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Art Collection

The CUH Art Collection is a resource for the public spaces across the trust. The collection is comprised of artworks donated, purchased or exhibited at the hospital since 1987.

A large scale ceramic mosaic depicting people reading in a library.
Jim Anderson, 'Mosaic', 2002-2006, Ceramic tiles

The CUH Art Collection consists of several thousand artworks donated by artists, our staff and the general public. Works of every scale and medium populate the hospital walls and gardens, and are a key part of our mission to improve the hospital environment and experience.

There is a wealth of evidence which shows that art:

  • Supports better clinical outcomes and recovery
  • Boosts mood
  • Makes environments feel more homely and welcoming
  • Offers positive distraction and relaxation opportunities
  • Improves staff wellbeing
  • Offers a discussion point and a means for staff and patients to interact
  • Aids wayfinding
Silhouettes of flowers in different shades of blue with a solid blue background. Print on Paper.
Blue Hour by Henrik Simonsen

The ‘Addenbrooke’s Art Project’ began with an acquisition of a substantial portfolio from Editions Alecto that established the collection in 1987. Editions Alecto specialised in the printing of contemporary art prints, their first major publication was David Hockney's A Rake's Progress.

A self-portrait of John Bellany in bed as a patient.
Self-Portrait by John Bellany

Also featured in the collection are works produced by staff and patients of the hospital. Of particular representation are works by Prof Sir Roy Calne’s and the Scottish artist John Bellany. Calne performed a life-saving liver transplant on the artist at Addenbrooke's Hospital in 1988, and during his recovery they struck up a friendship which resulted in Bellany’s tutelage of Calne, who was a keen amateur painter.

A boat in the harbour of St Ives, Cornwall.
St Ives, Cornwall (Blue Sky) by Elaine Pamphilon

CUH Arts are now managing our collection in consideration of its use as a resource and asset. We are actively pursuing avenues to research and share the stories behind the artworks we hold.

If you are member of staff at CUH and would like some artwork in your department, please do get in touch with us via our email.

If you are interested in donating artwork to our collection please visit our donation page for more information.

Artwork by Hannah Jane Walker. Neon Signs which read: 'even when you don't know how' 'in the face of uncertainty' 'braver than you think you are'
Artwork by Hannah Jane Walker