Cornelius is an experienced ophthalmic surgeon specialising in oculoplastic surgery (eyelid plastic surgery), lacrimal (tear duct) surgery and orbital (eye socket) surgery.

He joined CUH as a consultant in 1998 after working at famous eye hospitals including Moorfields in London. He is a founder member, former treasurer and past president of the British Oculoplastic Surgery Society (BOPSS).
Cornelius is also a visiting consultant on the Lifeline Express Teaching Programme in China and a faculty member of the Lifeline Express International Academy of Eye Health. He is a trustee of the Cambridge Eye Trust, a charity dedicated to supporting and funding eye research programmes.
In this series, he undertakes a number of delicate procedures including the removal of a cancerous eye, which was replaced with a prosthetic eye, and the treatment of a patient with severe facial infection, together with maxillofacial surgeon, Mr Malcolm Cameron.
When not in theatre Cornelius likes to unwind by gardening, cooking, spending time with friends and family, and listening to music. He also loves photography and plays the drums and guitar.
Cornelius and his colleague Malcolm Cameron being interviewed for The Face Doctors