arrival to the department you should inform a member of staff about your health condition.

Waiting times

Our aim is to be here for you if you do contract Covid-19 and require hospital care, but also to treat you and your family safely for your other health conditions while this pandemic continues.

You can find out more about our waiting times online.

Our visiting restrictions

Restricted arrangements for visiting patients remain in place.

What to expect when you come to our hospitals

There are a number of safety measures we have put into place that you can expect when you come to our hospitals.

The Rosie Hospital

For maternity services coronavirus related information, including visiting restrictions please read the Rosie Hospital coronavirus update.

Further information

You can find out more information about Covid-19 on the following websites: