The tinnitus clinic at Addenbrooke’s was set up in 1985 to offer modern therapeutic approaches for patients with troublesome tinnitus.
The clinic can offer a range of treatments including
- sound therapy,
- relaxation therapy,
- counselling and hearing aids.
The actual therapy prescribed depends on the needs of the individual and the cause of the tinnitus.
The tinnitus clinic has an active involvement in research, collaborating with other audiology departments, universities, psychologist, auditory neuroscientists and pharmacologist. Some patients at Addenbrooke’s who are suitable for participating in this research will be invited to enrol in clinical studies, which will have been granted approval from local ethics committees.
Attend Anywhere video consultation
Did you know your outpatient appointment for this service may now be done by video consultation using Attend Anywhere. This enables you to be able to attend your appointment from home, saving you time and money.
What to expect at your appointment
Before your initial appointment you may have a hearing test performed.
Your initial assessment will be with a senior member of the team and will last up to an hour. During this initial appointment we will talk to you about your tinnitus, your hearing and the impact upon your quality of life of your symptoms. By getting a clear understanding of your tinnitus and how it affects you, an appropriate treatment plan can be formulated.
Here are some diagrams we may refer to. It might be helpful to look at these beforehand, or to have them in front of you if you have a telephone appointment:

How to get an appointment / referral criteria
We currently accept referrals from Addenbrooke’s department of otolaryngology and other ENT specialists in England. Your consultant will refer you to the tinnitus and hyperacusis clinic if appropriate.
CUH Directions mobile app
The CUH Directions mobile app is for patients and visitors.
It helps you to find your way around Addenbrooke’s and the Rosie hospitals, making it easier to locate clinics, wards and other facilities on our campus.
Non-urgent advice: Speak to your GP
if you have problematic tinnitus or hyperacusis please contact your GP for further advice.