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Spinal cord stimulator patient resources

Relaxation and meditation

The below websites and resources provide information on relaxation and meditation techniques.

These are skills that, with practice, can help as part of your self-management of pain.

These coping techniques can help you to deal with stress and tension which are associated with chronic pain.

Begin by sitting or lying comfortably and taking a few slow deep breaths.

Why the calming response may be helpful

The following video explains how the downward signals from the brain support a calming response and how a calming response can help with symptom management in chronic pain.

Safe space visualisation

Safe space visualisation | InsightTimer (opens in a new tab) - A technique to create your own safe space in your imagination.

Progressive muscle relaxation
Breathing exercises

Square breathing

Mindfulness meditation

Breathing anchor – Mark Williams

Body scan – Mark Williams

Mindful movement – Mark Williams

Breath and body – Mark Williams

Frantic world (opens in a new tab) – a website of books on mindfulness including free meditation resources.

Mindful companion meditation

Footsteps Festival

Wellbeing and mindfulness playlist

General apps and websites

Relaxation to download and listen to:

Apps to try for relaxation and meditation to listen to:

Information to read:

Related information on sleep: