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Governor Election results 2022

Below are the 2022 governor election results for our patient, public and staff membership constituencies.

To request a hard copy of the election results, please email Trust Secretariat team

Election to the Council of Governors

Report of voting

Close of voting: 5pm on 10 May 2022

Contest: Patient
Result Votes 2 to elect
Result SHERRIFF, Howard Votes 366 2 to elect Elected
Result GREENE, Ruth Votes 344 2 to elect Elected
Result CARPEN, Antony Votes 244 2 to elect Not Elected
Result ANDREWS, Jeffrey Votes 218 2 to elect Not Elected
Result PERYER, Jonathan Votes 165 2 to elect Not Elected
  • Number of eligble voters: 3,849
  • Votes cast by post: 393
  • Votes cast online: 312
  • Total number of votes cast: 705
  • Turnout: 18.3%
  • Number of votes to be found invalid: 2
  • Total number of valid notes to be counted: 703
Contest: Public
Result Votes 1 to elect
Result LEE, Melissa Votes 517 1 to elect Elected
Result SAUNDERS, Stephen Votes 302 1 to elect Not Elected
  • Number of eligble voters: 4,715
  • Votes cast by post: 467
  • Votes cast online: 358
  • Total number of votes cast: 825
  • Turnout: 17.5%
  • Number of votes to be found invalid: 6
  • Total number of valid notes to be counted: 819
Contest: Staff
Result Votes 1 to elect
Result NUR, Mahad Votes 696 1 to elect Elected
Result DAVIDSON, Bill Votes 538 1 to elect Not Elected
Result BOYD, Simon John Votes 486 1 to elect Not Elected
  • Number of eligble voters: 11,479
  • Votes cast online: 1,720
  • Total number of votes cast: 1,720
  • Turnout: 15.0%
  • Number of votes to be found invalid: 0
  • Total number of valid notes to be counted: 1720

Civica Election Services can confirm that, as far as reasonably practicable, every person whose name appeared on the electoral roll supplied to us for the purpose of the election:-

a) was sent the details of the election and

b) if they chose to participate in the election, had their vote fairly and accurately recorded

The elections were conducted in accordance with the rules and constitutional arrangements as set out previously by the Trust, and CES is satisfied that these were in accordance with accepted good electoral practice.

All voting material will be stored for 12 months.

Ciara Hutchinson
Returning Officer
On behalf of Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust