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2025 Governor Elections

Candidate governors are elected to our Council of Governors each year by Foundation Trust members. Governors are the interface between the Trust membership – patients, public and staff – and the Board of Directors who have operational responsibility for running our hospitals.

There are 19 elected governors on the Council of Governors:

  • Eight are from the patient membership
  • Seven are from the public membership
  • Four are from the staff membership

Organisations like Cambridge City Council and the University of Cambridge choose the remaining governors.

We hold elections every year in April or May.

To stand for election or vote, you must be a CUH Foundation Trust Member.

2025 Governor Elections details

The 2024 elections to the Council of Governors has concluded, and the results are available here.

The next scheduled elections to the Council of Governors will take place in the spring of 2025. There will be one staff, one public, and two patient vacancies up for election.

Further details will be published in January 2025. In the interim, to register interest, please email the Membership Foundation Trust Office.

Apply to become a patient, public or staff governor (opens in a new tab).

Questions and answers

What is a Governor?

Governors are interested in the care we provide at CUH and are dedicated to helping us deliver high-quality services to the local community.

They play an important role as a link between our Trust members, patients, the public, and staff and the Board of Directors, who are responsible for running the hospitals.

One key duty of a governor is to be an effective voice, representing the views and needs of our Foundation Trust members when decisions are made.

What does the role involve?

Governors attend meetings and discussions to help shape the work and future developments of the Trust. They are also responsible for holding the Non-Executive Directors to account for the Board's performance.

While Governors are expected to work together for the best interests of the Trust, they must also represent the views of the constituency they were elected or appointed to.

Governors are also invited to join events for members, such as listening sessions and Medicine for Members lectures.

What support are provided for Governors to help them carry out their duties?

Governors will be provided with the necessary training and support to get started in the role, and continue to develop once elected or appointed.

How much commitment is required?

The Trust recognises that all Governors will have different amounts of time to commit to the role.

The absolute minimum involvement is attending one in three Council of Governor meetings, but to be effective in the role, Governors are encouraged to get involved in a wider range of activities.

How does the election process work?

Governors are usually elected for a term of three years. However, some may serve a shorter term, for example, if they are replacing someone who has stepped down early. Elections are staggered, so each year about one third of the governors in each constituency are up for election.

If the number of candidates is the same as or fewer than the number of vacancies, they are elected unopposed. If there are more candidates than vacancies, an election is held.

When an election takes place, ballot papers (either hard copy or electronic) are sent to all members in that constituency. Each member gets one vote per vacancy. The candidates with the most votes will be elected to the Council of Governors.

If you want to vote in the Council of Governors elections, you need to become a member. Public and patient members can join today by completing the online application form. It's free and gives you the chance to have a say in who will represent your views on the Council.

Can I become a Foundation Trust member and vote in the elections if I work at CUH?

All CUH employees and volunteers are automatically members of our Foundation Trust and are part of the staff constituency. You are entitled to vote in the upcoming Council of Governors elections – and stand for election to represent the views of staff.

Can I become a member of the Trust and vote if I provide a service or have an honorary contract?

If you are individually providing services to the Trust such as honorary contract holders, you may be eligible to apply to be a staff Foundation Trust member. If you wish to apply for staff membership please email the CUH foundation office. Please see their details at the top of this page.

What if I am a volunteer or have contract employment at CUH? Can I become a member and vote in the upcoming elections?

If you have a contract of employment with the Trust or are a volunteer with the Trust you are automatically a (staff) member of the Trust, unless it is a fixed term contract of less than 12 months in length.

How do I become a Foundation Trust member?

Shape the future of your local healthcare services. Join now.

Membership application form (opens in a new tab)