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FOI disclosure log

The disclosure log lists our responses to Freedom of Information requests that we think may interest the public.

2024 disclosure logs

November - December 2024

Date received: 21.10.24

Reference number: 647.24

Applicant: Commercial

Q: I would like to submit an FOI request for the volume of Immunoglobulin distributed at NHS Wales in each month for July, August and September 2024, broken down by product (see below). If the volume by brand is not available, I would like to request the number of vials distributed by brand.

I would also like to request the number of patients in Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust by brand if available.

  • Vigam
  • Flebogamma DIF
  • Gammaplex
  • Gamunex-C
  • Octagam
  • Kiovig
  • Intratect
  • Privigen
  • Iqymune
  • Gammanorm
  • Subcuvia
  • Subgam
  • Hizentra
  • Hyqvia
  • Cuvitru
  • Panzyga
  • Xembify
  • Cutaquig
  • Yimmugo
  • Vyvgart (Efgartigimod)

A: Please see below volume by product in July, August, and September 2024. All products not listed below were zero volume distributed.

  • Hizentra
    • July: 130ml
    • August: 140ml
    • September: 90ml
  • Gamunex-C
    • July: 25650ml
    • August: 22800ml
    • September: 29850ml
  • Cuvitru
    • July: 40ml
    • August: 90ml
    • September: 100ml
  • Privigen
    • July: 61725ml
    • August: 51375ml
    • September: 49900ml
  • Flebogamma DIF
    • July: 18700ml
    • August: 20200ml
    • September: 18600ml
  • Intratect
    • July: 5850ml
    • August: 6300ml
    • September: 6400ml

If you are unhappy with this response, then please do not hesitate to contact the information governance team. Your concerns or complaint will be fully investigated, and a response sent to you within 20 working days, in exceptional circumstances this may take longer.

Date received: 24.10.24

Reference number: 655.24

Applicant: Commercial

Q1: The number of patients with generalised Myasthenia Gravis (gMG) treated in each month for July, August, and September 2024.

Q2: The volume of medication dispensed and/or consumed in each month for July, August, and September 2024 for each of the products below for gMG patients. If it is more convenient to specify the number of vials, pre-filled syringes, or tablets, that would also be very helpful:

  • Steroids
  • Acetylcholinerase Inhibitors (ACHEis)
  • Immunosuppressants
  • Anti-CD20 - Rituximab
  • Immunoglobulins
  • Anti-FcRn
  • Complement Inhibitors


  • Azathioprine
    • July: 150mg
    • August: 50mg
    • September: 100mg
  • Neostigmine Metilsulfate
    • July: 2mg
    • August: 0
    • September: 0
  • Prednisolone
    • July: 435mg
    • August: 510mg
    • September: 200mg
  • Pyridostigmine Bromide
    • July: 135mg
    • August: 120mg
    • September: 210mg
  • Rituximab
    • July: 3000mg
    • August: 4000mg
    • September: 2000mg

Date received: 25.10.24

Reference number: 659.24

Applicant: Media

Q: How many incidents of a retained foreign object post-procedure were logged by your Trust in the past five years?

By ‘retained foreign object post procedure’, I refer to retained guide wires, mouth props, surgical instruments, needles, vaginal swabs, throat packs, etc

Please break down this information by:

  • The retained item.
  • The financial year, covering April 1st - March 31st (2019/20, 2021/22, 2022/23, 2023/24, 2024/25).

For the latter, please provide information from April 1st to September 30th 2024.



  • Sheath
  • PICC line
  • Guidewire
  • Guidewire
  • Guidewire
  • Foley Catheter
  • Gauze
  • Vaginal pack
  • Swab
  • Tooth


  • Hickman line
  • Video capsule
  • Gauze
  • Swab




  • Plastic tube


  • Gauze
  • Tooth
  • Catheter balloon


  • ICP wire

Date received: 29.10.24

Reference number: 663.24

Applicant: Commercial

Please see below response, covering the 12-month period October 2023 to September 2024.

Q1: The number of patients seen for any reason, within the latest 12 months of data available to the trust, with a recorded diagnosis of Myasthenia Gravis (ICD 10 code G70.0).

A: There have been 741 admissions, with 192 patients recorded with diagnosis of Myasthenia Gravis.

Q2: Of these patients, the number treated within the last 12 months with:

  • Plasma exchange (PLEX)
    A: 34 admissions, 8 patients
  • Intravenous Immunoglobulins (IVIG)
    A: 114 admissions, 20 patients
  • Rituximab
    A: 26 admissions, 12 patients
  • Efgartigimod
    A: 0 admissions, 0 patients

Date received: 31.10.24

Reference number: 667.24

Applicant: Individual

Please are you able to share your statistics and data for:

  • Spontaneous vaginal birth rates
  • Medically induced vaginal birth rates
  • Planned C-section birth rates
  • Emergency c section birth rate

Please share this for 2024, 2023, 2022 and 2021.


Spontaneous Vaginal Birth

  • 2021: 1843
  • 2022: 1744
  • 2023: 1678
  • 2024: 1237

Medically Induced Vaginal Birth

  • 2021: 1089
  • 2022: 987
  • 2023: 953
  • 2024: 734

Planned C-Section

  • 2021: 803
  • 2022: 860
  • 2023: 877
  • 2024: 660

Emergency C-Section

  • 2021: 1008
  • 2022: 1179
  • 2023: 1268
  • 2024: 1036

Date received: 05.11.24

Reference number: 674.24

Applicant: NHS

Q: I would like to request the following information from the Trust.

How many HPB or Upper GI nurses (including CNS/ANP/ACP/Nurse consultants) are currently employed at the Trust?

A: 5

Date received: 08.11.24

Reference number: 690.24

Applicant: Individual

Q1: How many clinical coders are employed by the Trust?

A: 47

Q2: Who is responsible for the clinical coding team and who does that individual report into?

A: Head of Clinical Coding (A Rodgers), responsible to the Associate Director of Informatics (M Tapp)

Q3: What did the Trust spend on external coding support in the 2023-2024 financial year?

A: £0

Q4: What is the current coding backlog?

A: No Backlog

Q5: How many Finished Consultant Episodes does the Trust complete per year?

A: 250k+ per annum

Q6: How many vacancies does the Trust currently have for clinical coding staff?

A: No Vacancies

Date received: 11.11.24

Reference number: 694.24

Applicant: Commercial

I am writing to submit a new FOI request about Hypoparathyroidism within your Trust.

Q1: Do you have an endocrinology led bone and calcium clinic, if so how frequently does it meet?

A: Weekly

Q2: How many patients with Hypoparathyroidism* do you have?

A: 95

Q3: Of these patients with Hypoparathyroidism*, how many have been seen in hospital in the last 12 months?

A: 73

Date received: 14.11.24

Reference number: 710.24

Applicant: Commercial

Q: Please can you confirm if there are any plans for new bed spaces to be created within your trust in the next five years? This can be either proposed at a discussion point or a more formal stage of the decision process. I would like to capture new treatment areas or areas that would offer both day or overnight bed spaces.

If so, please could you record the proposed site and an estimated number of additional beds to be added per year. Any example response would be as follows:

  • 2025 - example general hospital 20 bed
  • 2026 - example wing 45 beds
  • 2027 - example new site 30 beds


  • 2029: New Cambridge Children’s Hospital, 28 new beds
  • 2029: New Cambridge Cancer Research Hospital, 7 new beds

Q2: Please can you confirm if there are any proposed new theatres planned to be created within your trust in the next five years. Please use the example format highlighted in Q1.


  • 2029: New Cambridge Children’s Hospital, 3 New Theatres
  • 2029: New Cambridge Cancer Research Hospital, 17 New day cases Spaces

Q3: Please can you confirm if any of your current bed spaces or theatres are planned to be moved into a new building or area in the next 5 years. Please use the example format highlighted in Q1.


  • 2029: New Cambridge Children’s Hospital (once construction is completed)
  • 2029: New Cambridge Cancer Research Hospital (once construction is completed)

Q4: If questions 1-3 have highlighted a response that confirms new facilities, please could you confirm which organisation has been authorised to lead on the work if the project has reached the stage of awarding.


  • 2029: New Cambridge Children’s Hospital - Procurement process is underway for a construction partner
  • 2029: New Cambridge Cancer Research Hospital - Laing O’Rouke is the construction partner for the project

Date received: 19.11.24

Reference number: 719.24

Applicant: Commercial

I have a freedom of information request regarding the treatment of Multiple Myeloma. Could you please answer the following questions.

Q1: Over the past 6 months, how many adult multiple myeloma [MM] patients have you treated?

A: 350

Q2: If you refer your multiple myeloma patients to another centre, please state which.

A: Not applicable

Q3: Of the multiple myeloma patients over the past 6 months, how many were treated with the following:

  • Bortezomib [Velcade], Melphalan/Cyclophosphamide and prednisolone/dexamethasone (VMp or VCd)
    A: 0
  • Bortezomib, thalidomide and dexamethasone [VTD]
    A: 16
  • Daratamumab [Darzalex] with Lenalidomide [Revlimid] and dexamethasone
    A: 26
  • Daratumumab [Darzalex], Bortezomib [Velcade], thalidomide and dexamethasone (known as Dara-VTd)
    A: 18
  • Selinexor, Bortexomiv [Velcade] and dexamethasone
    A: 2
  • Carfilzomib [Kyprolis] and dexamethasone
    A: 1
  • Bortezomib [Velcade] monotherapy or with dexamethasone
    A: 0
  • Daratumumab [Darzalex], Bortezomib [Velcade] and dexamethasone (known as DVd or DBd)
    A: 14
  • Carfilzomib [Kyprolis], Lenalidomide [Revlmid] and dexamethasone
    A: 9
  • Belantamab Mafodotin [Blenrep]
    A: 1
  • Idecabtagene vicleucel [Abecma]
    A: 0
  • Isatuximab [Sarclisa], Pomalidomide [Imnovid] and dexamethasone (known as IsaPd)
    A: 20
  • Elranatamab
    A: 11
  • Daratumumab [Darzalex] monotherapy
    A: 11
  • Ixazomib [Ninlaro], Lenalidomide [Revlmid] and dexamethasone (known as IRd)
    A: 25
  • Lenalidomide [Revlimid] and dexamethasone
    A: 30
  • Lenalidomide [Revlmid] monotherapy
    A: 38
  • Pomalidomide [Imnovid] and dexamethasone
    A: 7
  • Selinexor and dexamethasone
    A: 2
  • Talquetamab
    A: 1
  • Teclistamab [Tecvayli]
    A: 3
  • Any other systemic anti-cancer therapy
    A: 76

Date received: 26.11.24

Reference number: 741.24

Applicant: Commercial

Q: I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. I would like to request the following details:

The name, email address, and contact number of the person(s) or department responsible for managing the supply of temporary staffing for Allied Health Professionals (AHP) and Health Science Services (HSS) within your trust.

A: Staff Bank are responsible for this and can be contacted by calling 01223 596300 or by emailing the Staff Bank team.

Date received: 02.12.24

Reference number: 755.24

Applicant: Researcher

Q: Under the freedom of Information Act I am requesting the number of children who underwent grommet surgery in your ENT department. Please provide me the numbers of children (aged 2-12 years) who had grommet surgery from 01/04/2022 – 31/03/2023 in your ENT department.

A: The number of children aged 2-12 years who had grommet surgery from the above date range was 117.

Date received: 04.12.24

Reference number: 760.24

Applicant: Commercial

Q1: How many patients were treated in October 2024 (or latest available month) by the Dermatology department with the following drugs:

  • Abrocitinib (Cibinqo)
    A: 24
  • Baricitinib (Olumiant)
    A: 4
  • Dupilumab (Dupixent)
    A: 150
  • Lebrikizumab (Ebglyss)
    A: 0
  • Omalizumab (Xolair)
    A: 0
  • Tralokinumab (Adtralza)
    A: 7
  • Upadacitinib (Rinvoq)
    A: 7
September - October 2024

Date received: 29.08.24

Reference number: 534.24

Applicant: Individual

Q: I would like to know how many recruitments Medical Staffing have made in the last 12 months, particularly within Division D as Recruitment Advisor. I would like to know whether these recruitments are locum, fixed term contract or permanent.

A: We have made the following appointments as a Recruitment Adviser in the last 12 months:

  • Recruitment Adviser - Permanent, Full Time
  • Recruitment Adviser - Permanent, Full Time
  • Recruitment Adviser - Permanent, Full Time
  • Recruitment Adviser - Permanent, Full Time
  • Recruitment Adviser - Temporary - Bank, Part Time

Two roles supported Division D, the Temporary Bank role and one of the permanent roles.

Date received: 29.08.24

Reference number: 536.24

Applicant: Individual

Q: I would like to know all job roles within Medical Staffing at Addenbrookes which have been filled since June 2023. This includes whether they are permanent or temporary, full or part time, WFH or office based.


  • Temporary Staffing Administrator - Permanent, Full Time, Hybrid
  • Medical Staffing Administrator - Permanent, Full Time, Office Based
  • Medical Staffing Adviser - Permanent, Full Time, Hybrid
  • Recruitment Adviser - Permanent, Full Time, Hybrid
  • Recruitment Adviser - Permanent, Full Time, Hybrid
  • Temporary Staffing Administrator - Permanent, Full Time, Hybrid
  • Recruitment Adviser - Permanent, Full Time, Hybrid
  • Recruitment Adviser - Permanent, Full Time, Hybrid
  • Temporary Staffing Administrator - Temporary - Bank, Part Time, Office Based
  • Medical Staffing Project Officer - Temporary - Agency, Full Time, WFH
  • Recruitment Adviser, Temporary - Bank, Part Time, Office Based

Date received: 18.09.24

Reference number: 567.24

Applicant: Media

Q1: The hospital name/address (ideally the same name and location ID registered with the CQC)


Addenbrooke's Hospital Foundation NHS Trust
Hills Road

RGT 01

Q2: The total number of beds in each hospital

A: 1365

Q3: A breakdown of the total number of beds by the following 4 bed types in each hospital:

  • General & Acute
    A: 1266
  • Learning Disabilities
    A: 0
  • Maternity
    A: 99
  • Mental Illness
    A: 0

Date received: 20.09.24

Reference number: 570.24

Applicant: Media

Q: Please could you confirm whether you hold the plans drawn up to expand the Accident and Emergency Department at Addenbrooke's Hospital dating from between 2000-2010 - in particular any formal planning applications and formally-commissioned reports and studies. If you hold this information, please could you publish it.

A: We did not have any schemes within the A&E Department that required formal planning applications and/or formally commissioned reports or studies during this period. All modifications to the building were internal refurbishments and did not require external ratification or permissions.

Date received: 26.09.24

Reference number: 585.24

Applicant: Individual

Q: I would like to know all job roles within Medical Staffing at Addenbrooke's which have been filled since June 2023. This includes whether they are permanent or temporary, full or part time, WFH or office based. I am requesting this info under the Freedom of Information act. I would like the dates all these positions were filled please.


  • Temporary Staffing Administrator - Permanent, Full Time, Hybrid
    Start date: 08/07/2024
  • Medical Staffing Administrator - Permanent, Full Time, Office Based
    Start date: 16/05/2024
  • Medical Staffing Adviser - Permanent, Full Time, Hybrid
    Start date: 01/05/2024
  • Recruitment Adviser - Permanent, Full Time, Hybrid
    Start date: 02/04/2024
  • Recruitment Adviser - Permanent, Full Time, Hybrid
    Start date: 18/03/2024
  • Temporary Staffing Administrator - Permanent, Full Time, Hybrid
    Start date: 10/11/2024
  • Recruitment Adviser - Permanent, Full Time, Hybrid
    Start date: 30/10/2023
  • Recruitment Adviser - Permanent, Full Time, Hybrid
    Start date: 16/10/2023
  • Temporary Staffing Administrator - Temporary (Bank), Part Time, Office Based
    Start date: 31/07/2023
  • Medical Staffing Project Officer - Temporary (Agency), Full Time, WFH
    Start date: 24/08/2023
  • Recruitment Adviser - Temporary (Bank), Part Time, Office Based
    Start date: 18/09/2023

Date received: 26.09.24

Reference number: 586.24

Applicant: Individual

Q: I would like to know how many recruitments Medical Staffing have made in the last 12 months, particularly within Division D as Recruitment Advisor. I would like to know whether these recruitments are locum, fixed term contract or permanent.

Would it please be possible to get the dates of each recruitment?


  • Recruitment Adviser, Permanent, Full Time
    Start date: 02/04/2024
  • Recruitment Adviser, Permanent, Full Time
    Start date: 18/03/2024
  • Recruitment Adviser, Permanent, Full Time
    Start date: 30/10/2023
  • Recruitment Adviser, Permanent, Full Time
    Start date: 16/10/2023
  • Recruitment Adviser, Temporary (Bank), Part Time
    Start date: 18/09/2023

Date received: 08.10.24

Reference number: 601.24

Applicant: Individual

Q1: Does your trust outsource Occupational Health Services given to your clinical staff to third-party providers?

A: Our Occupational Health Services are not outsourced; they are based on site at Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

Q2: If some or all of the OH services are provided from an outsourced contract, please provide the following information for each active outsourced contract in occupational health for your trust:

  • Number of occupational contracts, including the name of the company that provides it.
  • Whether the contract was a physical health occupational service contract, a mental health occupational service contract, or both.
  • Duration of each occupational health contract.
  • The estimated value for each contract.

Date received: 08.10.24

Reference number: 603.24

Applicant: Individual

Q: Under the FOI Act, I would like to request the number of compensation pay-outs to both NHS staff and former NHS staff related to asbestos in each of the last three financial years: 2021/22, 2022/23 and 2023/24.

I would also like to request the total amount paid in compensation related to asbestos in each of those years.

A: I can confirm that we have not made any payments of compensation in relation to asbestos during the period Apr 2021 - Mar 2024.

July - August 2024

Date received: 27.06.24

Reference number: 409.24

Applicant: Media

Q1: The total number of children under the age of 5 (Compulsory School Age) on your waiting list for speech therapy (including all of those who are yet to receive more than one individual Speech and Language therapy session/assessment)

A: None – we are an acute service with no waiting list. We have 6 children under 5 on the Videofluoroscopic swallowing study (VFSS) waiting list.

Q2: What parents are required to do before receiving a block of speech therapy sessions (attend a course, etc.)?

A: Nothing – we see children within 2 working days of being referred, usually on the same day.

Q3: What support you provide for children for whom an AAC device is deemed appropriate?

A: We provide assessment and therapy for children who need an Augmentative and Alternative Communication Device and would refer to Communication Aid Service East of England (CASEE) if they needed something very high-tech.

Q4: How many speech and language therapists (full time equivalent) and how many young people under the age of 18 under your service?

A: 5.1 whole time equivalent Speech and Language Therapists. The number of children on our caseload fluctuates on a daily basis. We only see children up to the age of 16.

Date received: 03.07.24

Reference number: 417.24

Applicant: NHS

Q1: Does your Trust follow the Agenda for Change Policy in rewarding band 5 nurses from overseas? Yes / No or comment

A: Internationally recruited nurses are paid in accordance with NHS Agenda for Change terms and conditions (assuming the term “rewarding” is referring to their remuneration).

Q2: Does your Trust automatically put all band 5 overseas nurses at the bottom of band 5 pay scale and totally disregard their overseas clinical experience? Yes / No or comment

Q3: Does your Trust start some of your nurses at the top of band 5 pay scale taking into account their overseas clinical experience? Yes / No or comment

A: Where they start on the salary scale is dependent on their relevant experience.

Date received: 09.07.24

Reference number: 432.24

Applicant: Individual

Q1: What psychological support provisions are available for employees of Cambridgeshire University Hospitals? i.e; Employee Assistance Programme / Access to in house therapy via Occupational Health / onward referrals to outside agencies?

A: All employees at Cambridge University Hospitals (CUH) have access to a free 24-hour confidential helpline through the Employee assistance programme - Health Assured. The phone counselling service provides comprehensive assistance, information, advice and counselling on problems that could be affecting home and/or work life, health and general wellbeing. Employee partners and dependents (living in the same household, aged 16 to 24 and in full time education) can also access the Health Assured telephone helpline.

The Occupational Health and Wellbeing team aims to improve the health, safety and general wellbeing of all staff. Support is available via management referrals and self-referrals. The Occupational Health (OH) service also has an in-house Mental Health and Wellbeing Specialist Nurse and Wellbeing Facilitators/Co-ordinators. The OH Wellbeing team offers virtual self-care sessions for staff. There can be referrals via the CUH Occupational Health Team or GP to the Staff Mental Health Service (SMHS). This is a service for all CUH staff (clinical and non-clinical) experiencing moderate to severe mental health symptoms that are impacting significantly on their functioning.

The multi-disciplinary team offers rapid access to psychiatric assessment and advice.

NHS Staff and Mental Health Service website (opens in a new tab)

The Trust Chaplaincy team provides confidential listening and pastoral support for all staff at CUH. Chaplains will listen and support and if necessary offer further support or liaise with psychology, counselling and other services depending on needs.

The CUH Clinicians4Clinicians team offer clinical peers at CUH the opportunity of a 1:2 supportive 'personal pitstop' to offload and talk things through in a safe reflective space, in complete confidence.

CUH employees can also self-refer to CPFT Talking Therapies. This service is for individuals who are experiencing common mental health problems such as depression and anxiety disorders, including generalised anxiety disorder, social anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder. The Trust intranet (Connect) includes links to emotional and psychological support. The aim is for the TRiM Trauma Risk Management programme to be piloted in CUH before the end of 2024.

Q2: If any, what provision of treatment is available for staff? i.e: Counselling, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (High or low intensity or both), Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing Therapy etc?

A: There is unlimited access to 24/7/365 confidential telephone helpline, LiveChat and email. Up to six sessions of telephone or online counselling including CBT techniques. The Staff Mental Health Service (SMHS) provides mental health treatment including psychological treatment for trauma - this can be accessed via OH referral.

Q3: If therapy is available, are there a set number of sessions provided?

A: Six counselling sessions are available through the Employee Assistance Programme, Health Assured.

Q4: Following the COVID pandemic, what wellbeing provisions/policies/initiatives have been put in place to support key workers - particularly those with ongoing clinical presentations of trauma and/or work related stressors?

A: A number of wellbeing initiatives have been put in place (see previous answers) since the COVID pandemic including funding available to pilot the TRiM Trauma Response programme to staff.

Q5: Do you provide psychological assessment for new starters at recruitment if they disclose any history of mental health presentations?

A: This can be picked up by the Occupational Health team as part of the pre-employment screening process and a referral made for assessment as required.

Q6: Do you provide any ongoing (e.g: annual) psychological screening for front line workers whose roles include regular exposure to potentially traumatic events (i.e: paramedics, A&E, NICU or palliative care staff) – such as completion of psychometric outcome measure questionnaires to monitor presenteeism at work (anxiety, low mood, burn out, secondary traumatic stress)?

A: Not at the current time.

Date received: 09.07.24

Reference number: 433.24

Applicant: Commercial

Q1: How many patients does the trust have with a recorded diagnosis of Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS)?

A: For patients with this recorded as active on their problem list and for medications received in hospital between 01/01/2024 and 30/06/2024, 341.

Q2: Of these patients, how many have been treated with each of the following advanced biologics in the last 6 months?

Advanced Biologic:

  • Adalimumab
    A: 1
  • Infliximab
    A: 6
  • Secukinumab
    A: 0
  • Usteakinumab
    A: 0
  • Other advanced biologic/s – please specify name/s:

Date received: 12.07.24

Reference number: 439.24

Applicant: Media

Q: In 2023, of all the patients receiving enoxaparin, how many of them followed the posology of receiving injections once a day? And how many received injections twice a day?

A: There has been no usage of enoxaparin during 2023.

Date received: 15.07.24

Reference number: 443.24

Applicant: Individual

Q: I would like to learn the number of privately paying circumcisions carried out by the hospital for the period of November 2023 to the latest figures available (current).

A: None

Date received: 29.07.24

Reference number: 467.23

Applicant: Media

Q1: When did you last undertake a Six Facet survey of your estate?

A: 2023.

Q2: Do you carry out fire risk assessments internally or via an external service provider?

A: The Fire Risk Assessments are undertaken by an external contractor.

Q3: Are your estate site plans current and accurate?

A: Yes.

Q4: Do your estate site plans detail fire compartmentation lines?

A: Yes.

Q5: Do you retain an up-to-date list of maintainable M&E assets?

A: Yes.

Date received: 07.08.24

Reference number: 489.24

Applicant: NHS

Q1: Do you have a Children’s Emergency Department/designated area?

A: Yes

Q2: If yes, how many children and babies (0-15 years +364 days) attend children’s Emergency department annually?

A: In 2023, 18991

Q3: Do you triage all the children and babies?

A: Yes

Q4: Is the triage nurse always paediatric trained? If not, what competencies do they have to complete?

A: There is always a paediatric trained nurse in the department although they may not be assigned to triage. All staff triaging children will have attended the following:

  • How to recognise a sick child
  • Paediatric intermediate life support
  • Safeguarding level 3
  • Triage training
  • PEWS scoring training.

Q5: If you have a UTC, do you triage first before streaming to this service?

A: Yes

Date received: 12.08.24

Reference number: 495.24

Applicant: Media

Q: From 01/04/24- 01/09/24, how many doctor shifts*, categorised by department and grade, have been covered by Physician Associates? *Doctor shifts include any shifts covered by foundation doctors (FY1/FY2), locally employed doctors, core/specialist trainees and registrars. They may be described as 'F1 shifts', 'SHO shifts' or 'Registrar shifts'.

A: There have been no shifts covered by Physician Associates at Cambridge University NHS Foundation Trust.

May - June 2024

Date received: 10.04.24

Reference number: 255.24

Applicant: Individual

Clinical Waste Destruction Contract

The details I require are:

Q1: Has clinical waste been procured via tender or framework or another means?

A: All Clinical Waste is incinerated via the on-site incinerator.

Q2: If a framework, could you confirm the name of the framework please?

A: Not applicable.

Q3: Actual contract values of each framework/contract (& any sub lots)

A: Not applicable.

Q4: Start date & duration of contract

A: Not applicable.

Q5: Is there an extension clause in the framework(s)/contract(s) and, if so, the duration of the extension?

A: Not applicable.

Q6: Has a decision been made yet on whether the framework(s)/contract(s) are being either extended or renewed?

A: Not applicable.

Q7: Who is the procurement officer responsible for this contract and could you provide their email address and phone number please?

A: Not applicable.

Q8: Do you have a generic email address for your procurement department, for example, if so could you confirm this?

A: Email CUH procurement.

Q9: Who is the senior officer (outside of procurement) responsible for this contract and could you provide their email address and phone number please?

A: Not applicable.

Q10: Who is the current supplier?

A: Not applicable.

Q11: If your current supplier is a Facilities Management/Waste/Cleaning Company, which sub-contractor services your organisation? E.g., which company’s staff actually collect your clinical waste?

A: Not applicable.

Date received: 11.04.24

Reference number: 258.24

Applicant: Commercial

I am writing to politely request the following data under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) on cyber-attacks affecting Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. Where possible please provide data broken down by calendar year or failing that, by relevant 12-month period (e.g. 2021/22 2022/23 etc.) for which data is available.

Q1: How many times has your organisation experienced an attempted cyber-attack in the last two financial years?

A: None.

Q2: Have you ever reported any cyber-related incidents to the NCSC and if so, how many in the last two financial years?

A: None.

Q3: Thinking about cyber-attacks where the criminal was able to obtain data or disable systems, how much have these cost the organisation?

A: Not applicable.

Q4: How much of the organisation’s total annual budget is spent on cyber support, protection and computer systems?

A: We do not have a separate budget for cyber, it is part of the IT overall budget.

Q5: How many people are employed by the organisation to oversee cyber support and programmes?

A: Cyber is covered as part of various roles with other responsibilities therefore we cannot split out how many people work on Cyber, we do however have one full time Cyber Security Technical Architect.

Date received: 15.04.24

Reference number: 267.24

Applicant: Researcher

I am carrying out some research for a report, trying to ascertain preparedness for carbon zero in the public sector. I am particularly interested in public sector organisation's understanding of current energy usage. I would like to know:

Q1: The number of electric, gas, fuel & water meters the organisation has (billing meters and sub-meters).

A: 1067.

Q2: The number of those meters that are manually read & recorded.

A: 343.

Q3: The number of those meters that are AMR (Automated Meter Reading) meters.

A: 659.

Q4: Across how many sites the meters distributed.

A: 5

Date received: 16.04.24

Reference number: 269.24

Applicant: Commercial

Q1: Over the past 6 months, how many adult multiple myeloma [MM] patients have you treated? If you refer your multiple myeloma patients to another centre, please state which.

A: In the period 1/10/2023 – 31/03/23, 280 Multiple Myeloma patients have been treated with systemic anticancer therapy.

Q2: Of the multiple myeloma patients over the past 6 months, how many were treated with the following:

  • Belantamab Mafodotin [Blenrep]
    A: 2
  • Bortezomib [Velcade] monotherapy or with dexamethasone
    A: 12
  • Bortezomib, thalidomide and dexamethasone [VTD]
    A: 12
  • Bortezomib [Velcade], Melphalan/Cyclophosphamide and prednisolone/dexamethasone (VMp or VCd)
    A: 3
  • Carfilzomib [Kyprolis] and dexamethasone
    A: 0
  • Carfilzomib [Kyprolis], Lenalidomide [Revlmid] and dexamethasone
    A: 8
  • Daratumumab [Darzalex] monotherapy
    A: 7
  • Daratumumab [Darzalex], Bortezomib [Velcade] and dexamethasone (known as DVd or DBd)
    A: 20
  • Daratumumab [Darzalex], Bortezomib [Velcade], thalidomide and dexamethasone (known as Dara-VTd)
    A: 0
  • Daratamumab [Darzalex] with Lenalidomide [Revlimid] and dexamethasone
    A: 12
  • Elranatamab
    A: 0
  • Idecabtagene vicleucel [Abecma]
    A: 0
  • Isatuximab [Sarclisa], Pomalidomide [Imnovid] and dexamethasone (known as IsaPd)
    A: 22
  • Ixazomib [Ninlaro], Lenalidomide [Revlmid] and dexamethasone (known as IRd)
    A: 0
  • Lenalidomide [Revlmid] monotherapy
    A: 33
  • Lenalidomide [Revlimid] and dexamethasone
    A: 38
  • Pomalidomide [Imnovid] and dexamethasone
    A: 27
  • Selinexor and dexamethasone
    A: 0
  • Talquetamab
    A: 1
  • Teclistamab [Tecvayli]
    A: 3
  • Any other systemic anti-cancer therapy
    A: 80

Date received: N/A

Reference number: 310.24

Applicant: N/A

Q1: Has the authority received any payments (including for example shares in companies as well as cash) for the sale of any form of patient data in any of the financial years 2021/22, 22/23, 23/24?

A: No, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust does not do this.

Q2: If the answer to question 1 is yes, please disclose the total amount received in each year.

A: Not applicable.

Q3: If the answer to question 1 is yes, please disclose the three payors paying the largest amount in each year.

A: Not applicable.

Q4: Does the sale of data feature in any of the authorities current plans or budgets for the next three years?

A: No.

Date received: 25.05.24

Reference number: 328.24

Applicant: Commercial

Q1: How many children aged 0-18 attended as an NHS inpatient or outpatient from 1st January 2023 to 31st December 2023?

A: 40300

Q2: How many of these children lived in the following postcodes:

  • PE1
    A: 1849
  • PE2
    A: 1867
  • PE3
    A: 609
  • PE4
    A: 133
  • PE5
    A: 3
  • PE6
    A: 171
  • PE7
    A: 326
  • PE8
    A: 58
  • PE9
    A: 105

Please can you provide the information as a count of patients NOT activity.

Please can you EXCLUDE data from The Rosie Hospital.

Date received: 22.05.24

Reference number: 343.24

Applicant: Commercial

Q1: Do you host placements for undergraduate medical students in your Trust?

A: Yes

Q2: From which medical schools do you routinely host medical students in your Trust?

A: University of Cambridge

Q3: How much placement funding did you receive from NHS England (NHSE) in the last financial year to support undergraduate medical education in your Trust?

A: £12,322,414

Q4: How much paid time does the lead for undergraduate medical education have (either as a percentage of whole time equivalence (WTE) or programmed activities (PAs))?

A: 2 PAs

Q5: What job title do you give your lead for undergraduate medical education?

A: Clinical Subdean for Cambridge University Hospital

Q6: How many administration staff (WTE) do you have to support undergraduate medical education?

A: The Trust employs 1.8 WTE administration staff in total. The remainder (the majority) of administration support is provided, and funded, by the University of Cambridge School of Clinical Medicine.

Q7: How many ‘Clinical Teaching Fellows (CTF)’ or similar do you employ to support undergraduate medical education?

A: None

Q8: Please list your current posts for CTFs including their commitment to the delivery of clinical care and base speciality (if applicable)

A: Not applicable

Q9: Do you offer CTFs the opportunity for further study, such as a PGCert in Medical Education, and is this paid for by the Trust?

A: Not applicable

Q10: Is there any further information you would like to provide regarding the support for undergraduate medical education in your Trust?

A: No

March - April 2024

Date received: 08.02.24

Reference number: 101.24

Applicant: Researcher

Q1: How many patients pass through your morgue each year?

A: Approximately 2500 adults

Q2: Approximately what proportion of these have a cardiac implantable device in situ? (PPM, ICD, ILR)

A: 1:20

Q3: Does the hospital morgue also take deaths from the community, or is it for inpatients only?

A: Yes – takes deaths from the community

Q4: Is there a cardiac physiology department on site at your hospital?

A: Yes.

Q5: If a patient has a cardiac device in situ, is it routine practice for a device check to be undertaken after death?

A: No.

Q6a: If yes, is the information regarding rhythm/therapies at the time of death routinely added to the patient’s notes/hospital record?

A: Not applicable.

Q6b: If yes, is the information regarding rhythm/therapies at the time of death routinely passed on to the clinical team?

A: Not applicable.

Q7: If no and this is not routine practice, are there ever exceptions to this, i.e. occasions where a post-death device check is requested by the clinical team?

A: Yes.

Q8: If yes, please elaborate (for example, how often or under what circumstances this occurs).

A: ICD’s are deactivated in mortuary. Stored EGM’s reviewed and reported if relevant.

Any additional comments: No additional comments.

Date received: 12.02.24

Reference number: 112.24

Applicant: Commercial

Q1: Has Microsoft (or a third party on its behalf) carried out an audit of your Microsoft software assets in the last 8 years?

A: No.

Q2: If so, what date did any such audits start and finish?

A: n/a.

Q3: What is the corporate identity of the party carrying out the audit, e.g. Microsoft or the name of the thirdparty auditing company?

A: n/a.

Q4: Did the audit identify any breaches of, underlicensing, or non-compliance with, your licensing conditions?

A: n/a.

Q5: If so, were any incentives relating to such breaches or non-compliance given by Microsoft to encourage your organisation to move to Microsoft cloud subscription licences?

A: n/a.

Q6: If so, please provide details of these incentives.

A: n/a.

Date received: 13.02.24

Reference number: 125.24

Applicant: Media

Q: I would like to know the exact number of junior doctors in your trust who are recorded as taking sick leave from the dates December 25th, 2023 – January 9th, 2024 inclusive.

A: 59 doctors, across that period of 16 days, were absent for at least one day (up to a max of 12 days for 7 of the 59.)

Date received: 29.02.24

Reference number: 167.24

Applicant: Individual

Q1: Do you have a policy or procedure that covers staff working remotely from abroad on either a temporary or permanent basis? (i.e. outside the UK)?

A: There is no corporate workforce policy that permits Cambridge University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust employees to work remotely from abroad (outside the UK). This is because of potential tax liability and jurisdiction issues.

Q2: Please could I request a copy of the relevant policies and/or procedures?

A: Not applicable.

Date received: 06.03.24

Reference number: 176.24

Applicant: Commercial

Q1: How many patients were treated in February 2024 (or latest available month) by the Dermatology department with the following drugs:

  • Abrocitinib (Cibinqo)
    A: 15
  • Baricitinib (Olumiant)
    A: 4
  • Dupilumab (Dupixent)
    A: 122
  • Lebrikizumab (Ebglyss)
    A: 0
  • Omalizumab (Xolair)
    A: 0
  • Tralokinumab (Adtralza)
    A: 7
  • Upadacitinib (Rinvoq)
    A: 4

Q2: How many patients were treated in February 2024 (or latest available month) by the Respiratory Medicine departments with the following drugs:

  • Benralizumab (Fasenra)
    A: 279
  • Dupilumab (Dupixent)
    A: 52
  • Mepolizumab (Nucala)
    A: 125
  • Omalizumab (Xolair)
    A: 82
  • Reslizumab (Cinqaero)
    A: 3
  • Tezepelumab (Tezspire)
    A: 30

Date received: 08.03.24

Reference number: 183.24

Applicant: Individual

Q: How many staff have accessed your NHS Intranet in the past year?

A: Between 01 March 2023 and 29 February 2024 our intranet received 5,219,268 views by 735,941 users. It is not possible to say exactly the number of individual staff members this equates to – ‘users’ might be counted twice if accessing our intranet via different routes and devices.

Date received: 13.03.24

Reference number: 198.24

Applicant: Individual

Q1: Does the Trust have a Managed Service (MSP) or MV or an external Bank supplier for the recruitment of agency staff? Please break this down into Doctors, Nursing & AHP if appropriate.

A: No, the trust does not have a MSP, MV or an external bank supplier for the recruitment of agency staff.

Q2: If yes, who is that contract with and when does it end?

A: Not applicable.

Q3: If yes, how did the Trust review whether the supplier followed ethical business practices, what ethical insights did they gather?

A: Not applicable.

Q4: What steps do the Trust take to ensure suppliers are paying their fair share of taxes and acting with integrity.

A: Not applicable.

Q5: Who is responsible within the Trust, for ensuring that suppliers follow ethical business practices?

A: Not applicable.

Date received: 15.03.24

Reference number: 204

Applicant: Individual

Q1: What is the total WTE of employed staff in the organisation?

A: 12,026.51 WTE as of the 29th of February 2024.

Q2: What is the total WTE of employees who have full time release for union/ staff-side duties?

A: 0 WTE.

January - February 2024

Date received: 19.01.24

Reference number: 47.24

Applicant: Media

Q: Please provide your total spend on communications and public relations for the last three financial year's (20/21,21/22,22/23).

For each year I would like a breakdown containing the following information:

  • Spend on communications and public relations activities.
    • 2022/23: £183k
    • 2021/22: £269k
    • 2020/21: £129k
  • Total number of communications and public relations employees.
    • 31st March 2021: 15 employees
    • 31st March 2022: 17 employees
    • 31st March 2023: 22 employees
  • Total salary cost for all communications and public relations employees.
    • 2022/23: £981k
    • 2021/22: £933k
    • 2020/21: £846k

Date received: 25.01.24

Reference number: 68-24

Applicant: Individual

Q1: Do you work with a commercial partner who provides the following services:

  • Hospital at Home
    A: No, we only have a service that provides the technology, not the service.
  • Early Supported Discharge and Discharge to Assess Pathways
    A: No
  • Virtual Ward Pathways
    A: No, we only have a service that provides the technology, not the service.
  • Reablement Pathways
    A: No
  • Admission Avoidance Pathways
    A: No
  • Intermediate Care at Home Services
    A: No

Q2: If so, what is the name of this/these provider/s?

A: Not applicable

Q3: What was the contract start date?

A: Not applicable

Q4: When is this/are these contracts due for renewal?

A: Not applicable

Q5: Please provide the name of the decision-making contact for the above, with a contact email address?

A: Not applicable

Date received: 31.01.24

Reference number: 82-24

Applicant: Media

Q1: Does your trust have an acute learning disability liaison service?

A: Yes

Q1.1: If so, what year was it set up and first became active?

A: The adult service was set up in 2009.

Q1.2: What are the service team’s working hours? Does the service offer out of hours support?

A: Mon – Friday 8am – 4pm with no out of hours cover.

Q2: Do you have any Nursing and Midwifery Council registered nurses in learning disabilities working in the acute learning disability liaison service?

A: Yes

Q2.1: If yes, what is the headcount number and their agenda for change banding?

A: One band 7.

Q2.2: What are the full time equivalent (FTE) hours or whole time equivalent (WTE) hours that this post or posts amount to?

A: 1.0 FTE post which equates to 37.5 hours.

Q3: Do you have any other staff members work in the acute learning disability liaison service?

A: Yes

Q3.1: If yes, what is the headcount and their agenda for change banding?

A: Yes 1 band 7 in children and young people team

Q3.2: Please specify the specific roles employed (i.e.: describe whether they are registered adult nurses, registered children’s nurses or registered mental health nurses (not registered learning disability nurses) or any other kind of role?

A: 1 registered children nurse

Q3.3: What are the full time equivalent hours (FTE) or whole time equivalent (WTE) hours this post or posts amount to?

A: 0.8wte which equates to 30hrs per week.

Date received: 01.02.24

Reference number: 85-24

Applicant: Media

Q1: Since 24 February 2022, how many Ukranian nationals have been referred to access mental health services in the health board/hospital trust area? If possible and if it does not exceed the cost threshold, please advise how many of those nationals were referred with PTSD listed as the factor.

A: Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust does not hold this information as we are an Acute hospital. You need to contact Cambridge and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust (opens in a new tab) for this information.

Q2: Since 24 February 2022, how many Ukranian nationals – under the age of 18 – have been referred to access mental health services In the health board/hospital trust area? If possible and if it does not exceed the cost threshold, please advise how many of those nationals – under the age of 18 – were referred with PTSD listed as a factor.

A: Please see the response to question 1.

2023 disclosure logs

November - December 2023

Date received: 09.10.23

Reference number: 626.23

Applicant: Media

I would like to make a Freedom of Information request for a breakdown of the trust "high risk" and "significant risk" maintenance backlog in the ERIC 2022/2023 data.

Q1: Could the trust please provide me with the cost to eradicate the "high risk" backlog in each of the following areas:

  • Ventilation systems
    • A: £156,000
  • Fire safety
    • A: £38,572,808
  • Asbestos removal
    • A: £1,100,000

Q2: Could the trust please provide me with the following breakdown of its "significant-risk" backlog in each of the following areas:

  • Ventilation systems
    • A: £1,614,000
  • Fire safety
    • A: £38,848,050
  • Asbestos removal
    • A: £0

Date received: 12.10.23

Reference number: 636.23

Applicant: Commercial

Q1: How many patients have been treated for breast cancer (any stage) in the past 3 months with the following systemic anti-cancer therapies:

  • Abemaciclib + Aromatase Inhibitor* or Fulvestrant
    • A: 34
  • Anthracycline (e.g. doxorubicin or epirubicin) as a single agent
    • A: 7
  • Atezolizumab +Nab-paclitaxel / Paclitaxel
    • A: 1
  • Capecitabine as a single agent
    • A: 18
  • Eribulin as a single agent or in combination
    • A: 3
  • Everolimus + Exemestane
    • A: 3
  • Fulvestrant as a single agent
    • A: 0
  • TK Inhibitors (Neratinib / Lapatinib)
    • A: 0
  • Parp Inhibitors (Olaparib / Talazoparib)
    • A: 7
  • Palbociclib + Aromatase Inhibitor* or Fulvestrant
    • A: 36
  • Pembrolizumab
    • A: 7
  • Platinum (e.g. carboplatin or cisplatin) as a single agent
    • A: 19
  • Ribociclib + Aromatase Inhibitor* or Fulvestrant
    • A: 8
  • Sacituzumab Govitecan
    • A: 2
  • Taxane (e.g. docetaxel, paclitaxel, nab-paclitaxel) as a single agent
    • A: 0
  • Taxane and / or Anthracycline in combination
    • A: 0
  • Trastuzumab as a single agent or in combination
    • A: 58
  • Trastuzumab conjugates (Trastuzumab emtansine, Trastuzumab deruxtecan)
    • A: 22
  • Any other active systemic anti-cancer therapy
    • A: 56

* aromatase Inhibitors include anastrozole, exemestane and letrozole)#

Above figures are for months 01 July – 30 September.

September - October 2023

Date received: 09.08.23

Reference number: 502.23

Applicant: Individual

Q1: I am researching real-world usage of Ruxolitinib. Could you please tell me how many patients your Trust has treated in the past 6 months (for any disease) with the following:

Ruxolitinib - any strength

A: 116 Patients

Ruxolitinib 5mg tablets or Ruxolitinib 10mg tablets

A: 86 Patients

Q2: In case you are able to link Ruxolitinib usage to disease, could you also provide the number of patients treated in the last 6 months for myelofibrosis ONLY with

Ruxolitinib - any strength

A: 46

Ruxolitinib 5mg tablets

A: 43

Or Ruxolitinib 10mg tablets

A: 2

Date received: 17.08.23

Reference number: 515.23

Applicant: Individual

Q1 (a): Who is the head of procurement responsible for approving Nursing agency usage?

A: Procurement are not responsible for approving Nursing Agency Usage

Q1 (b): Secondly, who is the temporary / flexible staffing lead responsible for the management of this service?

A: Staff Bank are responsible for the management of this service.

Q1 (c): Please can you provide the contact number and email address in relation to both question 1 (a) and (b)

A:, 01223 596121

Q2: Have you used Off-framework nursing agency staff in the last 3 months?

A: No

Q3: How much was your Off-Framework agency spend for each of the following staff groups between 31st January 2023 – 31st July 2023 (a) RGN’s (b) Registered Midwives (c) RMN’s (d) ITU Nurses (e) A&E Nurses (f) Community psychiatric nurses

A: Nil

Q4: Following the same breakdown of staff groups in Question 3, how many Off-framework shifts have been unfilled between 31st January 2023 – 31st July 2023

A: Not applicable

Date received: 21.08.23

Reference number: 525.23

Applicant: Commercial

Q1: The trust's annual carbon footprint recorded in each of these financial years: 2019-2020, 2020-2021, 2021-2022, and 2022-2023.

If the trust did not record its carbon footprint in a certain year, can you please state this next to the year(s) in question.

  • 2019/20 30,174
  • 2020/21 27,659
  • 2021/22 26,708
  • 2022/23 23,147

Q2: The trust's annual carbon footprint plus recorded in each of these financial years: 2019-2020, 2020-2021,2021-2022, and 2022-2023.

A: NHS defined Carbon Footprint Plus for Cambridge University Hospital NHS FT (tCO2e) – excl. patient and visitor travel.

  • 2019/20 178,322
  • 2020/21 176,437
  • 2021/22 150,272
  • 2022/23 168,300

Date received: 25.08.23

Reference number: 538.23

Applicant: Individual

Q1: Could you provide me with Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Leaflet on Infant (New Born) Plastibell Circumcision for Religious and Cultural reasons Freedom of Information request.

A: We do not have a leaflet on Infant (New Born) Plastibell Circumcision for Religious and Cultural reasons because this is not offered at Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust on the NHS.

Date received: 29.08.23

Reference number: 548.23

Applicant: Media

Q1: The number of patients in your trust with a primary diagnosis for Uterine Fibroids (D25.0 Submucous leiomyoma of uterus, D25.1 Intramural leiomyoma of uterus, D25.2 Subserosal leiomyoma of uterus, D25.9 Leiomyoma of uterus, unspecified) in the latest 12 months of data you have access to?

A: 108

Q2: The number of patients in your trust with a primary diagnosis for Endometriosis (N80 Endometriosis) in the latest 12 months of data you have access to?

A: 180

Date received: 04.09.23

Reference number: 551.23

Applicant: Individual

Q1: What CRM is being used?

A: Our patient administration system is Epic.

Date received: 19.09.23

Reference number: 579.23

Applicant: Individual

Q1: Please provide the total number of Freedom of Information (FOI) requests received by your organisation between 1st August 2022 and 1st August 2023.

A: 881

Q2: Please provide details of your organisation's annual turnover.

A: For the period 2022/2023 the Trust’s turnover was £1.3 billion

Q3: If applicable, please provide the number of whole-time equivalent (WTE) staff and their grades who support the administration of FOI requests.

A: We do not have a dedicated team just dealing with FOI requests, FOI is dealt with by the Information Governance team as part of their role.

Date received: 20.09.23

Reference number: 579.23

Applicant: Individual

Q1: So far in 2023 have you outsourced any scans to teleradiology providers for reporting? If so, which providers?

A: No

Q2: Which company would you consider (by volume of scans or frequency used) your emergency/out of hours reporting provider(s)?

(If more than one company, please outline the nature of how both companies are used (i.e., different hospitals, weekends and weekdays, different types of scans)).

A: Not applicable

Q3: By the same measure as Q2, which would you consider your primary/main elective/non-emergency reporting provider(s)?

A: Not applicable

Q4: For any providers not listed in Q's 2 and 3, please could you briefly describe what you utilise this provider for?

A: Not applicable

Q5: Please could you provide the contract end dates for any contracts you hold with the providers listed in the answers to the above questions?

(If the contract is rolling or does not have a fixed end date, please could you confirm the notice period/terms of terminating the contract?)

A: Not applicable

Q6: Are the Trust currently in an open tender exercise for any radiology reporting contracts/services? If so, what services are being reviewed (emergency/out of hours and/or elective/non-emergency)?

A: No

Date received: 28.09.23

Reference number: 606.23

Applicant: Media

Q1: Please could you provide the following information: The number of beds at each hospital location within your organisation.

A: The total number of beds is 1365

Date received: 28.09.23

Reference number: 608.23

Applicant: Individual

Q1: How long is the queue time (in average) for a patient to get bariatric surgery at your trust?

Q2: How does your trust prioritize and manage the queue for bariatric surgery?

Q3: What is the overall capacity in your trust to handle bariatric surgeries in terms of infrastructure and personnel?

A: Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust does not offer bariatric surgery as a service

Date received: 04.10.23

Reference number: 617.23

Applicant: Individual

Q1: Please provide the number of Chief Executive Officers your Trust has had since 2010.

Please provide the shortest amount of time a Chief Executive Officer has served at your Trust since 2010 (or since you started recording this).

A: 2006-2012: Gareth Goodier, 2012-2015: Keith McNeil, 2015-present: Roland Sinker

Date received: 05.10.23

Reference number: 622.23

Applicant: Media

I can confirm that we hold the information that you have requested.

Q1 (a): Please state the total number of employment tribunals/disputes brought under the Public Interest Disclosure Act defended by your Trust since April 2012.

A: Nil

Q1 (b): If possible without triggering s40 of the FOIA, please provide a yearly breakdown in tax years (2012/13-2022/23) of question 1.a.

A: Not applicable

Q2 (a): Please state the total paid out in legal fees (including legal advice) by your Trust defending employment tribunals/disputes brought under the Public Interest Disclosure Act since April 2012.

A: £0

Q2 (b): If possible without triggering s40 of the FOIA, please provide a yearly breakdown in tax years (2012/13-2022/23) of question 2.a.

A: Not applicable

Q3: Please state the total amount spent on the individual employment tribunal/dispute brought under the Public Interest Disclosure Act defended by your Trust, which cost your Trust the highest sum in legal fees, since April 2012.

A: £0

Q4 (a): Please state the total number of employment tribunals/disputes brought under the Public Interest Disclosure Act defended by your Trust, which resulted in the use of a Non-Disclosure Agreement (‘NDA’ or ‘confidentially clause’), since April 2012.

A: Nil

Date received: 10.10.23

Reference number: 632.23

Applicant: Individual

Q1: In your NHS Trust, how many patients have been seen with insomnia over the last 12 months?

A: Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust does not offer an insomnia service . Cambridge and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust run a sleep disturbance service and insomnia would be part of that

Q2: Does your NHS Trust currently offer face-to-face Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia for people experiencing chronic insomnia symptoms?

A: Not applicable

Q3: Has your NHS Trust previously offered face-to-face Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia for people experiencing chronic insomnia symptoms, but now no longer do so?

A: Not applicable

Q4: Does your NHS Trust currently offer or signpost to digital Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia for people experiencing chronic insomnia symptoms?

A: Not applicable

Q5: Has your NHS Trust previously offered or signposted to digital Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia for people experiencing chronic insomnia symptoms, but now no longer do so?

A: Not applicable

Q6: Within your NHS Trust, could you provide a figure for how many referrals were made to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia services within the last 12 months that you have figures for?

A: Not applicable

July - August 2023

Date received: 21.06.23

Reference number: 388.23

Applicant: Individual

Q1: How many births did you have by site in 2020 / 21, 2021 / 22 and 2022 / 23?


  • 2020 / 21 - 5123
  • 2021 / 22 - 5570
  • 2022 / 23 - 5445

Q2: During the out of hour periods, what hours of the day do you have a resident consultant obstetrician on site?

A: Resident from 08:30 - 22:00, seven days / week.

Q3: How many consultant obstetricians do you have in your funded establishment?

A: 16

Q4: How many band 7 midwives do you plan to have on shift at any one time? Please provide by area (i.e. Triage, Delivery Suite, Birth Centre, etc.) and site.

A: Minimum 2 delivery suite and 1 site safety midwife.

Q5: During the out of hour periods, how many O&G (obstetrics and gynaecology) post graduate doctors in training do you have resident? Please provide by grade and site.

A: 3 (Sr, JR and SHO 24/7)

Q6: Please confirm both your funded midwifery establishment and your most recent birthrate+ recommended midwifery establishment.

A: Birthrate + 1:28. Actual 1:23.7 (Apr 23). Out of hour period is considered to be 17:00 – 09:00 (Mon – Fri) and all day Saturday and Sunday.

Date received: 20.06.23

Reference number: 389.23

Applicant: Commercial

Q: I would like to know how many hospitals in this Trust serve meat that may contain nitrates or nitrites. Please provide me with a number, and tell me if this is some , or, all of the hospitals in the trust.

A: All the hospitals which form Cambridge University Hospitals serve meat that contain nitrates.

Date received: 23.06.23

Reference number: 403.23

Applicant: Individual

Q: I would like to know how many emergency scrotal explorations (a surgical procedure) have been done at your trust in a 12 month period e.g. 1st June 2022 to 31st May 2023. I would be most grateful if you could break this down by hospital site. This information can usually be easily obtained through procedural coding data. Codes used for this procedure are N03.4, N13.2 or N13.3.

A: There were 40 unique admitted patients spells that had at least one of these procedures performed during an emergency admission between 01/06/2023 and 31/05/2023.

Date received: 23.06.23

Reference number: 406.23

Applicant: Media

Q1: Has the trust utilised "Insourcing" with the FY 22/23?

A: Yes

Q2: What was the insourcing spend by the trust for 22/23?

A: £1,611,952.00

Q3: How was Insourcing procured by the trust? Was a particular framework used?

A: Procurements were carried using a mix of OJEU advertisement and Frameworks

Q4: Outside of procurement team who is the Senior Officer responsible for Insourcing?

A: The Divisional Director’s would have responsibility for their Divisions requirements.

Date received: 05.07.23

Reference number: 431.23

Applicant: Media

Q1: Do you use a social media management platform?

A: Yes.

Q2: If so, what tools do you use?

A: Orlo.

Q3: How much do you spend annually on a Social media management tool?

A: £8,062.

Q4: Which month and year does your contract with your supplier end?

A: October 2024.

Q5: Do you use a social listening / media monitoring platform?

A: Part of the package as above.

Q6: If so, what tools do you use?

A: Not applicable.

Q7: How much do you spend annually on a social listening / media monitoring tool?

A: Not applicable.

Q8: Which month and year does your contract with your supplier end?

A: Not applicable.

Q9: Who is the senior officer in charge of these contracts?

A: Sarah Roberts, head of digital communications.

Date received: 10.07.23

Reference number: 441.23

Applicant: Individual

Q1: Which supplier are you currently using for the following systems:

  • Electronic Patient Record (EPR)
    • A: Epic
  • Patient Administration System (PAS)
    • A: Epic
  • Pathology Management System
    • A: Epic
  • Radiology Management System
    • A: Epic

Q2: Is the Trust planning on going out to tender, to procure any of the above systems in the next 12 months?

A: No

Date received: 03.08.23

Reference number: 448.23

Applicant: Commercial

Q: Specific to your Ophthalmology Department, what Electronic Patient Records do to you use in the Retinal clinic for diabetes?

A: Epic

Date received: 19.07.23

Reference number: 459.23

Applicant: Media

Q: All e-mail correspondence (including any attachments) sent to, CC'd to or from the Haemophilia Centre Director during the period 5th April 2023 - 19th July 2023 which relates to the Infected Blood Inquiry or Infected Blood Compensation. The scope of this request excludes patient data.

A: We do not hold any information.

Date received: 26.07.23

Reference number: 472.23

Applicant: Commercial

Q1: In the last 3 months, how many patients have been initiated* on the following agents for the treatment of melanoma?

  • Ipilimumab (monotherapy)
    • A: 0
  • Nivolumab (monotherapy)
    • A: 4
  • Nivolumab and Ipilimumab (combination)
    • A: 13
  • Pembrolizumab
    • A: 34
  • Any Targeted Therapy (Dabrafenib / Dabrafenib and Trametinib / Encorafenib and Binimetinib / Trametinib / Vemurafenib / Vemurafenib and Cobimetinib)
    • A: 46
  • Other active systemic anti-cancer therapy
    • A: 4

*Patients are considered initiated if they have not been treated in the previous 6 months with any of the drugs that are part of the named regimen.

Q2: In the last 3 months, how many patients have been initiated* on the following agents for the treatment of renal cell carcinoma?

  • Nivolumab (monotherapy) - 8
  • Nivolumab + Ipilimumab - 13
  • Nivolumab + Cabozantinib - 0
  • Avelumab + Axitinib - 17

*Patients are considered initiated if they have not been treated in the previous 6 months with any of the drugs that are part of the named regimen.

Q3: In the past 3 months, how many patients have been initiated* on the following agents for the treatment of gastric, gastro-oesophageal junction or oesophageal cancer:

  • Nivolumab monotherapy or in combination with Ipilimumab - 2
  • Nivolumab in combination with Platinum (Cisplatin or Oxaliplatin) and Fluoropyrimidene (5-Fluorouracil or Capecitabine) - 2
  • Pembrolizumab in combination with Platinum (Cisplatin or Oxaliplatin) and Fluoropyrimidene (5-Fluorouracil or Capecitabine) - 0

*Patients are considered initiated if they have not been treated in the previous 6 months with any of the drugs that are part of the named regimen.

Date received: 28.07.23

Reference number: 479.23

Applicant: Individual

Q: Which Clinical In-sourcing providers does the Trust use for the following departments:

  • Endoscopy
    • A: The Endoscopy Group
  • Orthopedics
    • A: Not applicable
  • Ophthalmology
    • A: Not applicable
  • Gastroenterology
    • A: Not applicable
  • Urology
    • A: Not applicable
  • Gynecology
    • A: Not applicable
  • Cardiology
    • A: (echocardiography only) Sonus Diagnostics Ltd
  • Dermatology
    • A: Not applicable
  • General Surgery
    • A: Not applicable
  • Cardio-thoracic Surgery
    • A: Not applicable
  • Rheumatology
    • A: Not applicable
  • ENT
    • A: Not applicable
  • Radiology
    • A: DHC

Date received: 31.07.23

Reference number: 484.23

Applicant: Media

Q1: Which specialties did the trust utilise clinical insourcing for in the financial year 22/23?

Q2: Which suppliers did the trust use for clinical insourcing in the financial year 22/23?


  • Endoscopy - The Endoscopy Group
  • Cardiology- (echocardiography only) Sonus Diagnostics Ltd
  • Radiology- DHC
  • Oral and Maxillofacial surgery - KPI health

Date received: 08.08.23

Reference number: 496.23

Applicant: Individual

"Could you please provide answer to the following question related to the incidence and treatment of Haemophilia B and Von Willebrand Disease?"

Q: How many patients has your Trust treated (for any medical condition) in the past 3 months with the following drugs:

  • Alphanate
    • A: 0
  • Alprolix
    • A: 11
  • BeneFIX
    • A: 2
  • HaemateP
    • A: 0
  • Idelvion
    • A: 0
  • Refixia
    • A: 0
  • Rixubis
    • A: 0
  • Veyvondi
    • A: 1
  • Voncento
    • A: 9
  • Wilate
    • A: 3
  • Willfact
    • A: 0

Date received: 10.08.23

Reference number: 507.23

Applicant: Individual

Q1: Over the past 6 months, how many adult multiple myeloma [MM] patients have you treated? If you refer your multiple myeloma patients to another centre, please state which.

A: 301

Q2: Of the multiple myeloma patients over the past 6 month, how many were treated with the following:

  • Belantamab Mafodotin [Blenrep]
    • A: 1
  • Bortezomib [Velcade] monotherapy or with dexamethasone
    • A: 8
  • Bortezomib, thalidomide and dexamethasone [VTD]
    • A: 3
  • Bortezomib [Velcade], Melphalan/Cyclophosphamide and prednisolone / dexamethasone (VMp or VCd)
    • A: 8
  • Carfilzomib [Kyprolis] and dexamethasone
    • A: 0
  • Carfilzomib [Kyprolis], Lenalidomide [Revlmid] and dexamethasone
    • A: 7
  • Daratumumab [Darzalex] monotherapy
    • A: 7
  • Daratumumab [Darzalex], Bortezomib [Velcade] and dexamethasone (known as DVd or DBd)
    • A: 23
  • Daratumumab [Darzalex], Bortezomib [Velcade], thalidomide and dexamethasone (known as Dara-VTd)
    • A: 10
  • Elranatamab
    • A: 0
  • Idecabtagene vicleucel [Abecma]
    • A: 0
  • Isatuximab [Sarclisa], Pomalidomide [Imnovid] and dexamethasone (known as IsaPd)
    • A: 19
  • Ixazomib [Ninlaro], Lenalidomide [Revlmid] and dexamethasone (known as IRd)
    • A: 0
  • Lenalidomide [Revlmid] monotherapy
    • A: 25
  • Lenalidomide [Revlimid] and dexamethasone
    • A: 41
  • Pomalidomide [Imnovid] and dexamethasone
    • A: 13
  • Selinexor and dexamethasone
    • A: 0
  • Talquetamab
    • A: 0
  • Teclistamab [Tecvayli]
    • A: 2
  • Any other systemic anti-cancer therapy
    • A: 134

Date received: 17.08.23

Reference number: 520.23

Applicant: Individual

Q: I would like to see the data you sent to the MHRA between 1st Dec 2020 and 31st Dec 2022 regarding Adverse Reactions to the AstraZeneca Covid vaccine. I believe this data was sent on a weekly basis, was broken down by type of reaction and recorded whether there had been any fatalities.

A: As a Trust our vaccination centre did not provide the AZ vaccine. We used a small number of AstraZeneca Covid vaccine doses in the CUH allergy clinic. MHRA yellow card reporting can be completed by anyone including patients and therefore we are unable to track these. We do not have any records of any adverse reactions that we have reported regarding the AstraZeneca Covid vaccine.

Date received: 23.08.23

Reference number: 530.23

Applicant: Individual

Q: I request that if you have undertaken any blinded surgical glove trial since 2008, wherein sterile surgical gloves have been trialled, compared, or changed, with or without the awareness of the operating surgeons; or any information regarding the qualitative and quantitative results of a surgical glove trial including a subsequent change of sterile glove brand, that this could anonymously be released for the purpose of a national study.

A: Since 2008 we have not undertaken any blinded glove trials.

2021 disclosure logs

November - December 2021

An example of responses issued under the Freedom of Information Act in November and December 2021.

Date received: 16.09.21

Reference number: 269.21

Applicant: Media

Q1: Does your trust / HB have access to PET-CT for the investigation of suspected biochemical recurrence in prostate cancer patients?

A: Yes

Q2: (If you answered “No” to question 1) Would you use PET-CT for the investigation of suspected biochemical recurrence in prostate cancer patients if it were available?

A: Not applicable - we already have access to PET-CT.

Q3: In 2020 - 21, how many patients do you estimate were investigated for suspected biochemical recurrence of prostate cancer at your trust / HB?

A: 20 - 40

Q4: What percentage of patients with suspected biochemical recurrence do you estimate are referred for PET-CT at your trust / HB?

A: An estimate would be 0-50%. We do not collate records of patients with biochemical recurrence following radical treatment across different modalities, and therefore do not know the denominator.

Furthermore, the traditional definition of biochemical recurrence (PSA>0.2 following surgery, or a rise of >2.0 from nadir following radiotherapy is usually far later than would generate further investigation and treatment in modern practice, therefore few patients reach traditional BCR.

Q5: Of patients with suspected biochemical recurrence referred for PET-CT, what % of scans do you estimate use a PSMA tracer (either Ga-PSMA or F-PSMA)?

A: 100%. we do not offer choline PET.

Q6: Are there any exclusion criteria for referral for PET-CT for suspected biochemical recurrence of prostate cancer? If so, what are they? E.g. Upper and lower PSA limits, age, life expectancy, ECOG score.

A: PSA >0.4

Q7: What do you estimate is the average waiting time for the PET-CT scans for investigation of suspected biochemical recurrence of prostate cancer?

A: Closer to 4 weeks after the referral has been authorised by nuclear medicine physician / radiologist

Q8: What do you estimate is the average time it takes to report PET-CT scans for investigation of suspected biochemical recurrence of prostate cancer?

A: 30 minutes on average 1 to 5 working days.

Date received: 15.10.21

Reference number: 689.21

Applicant: Individual

"I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act regarding Rota and Rostering Supplier information. Please can you complete the below questions.

Q1: What rota software(s) and provider(s) does the trust use for medical staff (junior doctors and consultants)? (a rota is a pattern of shift work with no individuals attached to it. A rota is used to form a blueprint of compliance or rules based on working patterns for a department, team or unit e.g. to create junior doctor rotas compliant to the 2016 Junior Doctor contract. Rotas are not to be confused with rosters (when shifts are allocated to workers)

A: E-rota from Allocate is the planning software.

Q2: What is the contract start and end date for the software(s) in Question 1?

A: End date is currently 29.11.2022 for the e-rota software.

Q3: What percentage of medical doctors are using the software(s) in Question 1?

A: 0%

Q4: What framework was used to procure the supplier(s) in Question 1? Please state the specific name of the framework e.g. GCloud, HealthTrust Europe, etc.

A: Ongoing contractual arrangements as software in use since 2006.

Q5: What rota software(s) and provider(s) does the trust use for surgical staff?

A: E-rota from Allocate.

Q6: What is the contract start and end date for the software(s) in Question 5?

A: Please see the response to question 2.

Q7: What percentage of surgical doctors are using the software(s) in Question 5?

A: 0%

Q8: What framework was used to procure the supplier(s) in Question 5?

A: Please state the specific name of the framework e.g. GCloud, HealthTrust Europe, etc. Ongoing contractual arrangements as software in use since 2000.

Q9: What rota software(s) and provider(s) does the trust use for anaesthetics?

A: E-rota from Allocate.

Q10: What is the contract start and end date for the software(s) in Question 9?

Please see the response to question 2.

Q11: What percentage of anaesthetists are using the software(s) in Question 9?

A: 0%

Q12: What framework was used to procure the supplier(s) in Question 9? Please state the specific name of the framework e.g. GCloud, HealthTrust Europe, etc.

A: Ongoing contractual arrangements as software in use since 2000

Q13: Does the trust have any projects or procurements for a rota or rostering software on-going or scheduled in the next 12 months?

A: No.

Q14: If yes, list the upcoming projects or procurements and their planned start dates?

A: Not applicable.

Q15: In order to participate in a rota or rostering tender, what is the process?

A: Not applicable.

Q16: Is your rota supplier the same as your rostering supplier?

A: Yes.

Q17: If no, please state the name of the rostering software(s) and provider(s) for the above staff groups (medical, surgical and anaesthetics.)

A: Not applicable.

Q18: Please state the contract start and end dates for the rostering software(s) in Question 17.

A: Not applicable.

Q19: What is the job title(s) and department(s) of the decision maker(s) on the above software(s)?


  • Alison Risker - Head of Medical Staffing
  • Zoe Searle - Medical Workforce Manger
  • Amanda Wood - Associate Director of Workforce
  • Sarah Raper - Rostering Systems manager.

Q20: What is the annual cost of the above rota and rostering software(s)?

A: £94,751 for Medical and Dental (separate contact for AfC staff)

Q21: Are there any exit costs incurred for changing the above rota and rostering software(s)? If yes, please state the exit costs.

A: No.

Q22: What is the notice period for the above software(s)?

A: Not applicable - contract can just not be renewed annually if desired.

Q23: What other rota and rostering systems are used by the Trust? Please state the names of any providers used and what they are used for?

A: Not applicable.

Date received: 01.11.21

Reference number: 717.21

Applicant: Individual

Q1: I would like to request the plans made by Addenbrooke's hospital to reach net-zero carbon target by 2050 and also the current environmental figures to show if the hospital is on track to reach net-zero carbon.

A: The new Green Plan is currently being drafted for the Trust. This is being designed to align with the “Delivering a Net Zero National Health Service”. This will be finalised in January Current data on progress can be found in the “Sustainability and Climate Change” section of the Trusts Annual Report. The 2020 / 21 edition can be found in our reports and publications section.

Q2: Also I would like to request into the environmental impacts caused by the COVID-19 Pandemic and the current numbers.

A: Impact data from COVID-19 is covered within the above Annual Report Section.

Date received: 02.11.21

Reference number: 724.21

Applicant: Media

Q: How many days were your trust hospitals under black alert for the years of 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021 (up to most recent records)? If data is held, please state which hospitals were affected and how long each hospital was affected?

A: Days on Black Alert – Addenbrooke's hospital:

  • 2018 – 6 days
  • 2019 – nothing recorded
  • 2020 – none
  • 2021 – 17 days so far this year

Date received: 08.11.21

Reference number: 738.21

Applicant: Student

Q1: For what symptoms would a trans-vaginal ultrasound be indicated?

A: Gynaecological symptoms such as menorrhagia, Dysmenorrhoea, Irregular periods, Bleeding after the menopause. Prolonged bleeding post giving birth. Pelvic pain if endometriosis/ infection or ovarian pathology was suspected, Raised CA 125 levels on blood test as this can indicate ovarian cancer, bloating as this can be a symptom of ovarian cancer, No periods which can indicate polycystic ovaries syndrome. Difficulties with conceiving, recurrent miscarriage, to check for position of intrauterine contraceptive device. Transvaginal (TV) scans are indicated in early pregnancy, especially less than 8 weeks gestation. This includes scanning for the Pregnancy Advisory Service. To check the placental site at various gestations from 20 weeks. Where the fetal position and / or raised BMI make it impossible to obtain necessary images trans-abdominally. To check cervical length in the pre-term surveillance clinic.

Q2: Are there any groups of people a trans-vaginal ultrasound would not be carried out on?

A: Patients who do not wish to consent to the TV scan - patients must give informed consent to all scans.

Q2a: If so, why would they not be indicated?

A: We undertake a transabdominal scan prior to the TV scan if we get good views of all the organs of interest we may not offer a TV scan as we will not add any information to the examination. Patients who have never been sexually active-If patients are virgo intacta the procedure is likely to be painful and may cause distress.

Patients under the age of 16 years, they should be virgo intacta see above, if they are not there is a child protection issue which sonographers should report.

Transvaginal scans (as with transabdominal scans) are only performed with the informed consent of the patient and with a Chaperone present.

If the patient declined a TV scan, this would not be performed.

TV scans may not be performed where there is active vaginal bleeding, depending on the situation.

Q3: Does trust policy indicate that it is allowed to carry out trans-vaginal ultrasounds on those who have never been sexually active before?

A: No.

Q3a: If no, what is defined as sexual activity?

A: Penetrative vaginal sex. In the Rosie Ultrasound and clinic 24, all of the scans are related to some stage pregnancy and so this question is not applicable. In the case of IVF pregnancies in someone not previously sexually active, TV scanning would only be performed with informed patient consent. 767.21 17.11.21 MP.

Dat received: 17.11.21

Reference number: 767.21

Applicant: MP

Q1: How many referrals has your Trust made to Medefer in each month of 2020

A: None.

Q2: How many of the referrals sent to Medefer have been (a) resolved by the virtual service and (b) re-referred to an in-person NHS trust?

A: Not applicable.

Date received: 29.11.21

Reference number: 801.21

Applicant: Media

"Could you please provide the following information regarding your current Sterile Services Track and Trace system that is in use?"

Q1: Do you have an HSDU Department?

A: Yes.

Q1a: If yes, what Sterile Services Track and Trace system do you currently use?

Getenge (T DOC)

Q2: When did the contract start and when does the contract end?

A: March 2020 - March 2025

Q3: How much do you spend on support for the system on an annual basis?

A: £57000

Q4: Who is the current Sterile Services Manager

A: Richard Cole

September - October 2021

An example of responses issued under the Freedom of Information Act in September and October 2021.

Date received: 06.08.21

Reference number: 532.21

Applicant: Individual

Q1: Does your trust use any AI software within radiology? If so could you please specify programme and its application?

A: Yes, if “AI Software” is taken to include software utilising machine learning and statistical techniques. The following devices have embedded “AI” software: GE Healthcare AIR recon DL: MRI signal processing CircleCVI CVI42: Cardiac contour detection Siemens Syngo. Via: Automatic segmentation; Tumour burden lesion classification.

Q2: If you use AI software within radiology - how often do / would you update, upgrade or swap them?

A: Most of the software we use is updated on a yearly basis for minor-point releases of additional functionality and receive hot-fixes for quality issues as required.

Q3: What is the decision-making criteria of choosing which AI software to use?

A: A business case is required to be approved by Radiology Management. Additionally, software in Radiology is considered a Medical Device and is purchased according the CUH Medical Devices Management Policy, which specifies: “The key elements when procuring medical devices include”:

Safety, quality and performance considerations to be included in all acquisition decisions.

The recommendations of the MHRA and other appropriate bodies have been followed for selection and acquisition.

All developments, modifications and trials of devices to be carried out in accordance with the relevant legislation and guidance and under health and safety risk assessments procedure.

Model ranges to be rationalised where possible.

Technical support, maintenance, repair systems and timescales to be included.

Training and support services to be included where appropriate.

User experience to be fed back into the policy, process, future acquisitions and advisory groups.

Purchase will be in accordance with the evaluation, standardisation and procurement process.

Whole life cost. Suitability of associated consumables or accessories”.

Q4: Do you make purchasing decision on your own and if not, what are the other stakeholders involved?

A: No, we do not make the decision by ourselves. Other stakeholders include:

  • CUH Clinical Engineering
  • CUH Medical Devices Management Group.

Date received: 09.08.21

Reference number: 536.21

Applicant: Media

Q1: Does the Trust provide onsite accommodation for substantive staff?

A: Yes.

Q2: Does the Trust provide onsite accommodation for temporary staff who require overnight accommodation to execute their duties?

A: Accommodation is provided for all keyworker staff.

Q3: Where Trust accommodation is not available where does the Trust advise staff to book outsourced accommodation?

A: Within the wider Cambridge market e.g. via agents.

Q4: Does the Trust hold any existing relationships with accommodation providers and if so, please name those providers that you use?

A: Sanctuary Housing manage all the onsite accommodation.

Q5: How much does outsourced accommodation cost either the Trust or the staff member using it?

A: For emergency Covid accommodation only, Trust (or centrally) funded: Block bookings were in place until 31 July 2020, at which point the ad-hoc rates were applicable.

Moller institute

Nightly rate for block bookings: £42.00 + VAT

Nightly Rate for ad-hoc bookings:

  • Prior to 14 April 2021 - £52.00 + VAT
  • From 14 April 2021 - N/A

Signet Apartments and Castle Court

Nightly rate for block bookings: £49.00 - £50.13 + VAT (1 bed), £59.19 + VAT (2 bed)

Nightly Rate for ad-hoc bookings:

  • Prior to 14 April 2021 - £49.00 - £50.13 + VAT (1 bed), £59.19 - £139.00 + VAT (2 bed)
  • From 14 April 2021 - £89.00 + VAT (1 bed), £139.00 + VAT (2 bed)

Madingley Hall

Nightly rate for block bookings: £80.00 (Inc. VAT)

Nightly Rate for ad-hoc bookings:

  • Prior to 14 April 2021 - N/A
  • From 14 April 2021 - N/A

For Sanctuary Housing costs, please go to the Sanctuary website (opens in a new tab).

Q6: Between 2019 and 2020 on average how many workers per week used overnight accommodation and what is the average length of booking?

A: From 19 March 2020 to 31 December 2020, 778 bookings were made for 256 staff. Average length of booking was 12.24 days.

Date received: 16.08.21

Reference number: 560.21

Applicant: Individual

Q1: Could you please provide your total OFF-Framework agency spend between 1st of March 2020 to 31st of March 2021 for (please answer individually):

  • Nurses (all bands and specialties)
    • A: No Off-Framework usage.
  • General Practitioners, Nurse Practitioners (all types / seniorities)
    • A: No Off-Framework usage.

Q2: Same question as above but for between April 1st 2021 to Present day

A: No Off-Framework usage.

Q3: Please provide the hourly charge rate for the below Staff Groups / Specialties supplied to your hospital / Trust by OFF-Framework recruitment agencies between the beginning of April 2021 to present day. Please answer individually and specify if the charge rate was for a Day, Night, Saturday or Sunday / Bank holiday shift:

  • Registered General Nurse (RGN)
  • Critical Care / ITU / ICU Nurses
  • A&E Nurses
  • Paediatric Nurses
  • Orthopaedic Nurses
  • Operating Department Practitioners (ODP)
  • Theatre Nurses
  • Midwives
  • Healthcare Assistant (HCA)
  • Registered Mental-Health Nurse (RMN)
  • Community Psychiatric Nurses (CPN)
  • General Practitioners (GP)
  • Nurse Practitioners / ANPs

Q4: Who is responsible for approving the use of healthcare recruitment agencies for temporary staff? Please provide their work email address and work phone number (or extension if unable to provide a direct line)

A: Email staff bank services or contact them via telephone: 01223 596300

Q5: Who is responsible for approving the use of healthcare recruitment agencies for permanent staff? Please provide their work email address and work phone number (or extension if unable to provide a direct line)

A: Email CUH recruitment or call 01223 217038

Q6: Please can you confirm the total number of unfilled shifts between 1st of August 2020 to present day 2021 for:

  • Nurses (all bands and specialties)
    • A: 44,461
  • Registered midwives
    • A: 3,145
  • Healthcare assistants (HCA’s)
    • A: 38,003. MCA 1,318
  • Doctors (all bands and specialties)
    • A: 2,555
  • General practitioners (GP’s), advance nurse practitioners (ANP’s) and nurse practitioners
    • A: 71

Date received: 31.08.21

Reference number: 590.21

Applicant: Media

"This is a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. I would like to request the following information:"

Q: For 2019, how many investigations under section 47 of the Children Act 1989 involved any of these terms in the referral:

  • Fabricated or Induced Illness or FII
  • Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy or MSbP
  • Perplexing Presentation or PP
  • Factitious Disorder Imposed on Another or FDIoA
  • Snomed Code System Concept Code: 95637005

How many of those investigations led to a child protection plan, and how many resulted in no further action being taken?

A: The Trusts safeguarding team have advised that none of the referrals held for 2019 include the terms shown above.

Date received: 03.09.21

Reference number: 600.21

Applicant: Individual

Q: Please can you tell me who the solicitors or legal firm the Trust commissions for legal matters.

A: The Trust does not commission a single legal firm to provide advice on legal matters. At present, medico-legal advice is primarily provided by Kennedys Law LLP and legal advice relating to workforce, commercial and property matters is primarily provided by Mills & Reeve LLP.

Date received: 16.09.21

Reference number: 630.21

Applicant: Commercial

Q1: How many artworks have been purchased by the trust in 2018 - 19, 2019 - 20 and 2020 - 21?

A: None. Any art purchased or commissioned is funded by Addenbrooke’s Charitable Trust. Our artworks are part of a programme of Arts in Health (called CUH Arts), which aims to shape care through creativity. CUH Arts strives to promote wellbeing, distract from illness and improve the hospital experience by providing excellent creative and cultural opportunities for its patients, staff, visitors and wider community. CUH Arts’ diverse, person-centred and multidisciplinary programme of live, participatory and visual arts is facilitated and managed by an expert team of arts professionals. The arts programme at Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust is primarily funded through the Addenbrooke’s Charitable Trust.

Q2: How many artworks are in the possession of the trust?

A: Our art collection catalogue holds records of 1,573 works.

Q3: What is the estimated value of the artworks?

A: We do not hold a valuation figure for the artworks in the possession of the Trust.

Q4: How many of the artworks are on public display? Public display includes those that can be viewed by the members of the public in trust buildings. It would exclude areas of trust properties that cannot readily be entered into by members of the public. Artwork includes, but is not limited to, paintings, photographs, sculptures and electronic art.

A: 1,450 artworks are on public display across the Trust’s hospitals.

Date received: 13.10.21

Reference number: 680.21

Applicant: Commercial

Q1: What Hospitals within your Trust run their own Pathology Labs or Departments?

A: Addenbrooke’s hospital

Q2: At these labs what LIS / LIMS Solution do you use to manage the day-to-day operations?

A: EPIC (Beaker)

Q3: When are your LIS / LIMS contracts is up for renewal?

A: 5 April 2023

Q4: Which of the 29 Regional Pathology Networks do your hospitals belong to?

A: ME5

Q5: Are you planning to replace your LIS / LIMS at any point in any of your hospitals in the near future? Are there any plans to move to a Pathology Network wide LIS / LIMS for instance (and if so – can you state at this time which Solution)?

A: No.

Q6: Do your Labs work with or have ties to other organisations that mean they work as a part of another Pathology collaborative (and will this impact how your labs your work within the Regional Pathology Network that they have been assigned to)?

A: Yes.

Q7: What LAS (Lab Automation Systems) do you have in each of your Labs?

A: Blood Science track supplied by Siemens.

Q8: What Middleware solutions do your Labs use if any?

A: Instrument Manager (Data Innovations)

Q9: How many tests per year do your Labs do?

A: 21 Million

Date received: 15.10.21

Reference number: 687.21

Applicant: Commercial

Q1: What services are provided by your hospital for patients with Dravet syndrome:

  • Treatment initiation?
    • A: Yes.
  • Titration of dose (consider both starting and maintenance treatment)?
    • A: Yes.
  • Monitoring (incl. echocardiographies, liver function tests, etc.)?
    • A: Yes.
  • Review of clinical presentations (frequency, duration)?
    • A: Yes.
  • On-going prescription of treatments?
    • A: Yes.
  • Completing the Blueteq forms?
    • A: Yes.
  • Other?
    • A: Patients get routine care for epilepsy and other associated neurological issues.

If services are not provided at your hospital:

Q2: Where are patients referred to?

A: Not applicable.

Q3: What services do they receive at the other location (see above list for examples)?

A: Not applicable.

July - August 2021

Date received: 14.06.21

Reference number: 394.21

Applicant: Individual

Q1: The name job title, and email address of the person within your Trust that holds the job title or responsibility for director of performance.

A: Linda Clarke - Director of operational performance and planned care, operations.
Email Linda Clarke.

Q2: The name job title, and email address of the person within your Trust that holds the job title or responsibility for director of quality.

A: Oyejumoke Okubadejo - Director of clinical quality, CNRS chief nurse.
Email Oyejumoke Okubadejo.

Date received: 16.06.21

Reference number: 401.21

Applicant: Individual

Q1: Between January 1st 2021 and 31st May 2021, how many permanent doctors vacancies have been filled within the Trust by agencies.

A: 0 - We do not use agencies for permanent placements.

Q2: Please break down the number of permanent roles that have been filled by agencies Between January 1st 2021 and 31st May 2021; E.G. SHO’s, Middle Grade’s, Consultant’s

A: Not applicable.

Q3: Please list the providers you have utilised Between January 1st 2021 and 31st May 2021 to source permanent vacancies for doctors

A: Not applicable.

Q4: Who is the person responsible for recruiting permanent doctors agency requirements within your trust?

A: Not applicable.

Q5: Please list the agencies the trust have used ‘Off Framework’ for permanent vacancies Between January 1st 2021 and 31st May 2021.

A: Not applicable.

Date received: 18.06.21

Reference number: 407.21

Applicant: Media

Q1: Please could you give me the number of deaths whereby COVID-19 is the sole cause of death listed, there were no other pre-existing health conditions or comorbidities noted on the death certificate, dating from March 2020 to the present day.

A: 9

Q2: If the answer is any, could you provide the average age of the deaths.

A: 63

Date received: 21.06.21

Reference number: 416.21

Applicant: Media

Using the Freedom of Information Act, please could you search your database (DATIX / ULYSES or other) and provide the data in response to the following inquiries:

Q1: Year on year and for the past three calendar years, please could you provide figures for the number of times a DATIX / ULYSES or (please state other) your records keeping system holds, that relate to a report of “uncooperative patient behaviour” (or similar description which may include “violence and aggression”) was raised.

A: 3961 over three years (2018 = 1325, 2019 = 1154, 2020 = 1482).

  • Categories covered:
  • Uncooperative patient
  • Physical assault
  • Non-Physical assault
  • Emergency Assistance Request

Q2: Year on year and for the past three calendar years, how many of the above reports of “uncooperative patient behaviour” (or similar description which may include “violence and aggression”) resulted in an action by hospital security and how is this action described: eg: chemical, environmental, mechanical, physical or psychological.

A: 964 Physical intervention (2018 = 332, 2019 = 280, 2020 = 352).

Q3: What is your Trust policy on the restraint and detention of “uncooperative” patients?

A: Physical intervention is only used as a last resort when all other courses of action have failed or there is an immediate need to act to provide self-defence. PI training which is approved by the Trust is delivered internally by qualified and accredited instructors.

Q4: Which nationally recognised training framework and to which standards are your security staff trained? Eg: MAYBO, SAFESKILLS etc.

A: Elite Accreditation.

Q5: What level of DBS checks are used when hiring your security staff?

A: In line with SIA accreditation.

Q6: How often are your security staff DBS checked?

A: In line with SIA accreditation.

Q7: What are the minimum training standards and qualifications required of security staff carrying out patient “bed watch” duties?

A: No ‘bed watch’ duties undertaken by security.

Q8: Year on year and for the last three calendar years, how many patient “bed watch” shifts did your hospitals need?

A: No ‘bed watch’ duties undertaken by security.

Date received: 05.07.21

Reference number: 456.21

Applicant: Individual

Q1: What cycle threshold are you using to conduct PCR testing for coronavirus (Sars-Cov-2)?

A: Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (CUH) does not process PCR tests for Covid-19. Covid PCR testing for CUH is provided by Public Health England.

Q2: Has the cycle threshold used for the PCR testing above been altered at any time between now and February 1st 2020? If so please provide details of these changes with dates.

A: Not Applicable.

Date received: 12.07.21

Reference number: 470.21

Applicant: Media

Q: Could please advise what percentage of FOI requests received by the Trust in the past 5 years were closed out with a satisfactory response within the 20 working days period set out under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

A: We do not hold the information requested in the format requested, we can only provide our compliance rate for each full year and the results of the satisfaction survey which is issued with responses to FOI requests.

  • 2020 – 70% of responses were dealt with within 20 working days.
    Of those that completed the survey – 89% were happy with their response.
  • 2019 - 76% of responses were dealt with within 20 working days.
    Of those that completed the survey – 87% were happy with their response.
  • 2018 - 89% of responses were dealt with within 20 working days.
    Of those that completed the survey – 84% were happy with their response.
  • 2017 - 86% of responses were dealt with within 20 working days.
    Of those that completed the survey – 97% were happy with their response.
  • 2016 - 86% of responses were dealt with within 20 working days.
    Of those that completed the survey – 97% were happy with their response.

Date received: 14.07.21

"I would be most grateful if you would provide me, under the Freedom of Information Act, details in respect to the contract below."

Confidential Waste

The details we require are:

Q1: Has confidential waste being procured via tender or framework or another means?

A: No.

Q2: If a framework, could you confirm the name of the framework please?

A: Not tendered through framework.

Q3: Actual contract values of each framework / contract (and any sub lots)

A: £0

Q4: Start date and duration of contract.

A: 2021 - 2024

Q5: Is there an extension clause in the framework(s) / contract(s) and, if so, the duration of the extension?

A: No.

Q6: Has a decision been made yet on whether the framework(s) / contract(s) are being either extended or renewed?

A: Yes, the agreement is being renewed.

Q7: Who is the procurement officer responsible for this contract and could you provide their email address and phone number please?

A: No procurement involvement.

Q8: Who is the senior officer (outside of procurement) responsible for this contract and could you provide their email address and phone number please?

A: Victoria Sawford
'Email Victoria Sawford'
Telephone: 01223 217193

Q9: Who is the current supplier?

A: Data Shredders.

Q10: If your current supplier is a facilities management / waste / cleaning company, which sub-contractor services your organisation?

A: Not applicable

Date received: 21.07.21

Reference number: 502.21

Applicant: NHS

"I would like to make a freedom of information request to your speech and language therapy department, if you have one."

Q1: Please can you tell me whether your trust completes FEES (fibreoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing) assessments within the speech and language therapy department?

A: I can confirm our department do complete FEES assessment for inpatient and outpatient FEES – Adults only currently.

Q2: If so, on average, how many inpatient FEES assessments are completed per year and how many outpatient assessments are completed per year?

A: Approximate average annual figures are as follows:- Outpatients - 6 - 8 Inpatients - 168.

Date received: 27.07.21

Reference number: 514.21

Applicant: Commercial

This information is being requested to understand more about the new cancer hospital at Addenbrookes.

Q1: When will construction commence? (dd/mm/yy)

A: We expect to start before 31/04/2024 but cannot be precise at this stage.

Q1a: If the construction contract has gone out to tender, who has been awarded the contract?

A: No.

Q1b: If the contract has not gone out to tender for construction, when will this happen? (dd/mm/yy)

A: This is unknown at this time.

Q2: When is the planned opening of the new hospital? (dd/mm/yy)

A: December 2026.

Q3: Is this project currently running to the planned deadlines?

A: Yes.

Q3a: If not, what is the approx. delay and what impact does this have on the overall project?

A: Not applicable.

Q4: What considerations has the hospital put in place for wireless connectivity in the new hospital?

A: This will be confirmed once we finalise the digital strategy in late 2021.

Q5: What suppliers if any is the Hospital talking to, to provide 5G connectivity throughout the hospital?

A: We have not yet opened discussions.

Q6: What solutions are you considering?

  • Inbuilding DAS system – for public mobile coverage
  • Private network – private mobile coverage
  • IoT d. Smart building – small cells
  • Wi-Fi

A: This will be confirmed once we finalise the digital strategy in late 2021.

Q7: What other solutions are you looking at for wireless connectivity?

A: Please see the response to question 6.

Q8: What services are you looking to digitalise? For example patient data, MRI scans, asset management, facilities / utilities management (building, water etc).

A: Please see the response to question 6.

Q9: What contract term are you considering for each of your wireless solutions – please list for each solution.

A: Please see the response to question 6.

Q10: Please list which wireless solutions will go through a tender process and when dd/mm/yy

A: Please see the response to question 6.

Q11: What is your tender process? Can you provide a link or details of the framework to be used?

A: Please see the response to question 6.

Q12: Who are the people that will make the decision for wireless network connectivity and can you provide names, job titles, email addresses and direct telephone numbers please?

A: This will not be known until we prepare any applicable tender.

Q13: Please provide your organisation structure for networking decisions.

A: There is not an ‘organisational chart / structure’ that demonstrates who manages network decisions. There is a core network delivered and managed through our Cancom CIT contract.

Q14: What initiatives exist in the Trust for the digitalisation of clinical services that will require failsafe network connectivity?

A: Resilience is built into all of our network and all IT systems.

Q15: Today how much confidential data do you exchange within the sites of your Trust and how? How will this change for the new hospital?

A: Please see the response to question 6.

Q16: Today how much confidential data do you exchange outside your Trust and how? How will this change for the new hospital?

A: Please see the response to question 6.

Q17: What budgets exist for implementing a high capacity, high speed network for the new hospital and how much?

A: Please see the response to question 6.

Q18: What company are you or have you considered to provide facility management of the new hospital?

A: It is likely we will provide our own facility management services.

Q19: What services will the Facility Management company provide?

A: Please see the response to question 18.

Q20: How much do you envisage to spend annually on security alone at for the new hospital?

A: We will not know this until we complete our Full Business Case in November 2023.

Q21: How much do you envisage to spend annually on human resources to provide non-medical services such as security, porters, admin, cleaning etc at the new hospital?

A: Please see the response to question 20.

Q22: What wireless connectivity capabilities do you currently have in place at the Trust? Please provide company name and contract term and expiry date for each.

A: The wireless network is provided over a Huawei infrastructure network and covers our campus.

April - June 2021

Date received: 05.01.21

Reference number: 12.21

Applicant: Individual

Q1: Name of the companies used for International Recruitment of Nurses?

A: Neptune CPL Healthcare Kings International Travel Nurse

Q2: Number of nurses recruited from International countries (such as India, Philippines etc.) per year in 2019 and 2020?


  • 2019 - 237
  • 2020 - 87

Q3: Number of nurses planned to be recruited in 2021 from the aforementioned countries?

A: 260

Q4: When is the contract with the agencies assisting with International Recruitment of Nurses up for renewal?

A: April 2021, this is renewed yearly.

Q5: What is the total cost of recruitment of International Nurses per year for 2019, 2020 and forecasted for 2021?


  • 2019 – April 2019 - March 2020 - £1,673,158.00
  • 2020 – April 2020 – March 2021 - £909,754.00
  • 2021 – April 2021 – March 2022 – We do not hold this data as it is not yet available due to this period will not yet be completed until March 2022.

Date received: 16.02.21

Reference number: 119.21

Applicant: Individual

Q: Please provide a copy of your Trust Staff Side Trade Union Agreement Document - If it discloses personal or sensitive information please instead provide a list of the Trade Union organisations named on the agreement.


The list of Trade Union organisations named in the agreement are as follows:

  • British Association of Occupational Therapists
  • British Dietetic Association
  • British Medical Association
  • British Orthoptic Society
  • Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
  • Federation of Clinical Scientists
  • GMB
  • Hospital Physicists’ Association
  • Management in Partnership
  • Royal College of Midwives
  • Royal College of Nursing
  • Society of Radiographers
  • Transport and General Workers Union
  • Union of Construction, Allied Trades and Technicians

Date received: 03.03.21

Reference number: 150.21

Applicant: Individual

Q: Please could I have details of the ages of mothers who have given birth at your hospital over the past five years. If possible, could you please tell me:

  • How many women over the age of 45 gave birth in your hospital for each year.
  • How many women over the age of 50 gave birth in your hospital for each year.
  • How many women over the age of 55 gave birth in your hospital for each year.
  • How many women over the age of 60 gave birth in your hospital for each year.
  • How many women over the age of 65 gave birth in your hospital for each year.



Age at delivery: 45
Number of women who gave birth: 20

Age at delivery: 50
Number of women who gave birth: 2

Age at delivery: 55
Number of women who gave birth: 2


Age at delivery: 45
Number of women who gave birth: 16

Age at delivery: 50
Number of women who gave birth: 3


Age at delivery: 45
Number of women who gave birth: 15

Age at delivery: 50
Number of women who gave birth: 3


Age at delivery: 45
Number of women who gave birth: 22

Age at delivery: 50
Number of women who gave birth: 4


Age at delivery: 45
Number of women who gave birth: 19

Age at delivery: 50
Number of women who gave birth: 2

The figures above include both still and live births.

Date received: 05.05.21

Reference number: 289.21

Applicant: Individual

"I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information from Trust regarding;"

Q1: Breakdown of shifts (Numbers only) filled by individual Nursing Agencies (by name of agency) in Trust operated theatre wards for ‘Surgical First Assistants’, Operating Department Practitioners’ and ‘SCRUB Nurses’ for March 1st 2021 - April 30th 2021

A: We had no agency use within Trust operated theatre wards / departments within the time period indicated above.

Q2: Individual Charge rates for Nursing agencies for theatre staff March 1st 2021- April 30th 2021

A: Not applicable.

Q3: Total Nursing Agency spend by Trust Theatre department for financial year April 2020- April 2021

A: Not applicable.

Q4: Total Cost for each Nursing Agency used by theatre departments financial year April 2020- April 2021

A: Not applicable.

Date received: 07.05.21

Reference number: 304.21

Applicant: Individual

"Please could you assist by answering the following questions regarding your Trusts use of RPA (Robotic Process Automation), under the freedom of information act. ‘Robotic Process Automation is a productivity tool that can mimic, emulate and automate repetitive, high-volume, labourintensive processes including data entry, data extraction and passing data to / from different applications’"

Q1: Does your Trust currently use RPA (Robotic Process Automation)?

A: Yes, project in pilot phase.

Q2: Which departments within your Trust currently use RPA (Robotic Process Automation)?

A: Only outpatients at the moment.

Q3: Which commercial partner is your Trust currently using

A: Blue Prism Cloud.

Q4: Is the Trust intending to expand the use of RPA (Robotic Process Automation)?

A: Yes.

Q5: Total Budget spent on RPA (Robotic Process Automation) in FYE 20 / 21?

A: £100,000

Q6: Forecasted investment in RPA (Robotic Process Automation) in FYE 21 / 22?

A: £100,000

Q7: Which departments have been identified for RPA projects?

A: Still under consideration but potentially Trust wide.

Q8: The name of the Trusts current TIE (Trust Integration Engine)

A: The TIE is Ensemble for the Trust.

Date received: 27.05.21

Reference number: 353.21

Applicant: Individual

"Under the freedom of information act, I would like to request the following information. Estates maintenance personnel callout rates EG. (time +1/2, time +2/3 or double time) for the following periods:"

Q1: Callout rates for the hours covering Sunday and the minimum duration of pay.

A: The Maintenance team provides 24/7 on site support for the vast majority of work for out of hours. Engineers provide an on call service which usually does not involve site attendance. Payments for hours worked are as per Agenda for Change, which is at time +1/2 for all hours worked, except for bank holiday working, which is paid at double time.

Q2: Callout rates for the hours covering 12:00 midnight to 6:00 AM and the minimum duration of pay.

A: Please see the response to question 1.

Q3: Stand down time and policy if an operative has to attend an emergency call out in the early hours of the night.

A: As per the NHS handbook. Sleep in time is available but is not paid.

Date received: 01.06.21

Reference number: 358.21

Applicant: Individual

I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information from Addenbrookes hospital. Please may you provide me with the number of hospital admissions per year in the last 5 years.


April 2016 - March 2017

  • Births: 5,571
  • Day cases: 122,623
  • Total inpatients: 66,825
    Elective: 16,341
    Emergency > 85 years old: 6,521
    Emergency < 85 years old: 37,131
    Maternity: 6,832
  • Total Admissions (IP / DC / Births): 195,019

April 2017 - March 2018

  • Births: 5,389
  • Day cases: 122,021
  • Total inpatients: 69,069
    Elective: 15,288
    Emergency > 85 years old: 6,716
    Emergency < 85 years old: 40,169
    Maternity: 6,896
  • Total Admissions (IP / DC / Births): 196,479

April 2018 - March 2019

  • Births: 5,330
  • Day cases: 126,305
  • Total inpatients: 70,665
    Elective: 15,693
    Emergency > 85 years old: 6,787
    Emergency < 85 years old: 41,522
    Maternity: 6,663
  • Total Admissions (IP / DC / Births): 202,300

April 2019 - March 2020

  • Births: 5,271
  • Day cases: 130,732
  • Total inpatients: 67,573
    Elective: 14,486
    Emergency > 85 years old: 6,889
    Emergency < 85 years old: 39,616
    Maternity: 6,582
  • Total Admissions (IP / DC / Births): 203,576

April 2020 - March 2021

  • Births: 5,129
  • Day cases: 105,352
  • Total inpatients: 53,118
    Elective: 8,817
    Emergency > 85 years old: 5,831
    Emergency < 85 years old: 32,050
    Maternity: 6,420
  • Total Admissions (IP / DC / Births): 163,599

Date received: 07.06.21

Reference number: 371.26

Applicant: Media

Q: For each of the years 2010 and 2020, how many investigations under section 47 of the Children Act 1989 involved any of these terms in the referral:

A: We do not hold data for 2010, the below figures are for 2020.

  • Fabricated or Induced Illness or FII
    • A: 3
  • Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy or MSbP
    • A: 0 – there is no specific ICD code for Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy.
  • Perplexing Presentation or PP
    • A: 4
  • Factitious Disorder Imposed on Another or FDIoA
    • A: 0 – there is no specific ICD code for Factitious Disorder Imposed on Another.
  • Snomed Code System Concept Code: 95637005
    • A: 0 – there is no specific ICD code for Snomed Code System Concept Code: 95637005
  • How many of those investigations led to a child protection plan, and how many resulted in no further action being taken?
    • A: All fabricated or Induced illnesses led to Section 47 and ultimately a Child Protection plan. 3 Perplexing presentations led to Child in need of Child protection plans. 1 perplexing presentation led to no further action.
January - March 2021

Date received: 04.01.21

Reference number: 04.21

Applicant: Individual

Q: Please can you provide me with the number of deaths at this hospital trust of patients who have died OF Covid-19, since March 2020 up until December 2020 where Covid-19 was their primary cause of death.

A: 109.

Date received: 15.01.21

Reference number: 33.21

Applicant: Commercial

"I would like to find out some information about the clinical coding and patient administration service."

Q1: How many staff do you have in your clinical coding department?

A: 45

Q2: How many non-clinical staff are involved in clinical coding?

A: 0

Q3: What clinical coding software or automation tool do you use? If 3rd party, please state.

A: Clinical Coding Software is 3M Medicode. No automation tool is used.

Q4: If you have a 3rd party providing you with clinical coding service, what is the term of the contract, contract value and start and end dates?

A: Not applicable

Q5: What finance system(s) do you use for clinical coding?

A: We do not have a finance system in clinical coding, the Billing system that the Trust is using for billing of Clinical Activities is currently BELVAN.

Q6: Which board Executives are responsible for the clinical coding function, please include names and contact details?

A: Dr Ewen Cameron - Director of Improvement and transformation

Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Hills Road

Q7: How much did the Trust spend on consultancy relating to clinical coding last year?

A: £0

Q8: Is patient administration (appointment bookings, queries, etc) provided in house or a 3rd party?

A: In House.

Q9: If a 3rd party provides patient administration, please confirm the organisation(s) including the term of the contract, contract value and start and end dates.

A: Not Applicable.

Q10: How many non-clinical staff are involved in patient administration across the Trust?


  • Clerical Worker - 491
  • Officer - 223
  • Receptionist - 18
  • Grand total - 732

We have provided the number of non-clinical staff that work in clinical area with job role Receptionists, Officer and clerical worker in Band 2 to 5. This will largely include ward clerk, appointment booking co-ordinator etc. but will also include, data pathway co-ordinator, support officers, CQUIN Co-ordinator and other position title that we cannot necessary confirm if they are directly involve in patients administration or not.

Date received: 18.01.21

Reference number: 40.21

Applicant: Individual

Q1: Do you provide patients the option to attend appointments by video consultation?

A: Yes.

Q2: What is the name of the supplier that provides the video consultation platform?

A: Attend Anywhere.

Q3: When is your contract end date with the above supplier?

A: March 2021 (although likely to be extended short-term).

Q4: Do you intend on remaining with your incumbent when your current contract is up for renewal?

A: We are part of a regional procurement process.

Q5: Which department team looks after this contract aside from Procurement?

A: Central Outpatients.

Q6: Who is the main contact responsible for the Video Consolation contract?

A: Andi Thornton - Outpatients operations manager.

Date received: 01.02.21

Reference number: 80.21

Applicant: Individual

"I'd like to know, if possible:"

Q1: How many of the various invasive models were used within your trust vs how many were ordered (the Penlon units being the most important with regards to this).

A: Our provision of Ventilators was allocated to CUH via NHS England, we received 67 AEONMED Invasive mandatory ventilators.

Q2: The cost per unit breakdown.

A: The equipment was centrally sourced through NHS England.

Q3: The survival / rates of recovery for those ventilated.

A: In the first wave we had a 29.8% mortality rate, the second wave is yet to be calculated.

Q4: I'd also like to enquire if there has been an uptake in the non-invasive units for the second wave of battling the pandemic.

A: We have received 20 extra AIRVO Nasal High Flow machines and we had a provision of 21 Phillips V60 non-invasive machines.

Date received: 11.02.21

Reference number: 106.21

Applicant: Media - ITN

Q: For each individual calendar year – 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 and also 2021 to date if possible;

  • The number of adults (aged 18+) that presented to A&E due to mental health related issues?
    • How many of these patients were admitted following a visit to A&E due to mental health?
  • The number of people aged under 18 who presented to A&E due to mental health related issues?
    • How many of these patients were admitted following a visit to A&E due to mental health?



Number of adults (18+) - 3080
Admitted - 1558

Number of people aged under 18 -394
Admitted - 202


Number of adults (18+) - 3174
Admitted - 1721

Number of people aged under 18 - 408
Admitted - 246


Number of adults (18+) - 3547
Admitted - 1671

Number of people aged under 18 - 513
Admitted - 241


Number of adults (18+) - 4017
Admitted - 1690

Number of people aged under 18 - 585
Admitted - 269


Number of adults (18+) - 3273
Admitted - 885

Number of people aged under 18 - 582
Admitted - 220

2021 (to 14.02.2021)

Number of adults (18+) - 338
Admitted - 76

Number of people aged under 18 - 50
Admitted - 23

Date received: 16.02.21

Reference number: 117.21

Applicant: Individual

Q1: Do you outsource your Staff Bank to a third-party provider?

A: No.

If you have answered yes, please also provide answers to the following questions, otherwise please stipulate ‘N/A’

Q1a: Who is the provider that you have outsourced to? If different providers are used for different staffing groups, please state all, and indicate which staffing group each is used for.

A: Not applicable.

Q1b: What date was this contract awarded?

A: Not applicable.

Q1c: When is this contract due to end?

A: Not applicable.

Q1d: Was this contract awarded as a result of a tender process or via a direct award?

A: Not applicable.

Q2: Do you use a third-party Vendor Management System for your agency supply?

A: No.

If you have answered yes, please also provide answers to the following questions, otherwise please stipulate ‘N/A’

Q2a: Who is the provider of your VMS? If different systems are used for different staffing groups, please state all, and indicate which staffing group they are used for

A: Not applicable.

Q2b: What date was this contract awarded?

A: Not applicable.

Q2c: When is this contract due to end?

A: Not applicable.

Q2d: Was this contract awarded as a result of a tender process or via a direct award?

A: Not applicable.

Q3: Do you use a third-party to provide Direct Engagement services to any staff group?

A: No.

If you have answered yes, please also provide answers to the following questions, otherwise please stipulate ‘N/A’

Q3a: Who is your Direct Engagement provider? If different providers are used for different staffing groups, please state all, and indicate which staffing group they are used for.

A: Not applicable.

Q3b: What date was this contract awarded?

A: Not applicable.

Q3c: When is this contract due to end?

A: Not applicable.

Q3d: Was this contract awarded as a result of a tender process or via a direct award?

A: Not applicable.

Q4: Do you use a recruitment process outsourcing model (RPO) for substantive staff at your Trust?

A: No.

If you have answered yes, please also provide answers to the following questions, otherwise please stipulate ‘N/A’

Q4a: Who is the provider that you have outsourced to? If different providers are used for different staffing groups, please state all, and indicate which staffing group they are used for.

A: Not applicable.

Q4b: What date was this contract awarded?

A: Not applicable.

Q4c: When is this contract due to end?

A: Not applicable.

Q4d: Was this contract awarded as a result of a tender process or via a direct award?

A: Not applicable.

Date received: 16.02.21

Reference number: 120.21

Applicant: Individual

Q1: How many NHS staff in your Trust were absent on sick leave in the calendar years:

  • 2017/18
    • A: 7,935
  • 2018/19
    • A: 8,296
  • 2019/20
    • A: 8,763

Q2: How many work days were lost in each period (as above) through sickness leave?

  • 2017/18
    • A: 101,952.61
  • 2018/19
    • A: 112,389.73
  • 2019/20
    • A: 132,815.38

Q3: For each year (calendar or financial) how many of those staff were absent through mental health issues?

  • 2017/18
    • A: 827
  • 2018/19
    • A: 932
  • 2019/20
    • A: 1,097

Q4: How many work days were lost in each period through mental health conditions including depression, anxiety, PTSD?

  • 2017/18
    • A: 20,145.70
  • 2018/19
    • A: 25,156.25
  • 2019/20
    • A: 30,092.59

Date received: 18.02.21

Reference number: 127.21

Applicant: Media – Freelance journalist

Q1: How many tonnes of clinical and infectious waste did Addenbrooke’s incinerate between October 1st 2020 and January 31st 2021?

A: 162.53 tonnes out of a total waste volume of 589.39 tonnes.

Q2: How many tonnes of clinical and infectious waste did Addenbrooke’s incinerate between October 1st 2019 and January 31st 2020?

A: 19.49 tonnes out of a total waste volume of 571.12 tonnes. The significant increase in the volume of clinical and infectious waste between the two years reflects a reclassification of waste streams as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, with all waste originating from Covid ‘Red’ areas of the hospitals reclassified as clinical and infectious waste during this period.

Date received: 05.03.21

Reference number: 157.21

Applicant: Media – Ferrari press

Q: I would like to know the number of people aged 17 or younger who were admitted to A&E at hospitals in the trust after intentionally hurting themselves in 2020. I would like this information broken down by age group: 0-5, 6-11, 12-17 and I would like this information broken down by gender: Male, Female.



  • Aged 6 to 11: 2
  • Aged 12 - 17: 285


  • Aged 6 to 11: 1
  • Aged 12 - 17: 37

Date received: 10.03.21

Q1: Is your Trust working within an Integrated Care Partnership / Provider (ICP) or Provider Collaborative?

A: This is under development – transition from Cambridgeshire and Peterborough STP to an ICS/P, the STP has not yet moved to the ICP stage of development.

Q2: If yes, then please provide answers to the following additional questions:

Q2a: What is the name of the ICP?

Q2b: What other organisations are members of the ICP?

Q2c: Who at your Trust sits on the ICP Board?

2020 Disclosure Logs

October - December 2020

Date received: 23.09.20

Reference number: 481.20

Applicant: Individual

Q: The number of staff working at the {Public Authority}} who have been attacked while or after doing their job during the Coronavirus pandemic. This should be from the 1 April to the date of your reply. If possible, this dataset should also disclose the job of the person in question who was attacked. If any more information which you feel is relevant to the attack is available, it would be great if that could be disclosed in the dataset as well.

A: There were 130 assaults on staff recorded during the time frame 1st April 2020 to 27th September 2020. The Trust does not record specific job roles as part of the data collection.

Date received: 01.10.20

Reference number: 505.20

Applicant: Individual

"I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information for: Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust"

Q1: Who is responsible for your Windows 10 desktop migration? Name/Role and contact details if available.

A: Mr K Whitmore – Project manager.

All staff members are contactable via the Trust Switchboard number: 01223 254151.

Q2: How many end users do you have across the Trust?

A: 12,000 – 16,000

Q3: How many Windows end point devices do you have?

A: 10,000

Q4: Roughly what % are running on Windows 7?

A: 65%

Q5: Does the Trust still use Java and Internet Explore based applications?

A: Yes.

Q6: Is the Trust Cyber Essentials Plus accredited?

A: Not as yet.

Q7: Does the Trust have devices that still require Windows 7 technology to work such as scanners and printers?

A: Yes.

Q8: Who is responsible for IT Security? Name / role and contact details if available.

A: Currently Mr A McKenna until December 2020. The name of the person taking over this role is not yet known. All staff members are contactable via the Trust Switchboard number: 01223 254151.

Date received: 12.10.20

Reference number: 523.20

Applicant: Individual

Q: Can you please confirm whether telephone calls to your PALS and complaints service are recorded and if so the retention period for the call recordings. I had a look at your retention schedule and did not find any information on call recordings there.

A: The PALS and complaints team do not record calls.

Date received: 19.10.20

Reference number: 543.20

Applicant: Individual

Patient Administration System

Q1: Please provide the name of the Patient Administration System (PAS) used at the organisation (a PAS is used to support patient management, including tracking patients and managing admissions, ward attendances and appointments)

A: Epic

Q1a: Who is the supplier?

A: We do not have a PAS supplier but our EPR supplier (which includes PAS) is Epic.

Q1b: What was the annual amount paid to the supplier in 19/20 (April 2019 – March 2020)?

A: We are unable to provide this information as the cost element for PAS is included within the wider contract with Epic - £43 million over 10 years.

Q1c: What is the contract start date?

A: 5 April 2013

Q1d: What is the contract end date?

A: 5 April 2023 with the option to extend for a further 3 years.

Electronic Health Record System

Q2: Please provide the name of the Electronic Health Record (EHR) system used at the organisation? (an EHR is a digital record of patient health information)

A: Epic

Q2a: Who is the supplier?

A: Epic

Q2b: What was the annual amount paid to the supplier in 19/20 (April 2019 – March 2020)?

A: We are unable to provide this information as the cost element is included within the wider contract with Epic - £43 million over 10 years.

Q2c: What is the contract start date?

A: 5 April 2013

Q2d: What is the contract end date?

A: 5 April 2023 with the option to extend for a further 3 years.

Task Management Functionality

Q3: Please name the PAS and / or EHR system used at the organisation that provides functionality to support the management of tasks. E.g. patient-level, ward level or site-level clinical and operational tasks. If a separate system / supplier is used to support task management, please provide further details on this system (including contract dates and annual cost in 19/20)

A: Epic

Q3a: As part of the implementation process, was the system that provides task management installed on existing devices i.e. a software download, or did it require the installation of new technology?

A: Software download.

Q3b: Please indicate which type of tasks the system captures:

  • Ward round / daytime tasks
    • A: Yes
  • Hospital-at-night tasks
    • A: Yes
  • Board round tasks
    • A: Yes
  • Tasks related to the discharge process
    • A: Yes
  • Other (please specify)

Q3c: Does the system provide static task lists, or can tasks be automatically escalated and allocated to other staff members?

A: Yes, the system can be configured to provide either static task lists or with tasks that are automatically allocated / escalated to other staff groups depending on the workflow.

Q3d: Please indicate the type of staffing group task management is used by:

  • Medical and Dental
    • A: Yes
  • Nursing and HCAs
    • A: Yes
  • Scientific, Therapeutic and Technical Staff (STT) including of AHPs
    • A: Yes
  • Administration and Estates Staff
    • A: Administration

Q3e: Does the system have the ability to share tasks from the hospital to social care and vice versa? i.e. local authorities can view the status of the patient and outstanding tasks, supporting a joined-up approach to care-co-ordination.

A: No

Date received: 22.10.20

Reference number: 555.20

Applicant: Individual

Q: What are the pre-requisite compliance requirements for any potential suppliers of software at your NHS Trust? Kindly list the specific requirements for your Trust, which includes but is not limited to the following:

  • Data governance policies that suppliers must prescribe to in order to secure tenders;
  • Compliance requirements;
  • ISO standards (i.e. ISO 2701);
  • Frameworks;

Any other badges or accreditation required. For context, this FOI request is in reference to non-clinical software (not a medical device) for senior management that aggregates data around patient flow (i.e. breaches, patient journeys, medical records, and resources consumed) across departments scraped from the ERP and other software.

A: All software used within the Trust has to go through an information governance and technical review, once approved software is added to the master application list. This review includes the completion of standard forms that cover questions on security, data storage and whether the software developer complies with the standards of the data security and governance toolkit or ISO27001.

Date received: 10.11.20

Reference number: 607.20

Applicant: NHS

Q: I tried to find the information via your website however I couldn’t see anything so I was wondering if it’d be possible for someone to send me the name and contact information (email address and phone number / extension) of the theatre matron at Addenbrooke's or let me know where I’d be able to get it that’d be very helpful.

A: Gareth Hayman who is our operations manager for perioperative care services is the best person to contact as his pervious role was theatre matron, at present we are recruiting for additional matrons. Email Gareth Hayman.

Date received: 20.11.20

Reference number: 626.20

Applicant: Media – The Guardian

Q: The total number of referrals made to mental health services by primary schools (for pupils aged 11 and under) for each of the last four calendar years (2017, 2018,2019,2020 so far)? Please break this down by month.

The total number of referrals made to mental health services by primary schools (for pupils aged 11 and under) which were declined for each of the last four calendar years (including 2020 so far).

The known most number of times an individual child referred by a primary school has been declined mental health services over the last four financial years (i.e. this is according to records which are kept, please don't independently investigate if records are not able to be filtered to check this)?

The longest known time spent by an individual child referred by a primary school on a waiting list for mental health services over the last 4 calendar years (i.e. this is according to records which are kept, please don't independently investigate if records are not able to be filtered to check this)?

The average waiting time spent by a child referred by a primary school to be seen by mental health services in 2020?

A: We do not hold the information that you have requested as we are an Acute hospital. You need to request the information from:

Cambridge and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust (CPFT)
Elizabeth House
Fulbourn Hospital
CB21 5EF

Date received: 02.12.20

Reference number: 643.20

Applicant: Individual

Q1: The number of 12-week pregnancy scans carried out by your NHS hospital trust in 2018.

A: 5799

Q2: The number of 12-week pregnancy scans carried out by your NHS hospital trust in 2019.

A: 5648

Q3: The number of 12-week pregnancy scans carried out by your NHS hospital trust in the period 1st January 2020 to 1st December 2020.

A: 5036

Q4: The number of 12-week pregnancy scans carried out by your NHS hospital trust in the period 15th June 2018 to 29th June 2018.

A: 251

Q5: The number of 12-week pregnancy scans carried out by your NHS hospital trust in the period 15th June 2019 to 29th June 2019.

A: 210

Q6: The number of 12-week pregnancy scans carried out by your NHS hospital trust in the period 15th June 2020 to 29th June 2020.

A: 198

Date received: 08.12.20

Reference number: 657.20

Applicant: Media – BBC

Q1: I'd like to know the number of patients admitted to the Major Trauma Centre at Addenbrooke's suffering with stab wounds in 2020 (to date), 2019, 2018 and 2017.



Adults (over 18) - 49

Children (under 18) - 2

Total - 51


Adults (over 18) - 30

Children (under 18) - 1

Total - 31


Adults (over 18) - 53

Children (under 18) - 10

Total - 63


Adults (over 18) - 29

Children (under 18) - 7

Total - 36

Grand totals

Adults (over 18) - 161

Children (under 18) - 20

Overall - 181

Q2: Also, for each annual total, can you tell me what number of the patients were children?

A: Please see response to question 1.

Date received: 18.12.20

Reference number: 682.20

Applicant: Individual

Q1: How many agency nursing shifts have your Trust used SNG or Thornbury Nursing Services for between 1st October 2020 and 30th November 2020?

A: None.

Q2: Please provide a breakdown of the amount of shifts per ward or department where SNG or Thornbury Nursing Services were used in 1st October and 30th November 2020?

A: Not Applicable.

Q3: How many agency nursing shifts have your Trust used Nutrix nursing agency for between 1st October 2020 and 30th November 2020?

A: None.

Q4: Please provide a breakdown of the amount of shifts per ward or department where Nutrix were used between 1st October 2020 and 30th November 2020.

A: Not applicable.

Q5: Please name any other off contract suppliers who have been utilised by the Trust between 1st October 2020 and 30th November 2020 above the NHS Improvement + 50% caps and how many shifts each of these agencies have filled.

A: None.

July - September 2020

Date received: 26.05.20

Reference number: 272.20

Applicant: Researcher

"Due to the difficulty in finding authentic and reliable documents, I am sending this email with the kind request to provide me with a digital or scanned copy of an empty admission form and an empty discharge letter as samples for linguistic and research purposes. These documents will not be published and will only be used by me for the extraction of linguistic data and percentages."

Q1: Before being admitted to a hospital, patients have to fill a form (called Admission Form) with their personal data, address, emergency contact, reasons for the hospitalisation (sickness, accident, etc).

A: We do not hold the requested information as the workflow is an electronic system, many of the fields are pre-populated with patient information. As we use a complete digital EPR system (electronic patient record) we do not use any paper documentation for the activities described.

Q2: After the discharge, a paper called Discharge Letter (or Discharge Summary Report) is given to patients. This document usually contains the treatments received, medical prescriptions, discharge disposition, follow-up instructions etc.

A: See the response for question 1.

Date received: 09.06.20

Reference number: 280.20

Applicant: Individual

"I can confirm that we hold the information that you have requested. Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, information will only partially disclosed if an exemption applies. I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following. I appreciate this is a difficult time as a result of the Covid crisis, but we believe there is a strong public interest in understanding the impact that dealing with this crisis has had on the identification and treatment of other diseases, and in particular cancer. We are asking these questions to try to understand the size of the backlog in hospitals when it comes to booking in and assessing scans - in particular linked to potential cancers- that have accrued as a result of Covid."

"Please accept our apologies but the response letter we sent to you on 23rd June contained incorrect information; our revised response is below."

Q1: How many patients are currently awaiting an appointment for imaging studies / scans that have been requested? And how many are awaiting the results of scans that are yet to be assessed?

A: 39,009 awaiting scans (15311 of these are elective planned). 211 awaiting results.

Q2: Please can you specify how many of these are on a cancer pathway. Please also specify the date your records go up to.

A: 632 awaiting scans 32 waiting for results. Records up to 10/06/2020

Q3: Please can you also provide the data for how many were waiting during the same time period last year.

A: 28,684 awaiting scans. Awaiting results - 9440.

Q4: How many two-week wait cancer referrals had to wait longer than 14 days for an appointment in May 2020, May 2019, and May 2018? Please break this down by year and specialty receiving referral.

A: 2018: 206 2019: 129 2020: 66

Q5: How many more scanners are needed to address the shortfall in imaging capacity?

A: We do not hold this information.

Date received: 13.06.20

Reference number: 301.20

Applicant: Individual

"I am writing to request an electronic copy of a number of documents pertaining to the hospital visitation policies and any adjustments you have made with regard to the Coronavirus. In particular I am requesting copies of:"

Q1: The standard policy document in force before the advent of Coronavirus.

A: There is not a single generic policy on hospital visitation. Many wards have their own “Welcome to the Ward” pack which as part of it mentions visiting.

Q2: Any adjustments made to that policy including a copy of the current, active policy.

A: Not applicable please refer to our response to question 1

Q3: Confirmation of the statute(s) under which you are restricting access stating why you believe the policy applies and does not infringe upon the ECHR statutes as detailed in Article 8.

A: Not applicable please refer to our response to question 1.

Q4: Confirmation of the decision-making process behind the policy and the approvals.

A: Not applicable please refer to our response to question 1.

Date received: 08.07.20

Reference number: 340.20

Applicant: Individual

Q: Please can you inform me of the number of serious incidents within the last year declared at CUH that are owned by Radiology? ENHT are currently performing a benchmarking exercise for Radiology SIs.

A: Since 1st July 2019 there have been 3 serious incidents reported to the Clinical Commissioning Group with the location of Imaging.

Date received: 10.08.20

Reference number: 412.20

Applicant: Commercial

"I would like to get more detailed information on your usage of laboratory and oncology information systems and thus request the following information at NHS UK trusts level:"

Laboratory information system

Q1: Which laboratory information system do you use in your hospital?

A: Epic 2017

Q2: How is the laboratory information solution usually procured (e.g. tender, spot purchase, etc.)?

A: Tender.

Q3: Who is in charge of making the procurement decisions for laboratory information systems (free choice or central directions)?

A: Dr Afzal Chaudhry - Director of Digital.

Q4: When did the on-going contract for the used laboratory information system start?

A: 1 st April 2013.

Q5: When will the on-going contract for the used laboratory information system end?

A: 31st March 2023.

Q6: How frequent are contracts for laboratory information systems renewed?

A: As above.

Q7: How are you paying for the usage of the laboratory information system (e.g. on-off payment, recurring annual payments etc.)?

A: Initial licence costs, ongoing maintenance payments.

Q8: In case there was an on-off payment - How much did you pay for the laboratory information system?

A: The LIMS is part of an enterprise hospital-wide system and is not costed separately - total cost £43 million over 10 years.

Q9: In case there are recurring payments - How much do you pay per year for the laboratory information system?

A: As (8) above.

Oncology information system

Q10: How is the oncology information solution usually procured (e.g. tender, spot purchase, etc.)?

A: Epic 2017.

Q11: Who is in charge of making the procurement decisions for oncology information systems (free choice or central directions)?

A: Tender.

Q12: When did the on-going contract for the used oncology information system start?

A: 1st April 2013.

Q13: When will the on-going contract for the used oncology information system end?

A: 31st March 2023.

Q14: How frequent are contracts for oncology information systems renewed?

A: As (14) above.

Q15: How are you paying for the usage of the oncology information system (e.g. on-off payment, recurring annual payments etc.)?

A: Initial licence costs, ongoing maintenance payments.

Q16: In case there was an on-off payment - How much did you pay for the oncology information system?

A: The system is part of an enterprise hospital-wide system and is not costed separately - total cost £43 million over 10 years.

Q17: In case there are recurring payments - How much do you pay per year for the oncology information system?

A: As (17) above.

Date received: 11.08.20

Reference number: 414.20

Applicant: Media

Q1: Breaking down the data by each month, how many young people were referred to CAMHS service for Tier 3 support from March 2019 to July 2020?

Q2: Breaking down the data by each month, how many young people were refused CAMHS services, because the service lacked capacity from March 2019 to July 2020?

  • Regarding CAMHS services in the financial year 2018-19:

Q3: How many patients waited more than 4 weeks for an initial assessment? (What percentage of the total is this?)

Q3a: How many patients waited more than 18 weeks for an initial assessment? (What percentage of the total is this?)

Q3b: How many patients waited more than 12 months for an initial assessment? (What percentage of the total is this?)

Q3c: How many patients waited more than 4 weeks to start treatment? (What percentage of the total is this?)

Q3d: How many patients waited more than 18 weeks to start treatment? (What percentage of the total is this?)

Q3e: How many patients waited more than 12 months to start treatment? (What percentage of the total is this?)

Q3f: What was the longest wait time for treatment?

  • Regarding CAMHS services in the financial year 2019-2020:

Q4: How many patients waited more than 4 weeks for an initial assessment? (What percentage of the total is this?)

Q4a: How many patients waited more than 18 weeks for an initial assessment? (What percentage of the total is this?)

Q4b: How many patients waited more than 12 months for an initial assessment? (What percentage of the total is this?)

Q4c: How many patients waited more than 4 weeks to start treatment? (What percentage of the total is this?)

Q4d: How many patients waited more than 18 weeks to start treatment? (What percentage of the total is this?)

Q4e: How many patients waited more than 12 months to start treatment? (What percentage of the total is this?)

Q4f: What was the longest wait time for treatment?

A: We do not hold the information you have requested regarding the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) as Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust is an Acute Trust. Your request should be sent to:

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust
Elizabeth House
Fulbourn Hospital Cambridge
CB21 5EF

Date received: 04.09.20

Reference number: 414.20

Applicant: Media

Q1: According to your records, how many NHS staff at your trust have died after contracting coronavirus?

A: None

Q2: If possible, could we also know their role within the trust (for example ENT doctor, nurse, etc.)

A: Not applicable

Date received: 17.08.20

Reference number: 421.20

Applicant: Individual

Q: I am trying to establish the number of women living "flat" following surgery to remove both breasts (either at the same time or one at a time), who have not undergone reconstructive surgery for whatever reason. Would it be possible for you to provide the number of women at your trust who have breast cancer surgery and have had bilateral mastectomies without reconstruction?

A: There were 17 bilateral mastectomy procedures performed in an admitted patient setting between 01/08/2019 and 31/07/2020. Patients have only been included if they also had a breast cancer diagnosis coded during the same admitted patient spell as the mastectomy. Of these 17, 11 did not have the reconstruction in the same period (01/08/2019 – 31/07/2020).

Date received: 26.08.20

Reference number: 433.20

Applicant: Commercial

"I am getting in touch with regards to black, Asian, and minority ethnic (BAME) group’s staff networks within the NHS. I have a few simple questions that I would like to ask under the Freedom of Information Act 2000."

Q1: Does the trust have a BAME staff network or something similarly named?

A: Yes, CUH has a BAME staff network launched July 2017.

Q2: If the answer to Q1 is yes, who are its leaders (e.g., chair, co-chair)?

A: Chair is Ms Erica Chisanga , Membership Secretary Ms Lenette Mactavous.

Q3: In addition to Q2, does it have a sponsor if yes please provide the name?

A: Our CEO Mr Roland Sinker is the board sponsor.

Q4: Could you please provide the contact details for the leaders of the trust’s BAME staff network (or similarly named)? This should be, at minimum, an email address.

Email Erica Chisanga

Date received: 28.08.20

Reference number: 435.20

Applicant: Commercial

Q1: Are you supplying insulin pumps to eligible patients with Diabetes at your Trust?

A: Yes.

Q2: If yes, for each clinic location that an Insulin Pump Service is provided within your Trust (e.g. Pump Start, Pump Renewal, Pump Training), please list:

  • Name and postcode of the Hospital or Community Clinic.
    • A: All clinics are held at Addenbrooke’s Hospital - CB2 0QQ
  • Whether the Insulin Pump Service is for Adults Only, Paeds Only or both Adults and Paeds patients.
    • A: Both Adult and Paediatric patients.

Date received: 04.09.20

Reference number: 446.20

Applicant: Individual

Q: How many Intermittent Pneumatic Compression Stockings (IPCS) prescriptions were written on all stroke wards (including HASU and ASU) for stroke patients admitted in 2018 and 2019?

A: 550

April - June 2020

Date received: 02.04.20

Reference number: 209.20

Applicant: Individual

"Please could you send me some information about the number of hospital beds in your Trust, as follows:"

Q1: How many hospital beds are there in total, in your Trust?

A: For Addenbrooke's and Rosie Hospitals there are 1157 hospital beds.

Q1a: Of these, how many are general care beds?

A: 894.

Q1b: How many are acute care beds?

A: 894.

Q1c: How many are for mental illness?

A: None.

Q1d: How many are for maternity?

A: 140.

Q1e: How many are day-only beds?

A: 42.

Q2: Which hospital has the most general care hospital beds, and how many are there at that hospital?

A: At Addenbrooke's and Rosie Hospital we have 894 general care hospital beds.

Q3: Which hospital has the most acute care beds, and how many are there at that hospital?

A: As above.

Date received: 09.04.20

Reference number: 214.20

Applicant: Commercial

"Under the Freedom of Information Act, I would like to request information relating to:"

Q1: The name(s) of any planned change and transformation projects or programmes that will have an affect or will involve the HR / people team.

A: There are no planned change and transformation projects or programmes that will have an affect or will involve the HR / people team.

Q2: Is there any planned organisational restructure; which departments will be affected?

A: There is no planned organisational restructure.

Q3: In the next / last 6 months, has there or will there be a change of the Senior Leaders in HR?

A: No, nothing has happened in the past 6 months and nothing is planned.

Date received: 09.04.20

Reference number: 215.20

Applicant: Charity

Q: Can you tell me how many diagnoses of childhood cancer (Under 16) have were recorded by Addenbrookes Hospital as the Principal Treatment Centre in Eastern England between 1st January 2010 and 31st December 2019? I need the information broken down by the Parliamentary Constituency they were registered as living in at the time of their diagnosis.

A: We do not record the parliamentary constituency that patients are registered under. If you would like us to provide the information regardless of parliamentary constituency then please could you re-submit your request.

Date received: 09.04.20

Reference number: 228.20

Applicant: Commercial

Q1: How do you make the public aware of your contracts and tenders?

A: When applicable OJEU notifications are published.

Q2: How do you commission architectural services?

A: CUH utilises the NHS Shared Business Services Construction Consultancy Framework to procure consultants, this has been nationally tendered for the NHS and is a 4 year framework duration. In some cases, architectural services are retained for continuity such as masterplanning.

Q3: Do you have a design and construction framework?

A: CUH utilises the NHS Shared Business Services Construction Consultancy Framework to procure consultants, this has been nationally tendered and is a 4 year framework duration. When appointing contractors CUH either adheres to the Trust Standing Financial Instructions and goes out to tender to find the most competitive tenderer or utilises an existing framework such as the NHS Shared Business Services Hard FM Framework.

Q4: If you do have a framework, when is it due for renewal?

A: Framework information is available by the NHS Shared Business Services Website (opens in a new tab).

Date received: 27.05.20

Reference number: 235.20

Applicant: NHS

Q: As Deputy Digital Director please can I ask via the FOI email boxes if any FOI officers / Information Governance Managers are aware if their Trusts have a policy on administrative and back office staff socially distancing. Types of issues we are looking for it to cover are – wiping down workstations, number of people in the office, how to socially distance in large offices etc. Also if there is anything about pharmacy / pathology back office teams socially distancing. We would be grateful if you would happy to share this policy you could send us a copy as soon as possible.

A: We do not have a specific policy on social distancing; however we are following the national social distancing guidance. Below is an example of the messaging that has been sent out through various routes including the COVID 19 bulletin to all staff. We have updated our homeworking policy. Social distancing at work It is vital to maintain social distancing as much as possible within the workplace. This is clearly challenging, but to protect colleagues and patients, please adhere to the following requirements:

  • Maintain a two metre distance between yourself and others in all locations around the Campus for your own safety and for the safety of others – this includes moving around the site, queuing for food, visiting the staff sanctuary and taking breaks outside.
  • Consider carefully and plan your route to and from buildings and areas to minimise footfall and touching of door handles, etc.
  • Hold all meetings and conversations remotely. Where this is absolutely unavoidable, no more than five people should meet together and must maintain a two metre distance between each other. If you have to travel to work to carry out tasks which are both essential and absolutely cannot be undertaken from home, travel by car and avoid public transport if possible.

Date received: 01.06.20

Reference number: 281.20

Applicant: Individual

"Please could you provide the following information about the training offered by your Trust?"

Q1: Do you offer Conflict Management training?

A: Conflict Resolution is delivered via e-Learning to all staff clinical and non clinical on commencement and then all staff clinical and nonclinical undertake a 3 yearly refresher. Elearning has been developed as defined by Skills for Health core skills framework. On average we induct circa 1200 staff per year. This training is delivered at no cost to the individual and has been developed and updated by in house eLearning developer at no extra cost to the Trust.

Q2: Do you offer Breakaway training?

A: Yes, this is offered through our In House Trainer at 3 hour sessions.

Q3: Do you offer Physical Intervention training?

A: Yes, this is offered through our In House Trainer on a 5 day course, or 3 day refresher.

Q4: Do you offer Soft Restraint training?

A: We do not currently offer this but it is planned for introduction via our In House Trainer on a 1 day course.

Q4a: And for each of the above, please specify the following:

  • What is the average duration of these sessions?
    • A: As detailed above.
  • Are these sessions provided in-house, or are they contracted?
    • A: As detailed above.
  • Which model of training do you deliver for this (e.g. GSA, NFPS)?
    • A: GSA covers all respective training above.
  • Which staff groups receive this training?
    • A: Identified through a Trust Risk matrix; front line clinical and non-clinical staff, i.e. porters etc. All Trust staff receive Conflict Management Training, PI training is giving to all security staff and Portering Management team; breakaway and soft restraint is based upon the Trust Risk Matrix.
  • How many staff are trained annually for this course?
    • A: Previously over 800 staff were trained per annum, this will increase with the introduction of the in-house trainer. This is newly delivered internally from 2020, exact numbers are not known at this time. Previously approx: 800 staff per year received breakaway and 30 for PI. Expected future training to cover approx 5000 staff.
  • How much is charged per head for this course?
    • A: As delivered internally there is no cost for any courses.

Date received: 02.06.20

Reference number: 284.20

Applicant: Commercial

"Please could you provide all recorded figures for the following questions:"

Q1: How many sharps containers were disposed of annually for your NHS Hospital Trust within the last 10 years?


  • 2010 - 98.25
  • 2011 - 88.81
  • 2012 - 84.44
  • 2013 - 91.16
  • 2014 - 101.15
  • 2015 - 103.56
  • 2016 - 88.06
  • 2017 - 79.24
  • 2018 - 82.06
  • 2019 - 82.06
  • Total - 898.79

This is in tonnes as we do not record any numbers other than tonnage. We are unable to provide the information for 2020 until the period has expired.

Q2: What is the annual recorded cost for sharps container disposal for your NHS Hospital Trust within the last 10 years?


  • 2010 - £81,384.20
  • 2011 - £73,548.60
  • 2012 - £69,800.95
  • 2013 - £75,753.86
  • 2014 - £83,380.77
  • 2015 - £85,878.66
  • 2016 - £74,594.34
  • 2017 - £65,389.85
  • 2018 - £72,514.62
  • 2019 - £68,254.02
  • Total - £750,499.87

We are unable to provide the information for 2020 until the period has expired.

January - March 2020

Date received: 17.12.19

Reference number: 834.19

Applicant: Individual

Q: I am looking for information about payments made by the Trust to the legal firm Hill Dickinson LLP. Please could you provide me with the following: How much money has the Trust paid to legal firm Hill Dickinson LLP from 2007/8 to 2014/15? Please could you break the information down by financial year (2007/8, 2008/9, 2009/10, 2010/11, 2011/12, 2012/13, 2013/14, 2014/15), and state the specific reason for payments, as well as broadly setting out a category for it – NHS contracts, estates / property sales, commissioning, PFI, outsourcing, commercial and procurement, clinical negligence, pharmacy etc.

A: The Trust has not made any payments to Hill Dickinson LLP during the requested period.

Date received: 08.01.20

Reference number: 15.20

Applicant: Individual

Q1: I would like to know about waiting times for patients to receive their discharge medication - what are your targets, key performance indicators or goal turnover time?

A: The Trust sets a goal of 90 minutes for discharge medication turnaround, pharmacy supplies data relating to the percentage of discharges which are completed within this target time. Pharmacy also reports the median turnaround time for discharges and provides the total volume of work dispensed each month for comparative purposes.

Q2: I would like to know the min, max, median and mean waiting times for December 2019 and for 1-7 January 2020. I would like to know the information for the month of December overall, and then separately for the dates 1-7 of January, inclusive, overall.


December 2019

  • Mean (hh:mm:ss) - 01:20:17
  • Median (hh:mm:ss) - 01:00:55
  • Max (dd:hh:mm:ss) - 01:01:52:49
  • Min (hh:mm:ss) - 00:00:01


  • Mean (hh:mm:ss) - 00:37:37
  • Median (hh:mm:ss) - 00:23:58
  • Max (dd:hh:mm:ss) - 00:02:41:09
  • Min (hh:mm:ss) - 00:01:29


  • Mean (hh:mm:ss) - 01:01:09
  • Median (hh:mm:ss) - 00:59:27
  • Max (dd:hh:mm:ss) - 00:04:00:39
  • Min (hh:mm:ss) - 00:00:01


  • Mean (hh:mm:ss) - 01:13:17
  • Median (hh:mm:ss) - 00:47:43
  • Max (dd:hh:mm:ss) - 01:00:53:53
  • Min (hh:mm:ss) - 00:00:01


  • Mean (hh:mm:ss) - 00:59:32
  • Median (hh:mm:ss) - 00:51:44
  • Max (dd:hh:mm:ss) - 00:02:40:22
  • Min (hh:mm:ss) - 00:01:15


  • Mean (hh:mm:ss) - 00:55:09
  • Median (hh:mm:ss) - 00:39:18
  • Max (dd:hh:mm:ss) - 00:04:43:50
  • Min (hh:mm:ss) - 00:02:42


  • Mean (hh:mm:ss) - 01:20:19
  • Median (hh:mm:ss) - 00:53:17
  • Max (dd:hh:mm:ss) - 00:05:26:43
  • Min (hh:mm:ss) - 00:01:19


  • Mean (hh:mm:ss) - 01:43:26
  • Median (hh:mm:ss) - 01:20:58
  • Max (dd:hh:mm:ss) - 00:21:06:55
  • Min (hh:mm:ss) - 00:06:04

Date received: 16.01.20

Reference number: 40.20

Applicant: Individual

Q1: Did any hospitals in your trust declare OPEL - Level 4 within the last 30 days of receiving this FOI?

A: Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust did not declare OPEL 4 within the timeframe referred to.

Q2: If yes which hospitals, or operational sites?

Q2a: How many times?

Q2b: The total length of time that that hospitals in your trust were operating under OPEL - level 4 For question.

Q2c: For question 2, could the figure be provided in the following format: DD:HH:MM.

A: Not applicable.

Date received: 21.01.20

Reference number: 48.20

Applicant: Commercial

Q1: Which training providers do you use for Clinical Engineer training? Example answers: Avensys UK Training Ltd, Eastwood Park Training, OEM training

A: Avensys UK Training Ltd, Eastwood Park Training, OEM training, In-House training.

Q2: Do you employ Apprentices in any Medical Engineering roles?

A: Yes

Q3: How many Clinical Engineers are employed in your EBME / Clinical Engineering department?

A: 35

Date received: 12.02.20

Reference number: 126.20

Applicant: Individual

Q1: What is the total cost per annum (over the last 3 years) that your NHS trust spends upon your bleep / pager system?

A: £58,700 per annum.

Q2: What is the total cost per annum (over the last 3 years) that your NHS trust spends upon replacing equipment pertaining to your hospital bleep / pager system (such as bleeps, transmitters, and expendables such as batteries for bleeps)?

A: £23,182 per annum.

Q3: From which company or companies does your Trust currently buy and / or hire its pager system from?

A: Cyfas, Page One, Stanley Security Solutions.

Q4: What is the length of the contract that your Trust has with this company / these companies and when do these contracts expire?


  • Cyfas – 3 years, expires July 2020
  • Page One – Renewal for 12 months in process
  • Stanley Security Solutions – 3 years, expires December 2020

Date received: 26.02.20

Reference number: 150.20

Applicant: Commercial

Q1: What equipment / system does your endoscopy department use for packaging and storing flexible scopes?

A: Wassenburg Endoscope Drying Cabinets - Models 300 and 320 validated to store scopes for up to 168 hours Lancer Endoscope Drying Cabinets - Model FD8 validated to store scopes for up to 168 hours.

In addition the Trust has a Vac-a-Scope packaging system which enables endoscopes to be packed and stored for up to 30 days.

The endoscope driers are validated as per guidance set out in HTM1-06.

The Vac-a-Scope packaging system is validated using a surrogate device which is packed and stored and then sent to external laboratory to be tested for any bacterial growth.

Q2: How are you currently validating this process?

A: Please refer to the response given in question 1.

Q3: How many incidences do you have with scopes not being available for procedures?

A: The Trust does not hold this information.

Date received: 13.03.20

Reference number: 168.20

Applicant: Commercial

Q1: Do you have an electronic system for your pre-operative department*?

*‘pre-operative department’ and ‘virtual fracture clinics’.

The department / team that assesses patients prior to surgery or pre-operatively and the virtual fracture clinics are fracture clinics that run virtually, for example, the patients X-rays and A&E notes are reviewed and assessed whilst the patient is at home and only called into hospital should the orthopedic team wish to review the patient.

A: Yes - hospital wide PAS system.

Q2: If yes, what is the name of the system?


Q3: Do you have any virtual fracture clinics* running currently in the Trust?

A: Yes.

Q4: If yes, are they paper based or electronically driven? Electronically driven, we are a totally electronic paperless Trust.

Q5: If they are supported by software, what is the name of the software?

A: Epic.