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Re-Imagined Hospital Spaces

Re-Imagined Hospital Spaces, an exhibition by Joanna Holland

23 Nov 2023 – 15 April 2024

ATC Gallery

Re-Imagined Hospital Space exhibition artworks hanging on a green display board.
Joanna Holland's work on display in the ATC Gallery.

Joanna Holland is a socially engaged artist and curator. Like most people with chronic conditions, she has spent many hours in hospital clinics and wards. Recently she has captured and collected images of the spaces she has found herself in.

Painting of a seascape with linear blue strips of colour.
I Dream of Sea - Seascape by Joanna Holland.

On returning to her studio, Joanna then re-imagined these hospital spaces. Bed blankets became cave systems and rolling hills, whilst privacy curtains became seascapes, skies and staircases.

Four artworks framed and displayed on an aqua wall.
Joanna Holland's work on display in the ATC Gallery.

Alongside the re-imagined spaces are works from a series of photographs entitled ‘cyanopic landscapes’. Oddly familiar and strange simultaneously, these 'uncanny' works invite you to consider our relationship with what is missing. They are part of a larger body of Joanna’s work which explores climate change, sea level rise, drought, biodiversity loss and intensive farming processes.

Artwork of tree canopy in shades of blue.
Canopy by Joanna Holland, part of her series 'cyanopic landscapes'.
You can find out more about Joanna on her website: