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Cost of living and homelessness support in your area

We know that many of our patients are struggling with the rising cost of living in the UK, particularly over this winter period.

Living in a cold home which is not adequately heated can have a detrimental impact on your health, both physical and mental.

It is important to remember that you are not alone in facing the rising costs of living and that there is support available for you in your region. Below we have provided links to the local councils where you find further support and advice.


Foodbanks are available across the eastern region. Visit the Trussell Trust website (opens in a new tab) and enter your post code to find your nearest centre.

Other cost of living and homelessness support


Gov.UK Help for Households (opens in a new tab) – Advice on how to save money around the home

Age UK (opens in a new tab) – Support and advice on the Cost of Living
Tel: 0800 055 6112 (Monday to Sunday 8am to 7pm)

Citizens Advice Cost of Living Support (opens in a new tab) – Help with bills and costs
Tel: 0800 144 8848

Directory of Social Change Cost of Living Crisis (opens in a new tab) – Guidance and advice

Crisis (opens in a new tab) – Help for the homeless and at risk of homelessness
Tel: 08000 384838

Cambridgeshire County Council

Cambridge County Cost of living support (opens in a new tab) - Provide advice on schemes available in Cambridge
Tel: 03450 455 200 (Monday to Friday - 8am to 6pm, Saturday - 9am to 1pm)

Be well Cost of living support (opens in a new tab) - Provide advice on schemes available in Cambridge

Warm hubs (opens in a new tab)

Cambridge Sustainable Food (opens in a new tab) - Emergency food (Application form (opens in a new tab))

Cambridgeshire Local Assistance Scheme (opens in a new tab) – Help with Money, Debts and Financial Resilience for families with no savings and on means tested benefits.
Tel: 03450 455 200 (Monday to Friday - 8am to 6pm, Saturday - 9am to 1pm)

Cambridge City Council (opens in a new tab) - Help for the homeless
Tel: 01223 457000 - Cambridge (opens in a new tab) - Housing advice service for the homeless
Tel: 01223 457918
Out of hours emergency:
0330 053 8109

Essex County Council

Essex County Cost of Living Support (opens in a new tab) – Provide advice on schemes available in Essex
Tel: 03457 430 430 (Monday to Friday - 8.30am to 5pm)

Essential Living Fund – Help with Furniture, Household Goods, Living Expenses, Clothing, Food, and more for those on low income (apply through Southend council)
Tel: 03007 900 124 (Monday to Friday – 8.45am to 12pm)

Chess Homeless (opens in a new tab) – Help for the homeless
Tel: 01245 281104

Essex County Council (opens in a new tab) – Help for the homeless
Tel: 0800 288 8883

Hertfordshire County Council

Hertfordshire County Cost of Living Support (opens in a new tab) – Provide advice on schemes available in Hertfordshire
Tel: 03001 234 040 (Monday to Friday – 8am to 6pm, Saturday – 9am to 4pm)

East Herts Council (opens in a new tab) - Help for homeless or threatened with homelessness
Tel: 01279 655261 (Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm)

North Herts Council - Housing advice and homeless support
Tel: 01462 474000 (Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm)

Suffolk County Council

Suffolk County Cost of Living Support (opens in a new tab) – Provide advice on schemes available in Suffolk
Tel: 0345 606 6067 (Monday to Friday – 08.30am to 5.30pm)

Suffolk Cost of living Directory (opens in a new tab) – Directory for cost of living support in Suffolk

Suffolk Local Welfare Assistance Scheme (opens in a new tab) – Provide relief money for those on low incomes.
Tel: 0345 606 6067 (Monday to Friday – 08.30am to 5.30pm)

Suffolk County Council (opens in a new tab) – Homelessness and housing support for all boroughs and districts
Tel: 0900 917 1109


Norfolk County Council Cost of Living Support (opens in a new tab) – Provide advice on schemes available in Norfolk
Tel: 0344 800 8020 (Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm)

Healthwatch Norfolk Cost of Living Support (opens in a new tab) – Provide advice on schemes available in Norfolk
Tel: 0808 168 9669 or 01953 856 029 (Monday to Friday 10am to 4pm)

North Norfolk Council (opens in a new tab) – Help for homeless or threatened with homelessness
Tel: 01263 513811

King’s Lynn and West Norfolk Council (opens in a new tab) – Help for homeless or threatened with homelessness
Tel: 01553 616200
Emergency out of hours: 01553 616601

Broadland and South Norfolk Council (opens in a new tab) – Help for homeless or threatened with homelessness
Tel: 0808 168 2222

Breckland District Council (opens in a new tab) – Help for homeless or threatened with homelessness
Tel: 01362 656870

Norwich City Council (opens in a new tab) – Help for homeless or threatened with homelessness
Tel: 0344 980 3333

Great Yarmouth Borough Council (opens in a new tab) – Help for homeless or threatened with homelessness
Tel: 01493 846140