Adrian Kearns is the head of the Maxillofacial Prosthetic service and laboratory at Addenbrooke’s.

With over 30 years’ experience in dental and maxillofacial laboratories in units all over the UK, Adrian continues to develop and progress the service.
The prosthetics team at Addenbrooke’s work closely with our surgeons to transform lives. The team combines science and art to create artificial pieces of anatomy that are so life-like, they render many grateful patients speechless.
With initial qualifications from Edinburgh in Dental Technology and advanced removable dental prosthetics, Adrian completed his Maxillofacial Prosthetics & Technology post graduate diploma in Manchester. For many years Adrian served on his professional body’s council to help shape the future of the profession and was awarded fellowship for his service in 2023.
In the series Adrian carefully creates a nose for one of Malcolm Cameron’s patients, which incredibly attaches with hidden magnets.
After a day in hospital Adrian likes to unwind by playing and coaching volleyball, mountain biking, long walks in the east of England countryside with his partner, and reading.