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Environmental Information Regulations (EIR)

The Environment Information Regulations (EIR) give you the right to access environmental information held by our hospitals.

Environmental Information covers information on:

  • The state of the environment: such as air, water, soil, land, flora and fauna and diversity including information on genetically modified organism
  • Emissions and discharges: such as noise, energy, radiation, waste and other such substances
  • Measures and activities: such as policies, plans and agreements, reports, cost benefit and economic analyses
  • The state of human health and safety: including contamination of the food chain
  • Cultural sites and built structures: as they may be affected by environmental factors

Make an EIR request

To make an EIR request, complete the online form.

A request must usually be answered within 20 working days of receipt of the request; however, this may be extended to 40 working days if the request is complex.

Requests under both acts are managed by the Trust's Data Awareness Manager, who can also provide advice for requesters and staff.

Requests that are solely under the EIR Act will be forwarded to the nominated member of staff: Project Manager Service Development, The Estates & Facilities Department.

More information about the EIR Act, visit the Information Commissioner's website. (opens in a new tab)