Music in Hospitals & Care has connected us with a broad spectrum of musicians playing genres including folk, bosa nova, classical and raga. Their musicians have delighted patients staff and visitors at the bedside, in our public spaces and our staff events.
They have contributed to our festivities for Estates and Facilities week, Play in Hospitals Week, Diwali and Christmas, as well as enabling us to bring music to patients and staff via Twilight Performances in our concourse.
Patient at CUHIt's just so beautiful. It's bringing back memories of my childhood - of what my Dad used to sing to me and what I would sing at school. This is so important, thank you.

Music by the bedside
Lizzie Peacock singing and playing her harp at patient's bedsides.

Music on the wards
Leonie playing her cello for patients gathered in a ward day room.

Music in waiting rooms
Paul Kerr singing and playing his guitar for children and their families in a waiting room.

Staff Events
Georgia Shackleton of 'The Shackleton Trio' playing the fiddle at a staff Christmas event.

Play in Hospitals Week
Shem Jerrold playing his mandolin during Play in Hospitals Week.
Patient at CUHMusic is a healer, I believe. It’s good for the soul.