The Cambridge Genomics Laboratory is part of East Genomics and offers cytogenetic (chromosome) and molecular genetic (DNA) analysis aligned with the National Genomic Test Directory.
Genetic and genomic testing examines aspects of a person's genetic code, which can inform the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. Testing is currently most widely used in the treatment of cancers (oncology & haematological malignancies), and rare diseases (including prenatal testing).
The Genomics Lab at Cambridge University Hospitals is part of East Genomics, one of seven NHS Genomic Laboratory Hubs that provide genetic and genomic testing services across England as part of the national NHS Genomic Medicine Service (opens in a new tab). This service aims to improve healthcare outcomes through the integration of genomic technology into routine patient care.
East Genomics is led from the Genomics Lab in Cambridge and works in collaboration with labs at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust and University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust to deliver high quality genomic testing for 29 NHS Trusts across the region.
For further information, visit the East Genomics website.
The links below are provided for healthcare professionals looking to find out more or to order genetic tests:
The Laboratory is accredited by The United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) to the recognised international standard ISO 15189.
The Laboratory participates in relevant external quality assessments (EQA) provided by GenQA (formerly UKNEQAS for Molecular Genetics and CEQAS) and EMQN.
Find out more on the East Genomics quality pages (opens in a new tab).
Non-urgent advice: Complaints and Compliments
We welcome feedback about our service, whether good or bad, so as we can continue to improve and provide a service that meets our users’ needs. Any complaints are investigated thoroughly and plans put in place to make improvements, as required. Feedback is welcomed by email to the laboratory. If you feel unable to speak directly to staff or the issue is not dealt with satisfactorily, then please contact the Patient Information and Liaison Service (PALS) who will be able to assist you. If you are particularly happy with the service you receive from us, we would also appreciate positive feedback.
Confidentiality and data protection
The Laboratory and the Trust comply with the Data Protection Act, and take all possible care to maintain confidentiality and security of personal data. Further details are available on the Trust’s website.