Main hospital switchboard: 01223 805000
Commonly asked questions
If you have a question you want to ask us about an appointment, need to know where to park and what our current visiting policy is then take a look at the options below. You will also find information about how to get in touch with us about a job role or to talk to us about your experience at our hospitals.
Accounts and finance
For invoices please email the creditors team.
Purchase orders
For purchase orders please Email the finance team.
Cancelling or re-arranging an appointment
Should you need to cancel, re-arrange, or no longer require your appointment please contact the clinic listed on your appointment letter as soon as possible so the appointment can be reallocated to another patient. If you miss your appointment, or repeatedly cancel or decline appointments; subject to clinical review/approval, you may be discharged back to the care of your GP.
For a list of clinics visit our Clinics A-Z
New appointments
You can contact the new appointments centre on 01223 274593.
Return appointments
Telephone: 01223 806000
Please email:
Finding a location
Compliments and complaints
Just want to say thank you?
How you can support Addenbrooke’s and the Rosie hospitals.
In our busy hospital, our dedicated staff do amazing things every day. Of course, they never expect thanks, however, we know that many patients want to express their gratitude for the wonderful care they have received.
For more details visit our Say thank you page.
You made a difference
Did you know you can also nominate any member of our staff for a You made a difference award?
Find out how you can nominate someone.
We value your feedback and we are committed to investigating and learning from complaints.
Please visit our complaints page (opens in a new tab) for more details.
Contact a clinic
For a list of clinics and phone numbers please visit our clinic A-Z.
For Rosie Hospital clinics please go to Rosie services, clinics and wards.
Contact a patient
Please call 01223 245151 / 01223 805000
'Condition checks' will only be given out if you have the full name, date of birth and address of the patient concerned.
The Contact Centre will establish which ward or department is treating the patient and then offer to transfer you through to the ward.
The ward staff will then make the relevant enquiry with the clinical team looking after the patient.
Contact a ward
For a list of wards and phone numbers please visit our wards A-Z.
For Rosie Hospital clinics please go to Rosie services, clinics and wards.
Coronavirus (COVID-19)
For latest information please visit our coronavirus information pages.
Discharge from hospital
To discuss the discharge of a patient from hospital, contact the ward where the patient is staying.
The Complex Discharge Specialist Nurse Team can be contacted via the hospital switchboard: 01223 805000
Donations, Addenbrooke's Charitable Trust (ACT)
To find our more about how you can make a donation please visit the Addenbrooke's Charitable Trust (opens in a new tab).
For information about the bedside radio and TV services please visit our Hospedia page.
Information requests
To ask a question about personal information held about individuals by CUH, contact information governance on 01223 256141 or email information governance.
To request non-personal data and information held by CUH contact freedom of information on 01223 348697 / 01223 348262 or email freedom of information.
Lost property
Please contact the ward where the patient is / was staying to make enquiries.
Queries regarding lost property can also be raised with the access office on 01223 596060.
If property is unable to be located, you may be able to make a claim for compensation. Please email Medico-Legal or write to us at:
Medico-Legal Department
Box 82
Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Hills Road
Please include the following information:
- Your full name or the patient who has lost the property
- The patient’s date of birth
- The patient’s postcode
- The patient’s hospital number (if known)
- A brief summary of the missing item
A member of the team will be in contact within two business days.
Medical advice
If you require advice about a condition please use the NHS health A-Z (opens in a new tab).
If you are a patient and need specific advice please contact your service directly.
Medical records - access
Please email the CUH health records team with your enquiry or to request a copy of your medical records.
You can also phone:
Medical records – Updating my contact details
If you would like to change your address or contact details on your medical records, including next of kin, please contact patient services on 01223 586613 or email patient services.
If you have a question about your MyChart account, email MyChart.
Other health services
I have a concern, question or would like to give feedback about:
East of England ambulance service
Telephone: 01234 243320
Email East of England Ambulance Service
A primary care service such as a GP, dentist, optician, pharmacy
NHS England telephone: 030031 12233
Papworth hospital PALS
Telephone: 01223 638896
West Suffolk hospital PALS
Telephone: 01284 712555
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Foundation Trust PALS
Telephone: 01223 219444
Peterborough City hospital and Stamford and Rutland hospital
NWAFT PALS telephone: 01733 673405
Hinchingbrooke hospital PALS
Telephone: 01480 428964
Health commissioning in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Integrated Care System telephone: 0800 2792535
Email Cambridge and Peterborough ICS
Health commissioning in Norfolk
Norfolk CCG telephone: 01603 595857
Health commissioning in Ipswich / East Suffolk
Ipswich and East Suffolk CCG telephone: 0800 389 6819
Email Ipswich and East Suffolk CCG PALS
Health commissioning in West Suffolk
West Suffolk CCG telephone: 01284 758010
Benefits / debt / support
Citizens Advice Bureau telephone: 03348 481979
Citizens Advice Bureau website (opens in a new tab)
Health and care services in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough
Healthwatch Cambridgeshire telephone: 0330 3551285
For more information about where to park and parking charges please go to travel and parking.
To discuss a parking ticket issued while on the hospital site phone SABA Parking Tickets - 0330 123 2547 or email SABA customer support.
Patient advice and liaison service (PALS)
The Patient Advice Liaison Service (PALS) offers confidential advice, support and information on health-related matters. We provide a point of contact for patients, their families and their carers.
We’re here to help
We can provide help in many ways. For example, we can:
- Help answer any questions about your care and treatment here in hospital.
- Advise and support you and your family. We understand that being in hospital can be an anxious time, and you might need someone to act on your behalf.
- Listen to your suggestions for improving our service for patients and visitors and provide feedback to Trust staff.
- Help resolve your concerns if you are unhappy with any aspect of your care.
- Pass on your compliments to staff if you are pleased with the way they cared for you.
For information on how and when to contact us please visit Patient advice and liaison service (PALS).
Primary care organisations
Information about primary care services (GPs, dentists, pharmacists and opticians) in Cambridgeshire can be found on the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough ICS website (opens in a new tab).
If you work in a primary care practice and have a question about CUH services, contact the primary care liaison service on 01223 257263 / 274584 or email CUH GP inquiries.
Private patients (non-NHS treatment)
To ask a question about paying for treatment, contact:
Paying Patients
Telephone: 01223 254517
Overseas Patients
To find out about having treatment at CUH when the patient concerned is from another country visit our overseas patients page.
Telephone: 01223 216999
For enquiries regarding any of the following please visit CUH Careers.
- Current vacancies
- Coming from overseas
- Clinical electives
- Employment references
The Trust is keen to obtain the views of our patients and we regularly ask for feedback via surveys.
If you would like to:
- discuss the hospital’s patient surveys or comment cards
- ask a question about a survey by text message which you have received
- ask a question about an invitation to participate in a focus group
- receive a patient survey in a different format or language
please contact patient engagement and surveys on 01223 274874 or email patient experience.
Translation services
What to do if English is not your language of choice....
If English isn't your first language you can call our telephone relay service.
- Call the phone number of the language you need (below).
- An automated message will ask you to enter the PIN 698797.
- You will be transferred to an interpreter who will help you contact the service you need.
The following download provides a list of phone numbers for each language supported by our telephone relay service.
To ask about patient transportation booked by CUH, call patient transport on 01223 216438.
Visiting times
Visiting times and information can be found in the current visiting policy here
For ward specific information about visiting times please visit our wards A-Z. Visiting times can be found on each ward page (times are subject to change).
To find out about volunteering opportunities visit CUH Volunteers (opens in a new tab), call 01223 586616 or email CUH volunteers.
Work experience
For the latest information about work experience and shadowing opportunities please visit Work Experience - CUH Careers.
Other enquiries
If you didn't find what you were looking for on this page, please contact us via our enquiries form.