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Facts and figures for CUH

Here you will find a link to CUH data published by the NHS as well other facts and figures about Addenbrooke's and the Rosie hospitals.

NHS data

For all Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust data gathered by NHS England, please go to NHS England statistics (opens in a new tab).

Weekly CUH figures

  • Around 450 planned operations are carried out each week.
  • Around 210 emergency operations are carried out each week.
  • The Rosie delivers around 100 babies each week, with around equal numbers of boys and girls.

Yearly CUH figures

In the year 2021/2022 April-March:

  • The total number of A&E attendances was 130,729 (excluding minor injuries unit)
  • The total number of inpatients was 58,086 (including elective, emergency and maternity
  • The total number of visits to outpatients was 868,889
  • The total number of day cases was 131,796
  • The total number of births was 5,573

Other information

  • The total number of beds in the hospital is around 1,000
  • The total number of staff at CUH is around 11,500
  • There are 39 operating theatres
  • There are 4 intensive care units (ITU, NCCU, PICU and NICU)
  • There are around 45 wards
  • A total of around 3500 meals are served every day, including hot meals and breakfast
  • A total of around 102,000 items of linen are used per week
  • Our porters walk over 15 miles during an average shift